1,028 research outputs found

    Fabrication and Properties of (W-Mo-Ni)N Composite Thin Film by Magnetron Sputtering

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    过渡金属氮化物由于其优异的综合性能,在现代工业中已被广泛的应用于机械加工,航天航空,微电子等领域。氮化钨和氮化钼薄膜具备较高的硬度和耐磨性,其热稳定性良好,耐腐蚀性强。在一般情况下,复合薄膜往往具有单一薄膜所不具备的综合性能,具有更强的实用性。在氮化物复合薄膜中,当薄膜中加入原子分数为15%-20%铜或镍等软质相元素时,薄膜的韧性更好硬度更高,因此,本文采用原子比为40:40:20的钼钨镍合金作为靶材,利用磁控溅射设备,制备具有高硬度、高耐磨性、综合性能良好的钼钨镍复合氮化膜。 本实验采用304不锈钢和单晶硅作为基底,在高真空(10-3Pa)条件下,以氩气作为放电气体,氮气作为反应气体,通过...Transition metal nitrides have excellent comprehensive performance, and they have been widely used in mechanical processing, aerospace, microelectronics and other fields in the modern industry. Tungsten nitride and molybdenum nitride thin film with high hardness and well wear resistance, its thermal stability and corrosion resistance are strong. In general, composite films tend to have better comp...学位:工学硕士院系专业:物理科学与技术学院_工程硕士(电子与通信工程)学号:1982013115299

    Controllable fabrication of Cu_2O porous nanostructured films by negative bias deposition method

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    由于具有低成本、无毒、铜源丰富等优点,以及在气敏传感器、太阳能电池、光催化等领域的潜在应用前景,; Cu_2O薄膜引起了人们的广泛关注.采用射频平衡磁控溅射镀膜系统,在薄膜沉积过程中通过施加不同衬底负偏压可控制备了Cu_2O多孔纳米结构薄膜.研; 究发现,所得Cu_2O薄膜具有灵活可调的孔隙度和纳米构筑单元形貌特征,并且它们与衬底负偏压的大小密切相关;薄膜沿衬底法线方向呈柱状生长且具有显著; 的(111)择优取向;禁带宽度在2.0~2.35; eV之间可调.很明显地,传统的溅射离子轰击、再溅射理论并不适合用来解释上述负偏压效应,因此在此基础上提出了一种负偏置沉积过程中材料原子或分子在薄; 膜表面选择性优先沉积机制.As one of the most common two kinds of copper oxides, cuprous oxide; (Cu_2O) is an important p-type transition metal oxide semiconductor; material. Due to the advantages of low-cost, non-toxicity and abundant; copper sources and the potential applications in the fields of gas; sensors, solar cells and photocatalysts, thin films of Cu_2O have; attracted great interest of researchers. To enhance the performances of; the above Cu_2O-based surface-sensitive devices and materials, the; researchers tend to prepare Cu_2O thin films of porous or even; nanoporous structures. However, there is still no effective method; available for the controllable fabrication of Cu_2O porous; nanostructured films (or porous nanostructure-films, short for PNFs),; which owns not only the common features of porous thin films but also; the unique properties of nanosize building units. By using a; radiofrequency balanced magnetron sputtering (MS) deposition system, in; this paper, Cu_2O PNFs were prepared on clean glass slides by applying; different negative bias voltage during film deposition. After the; preparation, a field-emission scanning electron microscope (FESEM), a; grazing-incidence X-ray diffractometer (GIXRD) and an; ultraviolet-visible (UV-Vis) spectrophotometer were applied subsequently; for the detailed characterizations of surface morphology, texture and; optical property respectively. It was observed that the as-prepared; Cu_2O PNFs exhibited flexible porosities and nanosize building units,; which were greatly dependent on the substrate negative bias voltage. In; particular, when the substrate bias voltage was kept at -50 or -150 V,; the as-prepared Cu_2O PNFs both demonstrated intriguing triangular; pyramid-like nanostructures with distinct edges and corners on the; porous film surface. Further, the side view FESEM images and the; out-of-plane GIXRD spectra demonstrated a columnar growth of the Cu_2O; PNFs with a notable preferential orientation of (111). The optical; testing results showed that the band gap of the Cu_2O PNFs obtained at; different negative bias voltages was tunable between 2.0 and 2.35 eV,; which demonstrated a little red or blue shift relative to that of bulk; Cu_2O (2.17 eV). It is expected that the traditional ion bombardment and; re-sputtering theories are not suitable for the explanation of the above; bias voltage effects. This is because the traditional ion bombardment; and re-sputtering theories were proposed to account for the bias; deposition in an unbalanced magnetron sputtering (MS) system rather than; the present balanced MS system. Further, the experimentally observed; non-linearly changed density or porosity of the Cu_2O PNFs with the bias; voltage at relatively low values and the common even surface at; relatively high values confirmed this viewpoint. Based on the above; findings and analysis, a selectively preferential deposition of material; atoms or molecules on the film surface during the negative bias; deposition was proposed. That is, when the substrate is negatively; biased, the tipcharging effect of electrons would occur on the nanoscale; rough surface of the substrate or the depositing film. The resulting; electric field near the substrate or film surface is non-uniform and; could be regarded as an assembly of many electric fields of particle or; tip charges.国家自然科学基金; 江苏省自然科学基金; 江西省教育厅科技项目; 江西省自然科学基

