716 research outputs found

    On the Recognition of Fan-Planar and Maximal Outer-Fan-Planar Graphs

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    Fan-planar graphs were recently introduced as a generalization of 1-planar graphs. A graph is fan-planar if it can be embedded in the plane, such that each edge that is crossed more than once, is crossed by a bundle of two or more edges incident to a common vertex. A graph is outer-fan-planar if it has a fan-planar embedding in which every vertex is on the outer face. If, in addition, the insertion of an edge destroys its outer-fan-planarity, then it is maximal outer-fan-planar. In this paper, we present a polynomial-time algorithm to test whether a given graph is maximal outer-fan-planar. The algorithm can also be employed to produce an outer-fan-planar embedding, if one exists. On the negative side, we show that testing fan-planarity of a graph is NP-hard, for the case where the rotation system (i.e., the cyclic order of the edges around each vertex) is given

    New Parameters for Beyond-Planar Graphs

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    Parameters for graphs appear frequently throughout the history of research in this field. They represent very important measures for the properties of graphs and graph drawings, and are often a main criterion for their classification and their aesthetic perception. In this direction, we provide new results for the following graph parameters: – The segment complexity of trees; – the membership of graphs of bounded vertex degree to certain graph classes; – the maximal complete and complete bipartite graphs contained in certain graph classes beyond-planarity; – the crossing number of graphs; – edge densities for outer-gap-planar graphs and for bipartite gap-planar graphs with certain properties; – edge densities and inclusion relationships for 2-layer graphs, as well as characterizations for complete bipartite graphs in the 2-layer setting

    Min-kk-planar Drawings of Graphs

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    The study of nonplanar drawings of graphs with restricted crossing configurations is a well-established topic in graph drawing, often referred to as beyond-planar graph drawing. One of the most studied types of drawings in this area are the kk-planar drawings (k≥1)(k \geq 1), where each edge cannot cross more than kk times. We generalize kk-planar drawings, by introducing the new family of min-kk-planar drawings. In a min-kk-planar drawing edges can cross an arbitrary number of times, but for any two crossing edges, one of the two must have no more than kk crossings. We prove a general upper bound on the number of edges of min-kk-planar drawings, a finer upper bound for k=3k=3, and tight upper bounds for k=1,2k=1,2. Also, we study the inclusion relations between min-kk-planar graphs (i.e., graphs admitting min-kk-planar drawings) and kk-planar graphs.Comment: Appears in the Proceedings of the 31st International Symposium on Graph Drawing and Network Visualization (GD 2023

    Weakly and Strongly Fan-Planar Graphs

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    We study two notions of fan-planarity introduced by (Cheong et al., GD22), called weak and strong fan-planarity that separate two non-equivalent definitions of fan-planarity in the literature. We prove that not every weakly fan-planar graph is strongly fan-planar, while the density upper bound for both families is the same.Comment: Appears in the Proceedings of the 31st International Symposium on Graph Drawing and Network Visualization (GD 2023

    Crossing Numbers of Beyond-Planar Graphs

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    Shallow Minors, Graph Products and Beyond Planar Graphs

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    The planar graph product structure theorem of Dujmovi\'{c}, Joret, Micek, Morin, Ueckerdt, and Wood [J. ACM 2020] states that every planar graph is a subgraph of the strong product of a graph with bounded treewidth and a path. This result has been the key tool to resolve important open problems regarding queue layouts, nonrepetitive colourings, centered colourings, and adjacency labelling schemes. In this paper, we extend this line of research by utilizing shallow minors to prove analogous product structure theorems for several beyond planar graph classes. The key observation that drives our work is that many beyond planar graphs can be described as a shallow minor of the strong product of a planar graph with a small complete graph. In particular, we show that powers of planar graphs, kk-planar, (k,p)(k,p)-cluster planar, fan-planar and kk-fan-bundle planar graphs have such a shallow-minor structure. Using a combination of old and new results, we deduce that these classes have bounded queue-number, bounded nonrepetitive chromatic number, polynomial pp-centred chromatic numbers, linear strong colouring numbers, and cubic weak colouring numbers. In addition, we show that kk-gap planar graphs have at least exponential local treewidth and, as a consequence, cannot be described as a subgraph of the strong product of a graph with bounded treewidth and a path

    Upward Book Embeddings of st-Graphs

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    We study k-page upward book embeddings (kUBEs) of st-graphs, that is, book embeddings of single-source single-sink directed acyclic graphs on k pages with the additional requirement that the vertices of the graph appear in a topological ordering along the spine of the book. We show that testing whether a graph admits a kUBE is NP-complete for k >= 3. A hardness result for this problem was previously known only for k = 6 [Heath and Pemmaraju, 1999]. Motivated by this negative result, we focus our attention on k=2. On the algorithmic side, we present polynomial-time algorithms for testing the existence of 2UBEs of planar st-graphs with branchwidth b and of plane st-graphs whose faces have a special structure. These algorithms run in O(f(b)* n+n^3) time and O(n) time, respectively, where f is a singly-exponential function on b. Moreover, on the combinatorial side, we present two notable families of plane st-graphs that always admit an embedding-preserving 2UBE
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