22 research outputs found

    1-Fair Alternator Designs for the de Bruijn Network

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    Wind Power

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    This book is the result of inspirations and contributions from many researchers of different fields. A wide verity of research results are merged together to make this book useful for students and researchers who will take contribution for further development of the existing technology. I hope you will enjoy the book, so that my effort to bringing it together for you will be successful. In my capacity, as the Editor of this book, I would like to thanks and appreciate the chapter authors, who ensured the quality of the material as well as submitting their best works. Most of the results presented in to the book have already been published on international journals and appreciated in many international conferences

    Design of a Remanufacturing Process for an Air Conditioning Unit and its Environmental Implications.

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    Remanufacturing is considered as the most preferable recovery option. The objective of this thesis is to verify this claim and test its validity. A window-mount air conditioner (AC) is selected as a case study to verify the environmental benefits of remanufacturing a product characterized by high energy consumption during the use phase in its lifecycle. A lifecycle approach has been followed. The research investigates the environmental savings in regard to a remanufactured AC compared to a new and equivalent AC. The assessment is conducted with the guidance of the ISO 14044 -2006 life cycle assessment (LCA). Analysis shows that AC remanufacturing is not always an environmentally attractive option; sensitivity analysis shows that ten percent improvement in energy efficiency of new AC is breakeven point. A new and more efficient AC scored better on three areas related to environmental impacts out of five studied. The significance of this study lies in the fact that it provides an authentic example wherein remanufacturing is not always the environmentally preferred recovery option. The developed lifecycle model can be utilized to help AC manufacturers make decisions about the overall environmental performance of their products

    Impact of Different e-Fuels Types on Light Duty Compression Ignition Engine Performance, Emissions and CO2 Life Cycle Analysis

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    [ES] Los combustibles bajos en carbono (LCF) se evalúan como un sustituto adecuado de los combustibles pesados fósiles actuales para un motor de combustión interna de encendido por compresión (CI ICE) en términos de rendimiento del motor, emisiones contaminantes e impacto ambiental. Los combustibles se evalúan de acuerdo con su factibilidad para sustituir los combustibles actuales del mercado con las alternativas LCF. A través de estudios directos y calibración optimizada específica del combustible, se aprovechan las características de bajas emisiones de los LCF para lograr menos emisiones contaminantes sin sacrificar la eficiencia del motor. La calibración se logra mediante la realización de un diseño de experimentos (DOE) a partir del cual se obtienen modelos para cada combustible, para posteriormente optimizar para bajas emisiones de NOx-hollín. Por último, se compara el impacto tanto de la calibración drop-in como de la calibración optimizada en un análisis de ciclo de vida (LCA) que tiene en cuenta la huella de CO2, así como otras categorías de impacto como la acidificación terrestre, la formación de partículas, el consumo de agua y la formación de ozono. En general, se encontró que los LCF probados pueden ser reemplazos adecuados para los CI ICE tanto en las calibraciones directas como en las optimizadas (aunque con algunas consideraciones de hardware), donde se puede alcanzar un rendimiento del motor similar a las líneas de base diésel actuales con importantes reducciones de contaminantes como NOx y hollín. Y adicionalmente, se comprobó que la proporción de renovabilidad del combustible es altamente beneficiosa para la reducción del impacto ambiental del combustible, donde los combustibles completamente renovables (como el LCD100 probado) podrían tener huellas de CO2 por kilómetro similares a las de los vehículos eléctricos en Europa, asumiendo que las materias primas y la energía para la producción de combustible provienen de fuentes renovables.[CA] Els combustibles baixos en carboni (LCF) s'avaluen com un reemplaçament adequat dels combustibles pesats fòssils actuals per a un motor de combustió interna d'encesa per compressió (CI ICE) en termes de rendiment del motor, emissions contaminants i impacte ambiental. Els combustibles s'avaluen segons la seva viabilitat per substituir els combustibles actuals del mercat per les alternatives LCF. Mitjançant estudis d'abandonament i calibratge optimitzat específic del combustible, s'exploten les característiques de baixes emissions dels LCF per aconseguir emissions menys contaminants sense sacrificar l'eficiència del motor. El calibratge s'aconsegueix mitjançant la realització d'un disseny d'experiments (DOE) a partir del qual s'obtenen models per a cada combustible, per posteriorment optimitzar per a baixes emissions de NOx-sutge. Finalment, es compara l'impacte tant de la caiguda com del calibratge optimitzat en una anàlisi de cicle de vida (LCA) que considera la petjada de CO2, així com altres categories d'impacte com l'acidificació terrestre, la formació de partícules en suspensió, el consum d'aigua i la formació d'ozó. En general, es va trobar que els LCF provats poden ser reemplaçaments adequats per als CI ICE tant en les calibracions d'entrada com optimitzades (encara que amb algunes consideracions de maquinari), on es pot assolir un rendiment del motor similar a les línies de base dièsel actuals amb reduccions importants de contaminants com el NOx i el sutge. I addicionalment, es va comprovar que la proporció de renovable del combustible és altament beneficiosa per a la reducció de l'impacte ambiental del combustible, on els combustibles completament renovables (com el provat LCD100) podrien tenir petjades de CO2 per quilòmetre similars a les dels vehicles elèctrics a Europa, assumint que les matèries primeres i l'energia per a la producció de combustible provenen de fonts renovables.[EN] Low carbon fuels (LCFs) are evaluated as a suitable replacement for current fossil heavy fuels for a compression ignition internal combustion engine (CI ICE) in terms of engine performance, pollutant emissions and environmental impact. The fuels are evaluated according to their feasibility to substitute current market fuels with the LCF alternatives. Through drop-in studies and fuel-specific optimized calibration, the low emission characteristics of the LCFs to achieve fewer polluting emissions without sacrificing the engine efficiency are exploited. The calibration is achieved by the realization of a design of experiments (DOE) from which models are obtained for each fuel, to be later optimized for low NOx-soot emissions. Finally, the impact of both the drop-in and optimized calibration are compared in a life cycle analysis (LCA) that considers the CO2 footprint, as well as other impact categories such as terrestrial acidification, particulate matter formation, water consumption and ozone formation. Overall, it was found that the tested LCFs can be suitable replacements for CI ICEs in both the drop-in and optimized calibrations (albeit with some hardware considerations), where engine performance similar to current diesel baselines can be reached with important reductions in pollutants like NOx and soot. And additionally, it was verified that the renewability proportion of the fuel is highly beneficial to the reduction of the environmental impact of the fuel, where completely renewable fuels (like the tested LCD100) could have CO2 footprints by kilometer similar to those of electric vehicles in Europe, assuming that raw materials and energy for the fuel production come from renewable sources.This doctoral thesis has been partially supported by the Conselleria d'Innovació, Universitats, Ciència i Societat Digital de la Generalitat Valenciana through the predoctoral contract (ACIF/2021/200).Guzmán Mendoza, MG. (2024). Impact of Different e-Fuels Types on Light Duty Compression Ignition Engine Performance, Emissions and CO2 Life Cycle Analysis [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/20309

