19 research outputs found

    Hankō (domain school) library books in the early Meiji era -Use of books in the selection of books at takatō domain

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    This paper discusses the use of and the demand for the books owned by domain schools in the early Meiji period, using the case of the Shinshu Takato Domain. In 1874, the books owned by the domain school of the Shinshu Takato Domain were confiscated by the now-defunct Chikuma Prefecture, which mediated the dispute over the ownership of the books after Haihan-chiken (abolition of feudal domains and establishment of prefectures). However, some of the books were kept in the area thanks to the efforts by local people involved in education. This paper compared these books that were confiscated by the prefectural government, kept in Nagano Normal School, and then have been passed on to the library of the Shinshu University Faculty of Education as “Domain Library,” with the books that have been passed on to the local library of Takato-cho carrying the name of the domain school “Shintoku-kan,” and analyzed the characteristics of the Chinese classic books categorized according to the four-fold classification system as well as Japanese books based on whether they have kanbun kundoku (Japanese reading of Chinese characters) or not. The results of the analysis showed that many of the books that remained in the area were history books and the majority of them have body texts with kun-yomi (native Japanese reading), while most of the Ming editions and Qing editions generally considered valuable books today as well as many of the book whose body texts do not have kun-yomi are included in the books confiscated by the prefectural government. Based on how the history books were kept in a systematic manner, it is believed that the local people had control over the choices and kept those books intentionally. In addition, the local people did not keep the books written by Sorai Ogyu and Shundai Dazai, who were from Kobunjigaku, the traditional school of Takato Domain, which suggests how the books kept in the domain school were used and what kind of demands there were in the early Meiji period. It was revealed the people in Shinshu Takato chose the books they needed in the early meiji period, not because of scholarly tradition or rareness of the books, but because of the practical utility of the books, that is, they chose the books whose body texts have kun-yomi, which are easy for Japanese people to read, and the history books that allow us to learn concrete examples from facts. The books from the domain school are still used in the early Meiji period, which is probably why the people kept practical books in their community. I would like to further explore the books from the perspective of the archive kept in the prefectural government and their connection with the educational system of the Meiji period

    Chūgoku ni okeru nihon kankei tosho ni tsuite

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    [[abstract]]  《上海博物館藏戰國楚竹書(七)》(以下稱《上博七》)正式出版,《凡物流形》即是其中一篇屬於較完整的文章,共分甲、乙二本。甲本共有簡三十支,原整理者曹錦炎認為是完整的,內容相接續,雖少數簡尾有缺損,有缺字,但可據乙本補足。全篇文字共八百四十六字(計合文、重文,不計缺文)。乙本有殘缺,現存簡二十一支,全篇文字共有六百零一字(計合文、重文),可與甲本互補校正。   本論文共分四章,第一章緒論,只要談及研究動機、方法及步驟;第二章針對《凡物流形》簡的編聯進行討論,其中包括《凡物流形》第27簡歸屬問題、字形初步討論及各家簡序討論,最後提出本論文的簡序說明。第三章則是本論文的重點,對於《凡物流形》一文的文字進行考釋,主要是依據簡文內容加以分章,總共分四節,分別是: (一)「萬物生成」章,內容主要是在探究萬物生成、死亡的緣由、對於天地間的規律法則的來由發出的疑問,以及死後成為鬼神等問題。 (二)「自然徵象」章,內容主要對於自然現象發出疑問,如風雨如何行成、日珥、月暈等現象,是否有特別的涵意?先民對此發出疑問。 (三)、「察道」章,內容較偏重於「在上位者」能夠明察天道與否,在施政上會有不同的展現;以及天道迴環往復的概念。 (四)「守一」章,內容承「察道」章而來,進一步的說明,在上位者應遵從天道施政,若能持守「一」的理念思路,則天下大治。 第四章為研究成果展現及尚待解決之問題。在研究過程中,雖極力搜羅資料,但礙於學力不足,仍有問題無法解決,因此期望日後有更多的出土文獻材料,能夠更進一步的探討研究。