84 research outputs found

    Entering the 3rd Generation of e-Learning: Characteristics and Strategies

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    With the rapid development of e-Learning practices in education, the principles and methods of e-Learning have gradually evolved and matured. The purpose of this paper is to identify developmental stages of e-Learning and propose some strategies in establishing a new generation of e-Learning. First, the paper describes the three generations of e-Learning development. Second, the establishment of a 3rd generation e-Learning platform is analyzed. Third, course development in 3rd generation e-Learning is discussed. Using emerging new and user-friendly software, teachers and trainers could design and develop interactive e-Learning resources by themselves. Finally, the importance of staff development in e-Learning knowledge and skills is emphasized. The author points out that teachers and trainers would play a leading and predominant role, with support of instructional designers and technical staff, in implementing 3rd generation e-Learning

    D8.6 Dissemination, training and exploitation results

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    Mauerhofer, C., Rajagopal, K., & Greller, W. (2011). D8.6 Dissemination, training and exploitation results. LTfLL-project.Report on sustainability, dissemination and exploitation of the LtfLL projectThe work on this publication has been sponsored by the LTfLL STREP that is funded by the European Commission's 7th Framework Programme. Contract 212578 [http://www.ltfll-project.org

    A Study of Evidential Particles in Cantonese: the case of wo3 & wo5

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    The study of evidentiality, which has become an indispensable part of linguistic studies, has had a rapid development in the past few decades. However, studies of evidentiality in Cantonese, one of the major dialects spoken by some 70 million people in Hong Kong, Macau and most of the Guangdong province of China, are relatively few. This paper will firstly introduce evidentiality and its derived concept, mirativity, and subjectivity. Then the features of the Cantonese evidential particles wo3 (mid-level tone), which indicates unexpectedness and noteworthiness, and wo5 (low rising tone), which expresses hearsay information, will be analyzed, and a discussion on how a speaker expresses his or her understanding of the objective world through language will be given

    Investigating Manchu Converb from a Diachronic Cross-linguistic Perspective

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    Abstract This thesis investigates Manchu converbs from a diachronic cross-linguistic perspective. This thesis is based on the assumption that function words are not loanwords because of the conservative nature of syntax in general. Secondly, it is assumed that one word is the same as the other word if 1) both share similar or same syntactical functions, 2) both share similar or same phonological features, and 3) both have overlapping semantic fields. It proposes that Manchu phrases headed by converbs should not be regarded as AdvP or a degree word. Rather, Manchu converbal phrases are essentially ConvPs. Evidences supporting this conclusion are two folds. First of all, analogous converbs in Korean and Japanese suggest that Manchu converbs are also ConvPs. Secondly, the analytical problems occurred when Manchu converbal phrases are regarded as AdvP or degree words also suggest that Manchu converbal phrases should be regarded as ConvPs. Keywords: Converb, Manchu, Altaic Languages, Category of Speec

    Об эволюции терминов, обозначающих дистанционное обучение, с помощью сервиса Google Books Ngram Viewer

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    Рассмотрена эволюция терминов в области дистанционного, открытого и онлайнового образования и обучения. Анализ проведен с применением сервиса Google Books Ngram Viewer для выявления частоты встречаемости терминов во временном периоде по шести языковым корпусам публикаций. Определены тенденции применения терминов в сфере образования (сравниваются языковые группы), установлена взаимосвязь использования терминов в области образования с экономическими, социальными, политическими, технологическими факторам

    بررسی عوامل مرتبط با پذيرش سيستم اطلاعات بيمارستانی بر اساس "چارچوب ارزش های رقابتی"

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    مقدمه: فرهنگ حاکم بر سازمان و ديدگاه کارکنان نسبت به فناوری اطلاعات از جمله عوامل مؤثر بر موفقيت در اجرای سيستم های اطلاعات می باشد. مطالعه حاضر با هدف تعيين عوامل مرتبط با پذيرش سيستم اطلاعات بيمارستانی بر اساس "چارچوب ارزش های رقابتی" انجام شد. مواد و روش ها: در اين پژوهش توصيفی-همبستگی، الگوي مفهومی پيشنهادی براساس ادبيات موضوع تدوين، و با نظرسنجی از 7 نفر از خبرگان تأييد گرديد. پرسشنامه دو بخشی مطالعه بر اساس متغيرهای الگوی مورد نظر شامل پرسشنامه "پذيرش سيستم اطلاعات بيمارستان" (Hospital Information System Acceptance) و"ابزار ارزيابی فرهنگ سازمانی" (Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument) مجموعاً حاوی 90 سؤال طراحی شد. روايی به روش نسبت روايي محتوا و پايايی اين ابزار با محاسبه ضريب آلفای کرونباخ مورد بررسی قرار گرفت. داده های پژوهش از طريق توزيع حضوری پرسشنامه ها در ميان 400 نفر از کاربران سيستم اطلاعات بيمارستانی با استفاده از شيوه نمونه گيری طبقه ای در بيمارستان های مورد مطالعه گردآوری شد. آزمون الگوی مفهومی، با استفاده از روش مدل سازی معادلات ساختاری و تحليل مسير با بهره گيری از نرم افزار ليزرل نسخه 7/8 صورت پذيرفت. يافته ها: بررسي شاخص مجذور کای نرم شده (88/1) روشن ساخت الگوی پژوهش با داده ها برازش مطلوبي دارد. شاخص های نيکويی برازش، برازش تطبيقی، برازش تعديل شده، و خطای ريشه مجذور ميانگين تقريب به ترتيب برابر با 98/0، 98/0، 94/0، 047/0 بودند. طبق الگوی مزبور، رابطه فرهنگ توسعه ای با درک سودمندی (020/0 P=) و رابطه فرهنگ توسعه ای و نيز فرهنگ سلسله مراتبی با بکارگيری سيستم از نظر آماری معنی دار بود (019/0 P=). نتيجه گيری: نتايج حاصل از آزمون الگوی پژوهش نشان داد فرهنگ توسعه ای و سلسله مراتبی با پذيرش سيستم اطلاعات بيمارستانی مرتبط هستند. پيشنهاد می شود مسئولين ذيربط در راستای تسهيل و ارتقاء پذيرش سيستم اطلاعات بيمارستانی، به پرورش محيطی با گرايش بيشتر به فرهنگ توسعه ای و فرهنگ سلسله مراتبی در بيمارستان مبادرت ورزند

