3 research outputs found

    Open meta-modelling frameworks via meta-object protocols

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    Meta-modelling is central to Model-Driven Engineering. Many meta-modelling notations, approaches and tools have been proposed along the years, which widely vary regarding their supported modelling features. However, current approaches tend to be closed and rigid with respect to the supported concepts and semantics. Moreover, extending the environment with features beyond those natively supported requires highly technical knowledge. This situation hampers flexibility and interoperability of meta-modelling environments. In order to alleviate this situation, we propose open meta-modelling frameworks, which can be extended and configured via meta-object protocols (MOPs). Such environments offer extension points on events like element instantiation, model loading or property access, and enable selecting particular model elements over which the extensions are to be executed. We show how MOP-based mechanisms permit extending meta-modelling frameworks in a flexible way, and allow describing a wide range of meta-modelling concepts. As a proof of concept, we show and compare an implementation in the MetaDepth tool and an aspect-based implementation atop the Eclipse Modelling Framework (EMF). We have evaluated our approach by extending EMF and MetaDepth with modelling services not foreseen initially when they were created. The evaluation shows that MOP-based mechanisms permit extending meta-modelling frameworks in a flexible way, and are powerful enough to support the specification of a broad variety of meta-modelling featuresWork partially funded by projects RECOM and FLEXOR (Spanish MINECO,TIN2015-73968-JIN (AEI/FEDER/UE) and TIN2014-52129-R) and the R&D programme of the Madrid Region (S2013/ICE-3006

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    Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Informatik, Diss., 2011von Sagar Sunkl

    Evaluación y desarrollo incremental de una arquitectura software de referencia para sistemas de teleoperación utilizando métodos formales

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    [SPA] Los sistemas de teleoperación cubren una amplísima gama de misiones y mecanismos, y cada uno de ellos debe satisfacer una serie de requisitos muy específicos. Este trabajo de tesis se ocupa de la evaluación y re-diseño de una Arquitectura de Referencia para sistemas de teleoperación de robots de servicios, utilizando respectivamente los métodos ATAM (Architecture Tradeoff Analysis Method) y ABD (Architecture Based Design). Entre las principales aportaciones de la tesis pueden mencionarse: - La caracterización de los atributos de calidad de los sistemas considerados. - La evaluación de una arquitectura de referencia utilizando el método ATAM. - La propuesta de una nueva descomposición funcional para los sistemas considerados. - La especificación de requisitos para un modelo de componentes aplicable a este tipo de sistemas. Las principales conclusiones del trabajo de tesis pueden resumirse en. - Deben adoptarse estrategias de diseño e implementación que permitan separar por un lado los patrones de interacción entre componentes de su funcionalidad y por otro los diferentes aspectos de dicha funcionalidad. - Es mucho más interesante definir un marco de desarrollo en el que puedan definirse diferentes arquitecturas que intentar definir una sola arquitectura para todo el dominio. [ENG]Teleoperation systems cover a wide range of missions and mechanisms, and each must satisfy a number of specific requirements. The thesis deals with the evaluation and redesign of a reference architecture for robot tele-operation systems, using respectively the methods ATAM (Architecture Tradeoff Analysis Method) and ABD (Architecture Based Design). Among the main contributions of the thesis may be included: - Characterization of quality attributes of the teleoperation systems. - Assessment of a reference architecture using the ATAM method. - A functional decomposition for the considered systems - A requirement specification for a component model applicable to teleoperation systems. The main design drivers for the development of software architectures in the teleoperation are to provide designers with strategies that separate the patterns of interaction between components from their functionality. These strategies should be the basis to define a development framework to define specific architectures aimed to fulfill the specific requirements of the different systems. It is much more interesting to develop such a framework that to attempt to define a single architecture for the entire domain.Universidad Politécnica de Cartagen