    How can faba-bean cropping contribute to a more sustainable future European agriculture?:Analysis of transition opportunities and barriers in Denmark

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    Clean Energy Systems and Experiences

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    This book reports the latest developments and trends in "clean energy systems and experiences". The contributors to each chapter are energy scientists and engineers with strong expertise in their respective fields. This book offers a forum for exchanging state of the art scientific information and knowledge. As a whole, the studies presented here reveal important new directions toward the realization of a sustainable society

    Generalized harmonic modeling technique for 2D electromagnetic problems : applied to the design of a direct-drive active suspension system

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    The introduction of permanent magnets has significantly improved the performance and efficiency of advanced actuation systems. The demand for these systems in the industry is increasing and the specifications are becoming more challenging. Accurate and fast modeling of the electromagnetic phenomena is therefore required during the design stage to allow for multi-objective optimization of various topologies. This thesis presents a generalized technique to design and analyze 2D electromagnetic problems based on harmonic modeling. Therefore, the prior art is extended and unified to create a methodology which can be applied to almost any problem in the Cartesian, polar and axisymmetric coordinate system. This generalization allows for the automatic solving of complicated boundary value problems within a very short computation time. This method can be applied to a broad class of classical machines, however, more advanced and complex electromagnetic actuation systems can be designed or analyzed as well. The newly developed framework, based on the generalized harmonic modeling technique, is extensively demonstrated on slotted tubular permanent magnet actuators. As such, numerous tubular topologies, magnetization and winding configurations are analyzed. Additionally, force profiles, emf waveforms and synchronous inductances are accurately predicted. The results are within approximately 5 % of the non-linear finite element analysis including the slotted stator effects. A unique passive damping solution is integrated within the tubular permanent magnet actuator using eddy current damping. This is achieved by inserting conductive rings in the stator slot openings to provide a passive damping force without compromising the tubular actuator’s performance. This novel idea of integrating conductive rings is secured in a patent. A method to calculate the damping ratio due to these conductive rings is presented where the position, velocity and temperature dependencies are shown. The developed framework is applied to the design and optimization of a directdrive electromagnetic active suspension system for passenger cars. This innovative solution is an alternative for currently applied active hydraulic or pneumatic suspension systems for improvement of the comfort and handling of a vehicle. The electromagnetic system provides an improved bandwidth which is typically 20 times higher together with a power consumption which is approximately five times lower. As such, the proposed system eliminates two of the major drawbacks that prevented the widespread commercial breakthrough of active suspension systems. The direct-drive electromagnetic suspension system is composed of a coil spring in parallel with a tubular permanent magnet actuator with integrated eddy current damping. The coil spring supports the sprung mass while the tubular actuator either consumes, by applying direct-drive vertical forces, or regenerates energy. The applied tubular actuator is designed using a non-linear constrained optimization algorithm in combination with the developed analytical framework. This ensured the design with the highest force density together with low power consumption. In case of a power breakdown, the integrated eddy current damping in the slot openings of this tubular actuator, together with the passive coil spring, creates a passive suspension system to guarantee fail-safe operation. To validate the performance of the novel proof-of-concept electromagnetic suspension system, a prototype is constructed and a full-scale quarter car test setup is developed which mimics the vehicle corner of a BMW 530i. Consequently, controllers are designed for the active suspension strut for improvement of either comfort or handling. Finally, the suspension system is installed as a front suspension in a BMW 530i test vehicle. Both the extensive experimental laboratory and on-road tests prove the capability of the novel direct-drive electromagnetic active suspension system. Furthermore, it demonstrates the applicability of the developed modeling technique for design and optimization of electromagnetic actuators and devices