    Toward Understanding Personalities Working on Computer: A Preliminary Study Focusing on Collusion/Plagiarism

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    Ample research has been carried out in the area of collusion, plagiarism and e-learning. Collusion is a form of active cheating where two or more parties secretly or illegally corporate. Collusion is at the root of common knowledge plagiarism. While plagiarism requires two or more entities to compare, collusion can be determined in isolation. It is also possible that collusion do not lead to positive plagiarism checks. It is therefore the aims of this preliminary study to: (i) identify the factors responsible for collusion in e-learning (ii) determine the prominent factor that is representative of collusion and (iii) through user behaviour including, but not limited to, application switching time, determine collusion. We claim that user computer activities and application processes can help understand user behaviour during assessment task. It is on this premise that we develop a machine learning model to predict collusion through user behaviour during assessment tas

    Rights of Migrants in European Space: Notes for an Introduction

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    Thisintroductorychapterreflectsonthenatureofcontemporarymigratory movements, focusing on transversally relevant themes, such as the spatial dimension of reception, with particular reference to the “right to the city” and the right to housing; the sphere of human rights, with particular attention to the right to mobility, citizenship and social security; the sphere of multilingualism and linguistic rights, with particular regard to migrants’ narratives and education. Starting from these key themes, the volume’s editors provide a synthesis of the experiences gained at the national and international level by the authors of the individual chapters, comparing them with the current international scientific debate on migration. The interdisci- plinary approach and the different and innovative ways of deepening the thematic content of the migration phenomenon have allowed us to identify some key research questions. Their answers find their place in the articulated and complex system of contributions that develops within the book, through three main parts that correspond to the three aforementioned themes

    Peer Knowledge Sharing Outside the Undergraduate STEM Classroom

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    Student interest is associated with persistence in STEM courses of study (Maltese, Melki, Wiebke, 2014). If peers decide, of their own accord, to discuss knowledge among each other outside of the classroom context, the behavior is indicative of deepening interest in the information being shared (Renninger Hidi, 2002). Understanding outside classroom knowledge sharing behaviors among peers involved in a STEM course may help educators construct learning contexts that promote interest and persistence in STEM subjects. To that end, this study examined two important research questions: (1) what are the key factors that influence peer to peer knowledge sharing outside the classroom? and (2) what are the methods the student use to share content knowledge? In order to explore these questions, a qualitative study was designed to explore knowledge sharing between peers outside the classroom. A semi-structured interview protocol with eight students from a Mid-Atlantic community college was conducted to explore students’ perceptions of knowledge sharing between peers. Data were coded and analyzed by a group of researchers and themes were identified and theoretical and practical implications of the study were recorded. Several key facilitators of knowledge sharing were identified: self-efficacy, interpersonal relationships, interpersonal similarity and media richness. Implications for teachers are presented. Limitations and future research are included in the end of the study. Keywords: knowledge sharing, peer to peer, peer learning, knowledge transfer, content knowledge, college science teaching, community colleg

    Two-Year and Four-Year Tertiary Education: Measuring Human Capital Effects on Economic Growth in Developing and Developed Countries with the Uzawa-Lucas Model

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    Tertiary education is believed to be a driver of economic development through the relationship between human capital development and economic output. Global massification efforts of tertiary education have led to increased global demand. Countries with limited tertiary education systems, like developing countries, have employed policies to increase domestic tertiary education opportunities instead of sending students abroad. Many tertiary education policies have focused on importing tertiary education from countries with established tertiary education systems. Import efforts first emphasized university models, but limited success prompted the import of more flexible short-cycle education modeled after the United States’ community college system. Limited empirical research has studied the relationship between tertiary education and economic growth. Currently, there has been no research on the effect of importing U.S. four-year and two-year tertiary education models in other countries and the effect on economic growth. The purpose of this study was to examine differences between two- and four-year U.S. university models implemented in developing countries by examining changes in economic growth. Utilizing country level economic and tertiary education data spanning 1970 to 2013 from The World Bank and the United National Education, Scientific, and Cultural Organization Institute for Statistics in the Uzawa-Lucas model with a General Method of Moments (GMM) estimation of an autoregressive distribution lag model to take into account the lagged effect of tertiary education on economic indicators