    Study on key fabrication process of micro F-P cavity tunable filter

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    采用表面加工工艺,AZ5214E光刻胶进行光刻并反转,磁控溅射Ni Cr合金,剥离出高度为2.3μm的金属桥墩,填充聚酰亚胺作为牺牲层,再在牺牲层上光刻、沉积金属形成金属桥面,在金属桥面的中心嵌入第二布拉格反射镜。采用O2等离子体刻蚀去除聚酰亚胺膜,制作成微法布里—珀罗(F-P)腔,不需要硅片键合,克服了传统F-P腔高度不够高、调谐范围有限、腔平整度不好以及对设备要求高的缺点,并且可以做出大阵列结构,易于探测器集成。着重对腔体关键工艺,即金属桥墩的Ni Cr剥离工艺进行研究,针对现有技术缺陷,提出解决办法。Using surface processing technology,AZ5214 E photoresist lithography and inverted,magnetron sputtering Ni Cr alloy,stripping out metal pier with height of 2. 3 μm,fill polyimide as sacrificial layer,and then on sacrificial layer photolithography,depositing metal to form metal bridge,in the center of metal bridge surface,embed the second Bragg reflector. Using O2 plasma etch and remove polyimide film,form cavity structure,without silicon bonding,overcome shortcoming that height is not high enough and the limited tuning range of traditional FP cavity,bad flatness of cavity and low demand of equipment,and it can make a large array structure,easy to integrate with the detector. Focus on key fabrication process that is Ni Cr metal stripping process,propose solutions based on existing technical defects.深圳市科技研发资金资助项目(JCYJ20140529163538765


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    由于具有低成本、无毒、铜源丰富等优点,以及在气敏传感器、太阳能电池、光催化等领域的潜在应用前景,CuO薄膜引起了人们的广泛关注.采用射频平衡磁控溅射镀膜系统,在薄膜沉积过程中通过施加不同衬底负偏压可控制备了CuO多孔纳米结构薄膜.研究发现,所得CuO薄膜具有灵活可调的孔隙度和纳米构筑单元形貌特征,并且它们与衬底负偏压的大小密切相关;薄膜沿衬底法线方向呈柱状生长且具有显著的(111)择优取向;禁带宽度在2.0.35 eV之间可调.很明显地,传统的溅射离子轰击、再溅射理论并不适合用来解释上述负偏压效应,因此在此基础上提出了一种负偏置沉积过程中材料原子或分子在薄膜表面选择性优先沉积机制.国家自然科学基金(51501018,11574255);江苏省自然科学基金(BK20150267,BK20141169);江西省教育厅科技项目(GJJ161197);江西省自然科学基金(20132BAB212005)资助

    Research on the electronic and chemical structure study of Zinc oxide/Silicon carbide heterojunction

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    氧化锌(ZnO)半导体材料由于禁带宽度大、激子能量高等诸多优点呈现出良好的紫外光电特性。然而由于电导率较低、载流子浓度不高、稳定性较差等原因,p型ZnO材料的制备仍然面临较大的挑战,直接影响了ZnO基器件的性能。因此寻找合适衬底制备高质量ZnO异质结具有重要的意义。而碳化硅(SiC)由于热稳定性高、化学性能稳定、热导率高、电子饱和和漂移速度快等特点,与ZnO的晶格失配度小(约5%),在SiC衬底上能够获得高质量的ZnO异质结且应用在光电器件上。 本论文研究不同生长方式下制备的ZnO/SiC界面的电子和化学结构,揭示影响异质结性能的关键要素,为器件性能的优化提供技术支持。主要工作包含在n型6H...Zinc oxide (ZnO) is a promising semiconductor material for optoelectronic applications in the ultraviolet (UV) range due to its wide direct bandgap and large exciton binding energy. However, it is a challenge to prepare ZnO homojunction, due to poor performance of p-type ZnO, such as low conductivity, limited carrier concentration, and instability. Therefore, it is important to find suitable subat...学位:工学硕士院系专业:物理科学与技术学院_工程硕士(电子与通信工程)学号:1982013115299

    DLC film prepared with multiple gas sources and its applications

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    类金刚石膜(Diamond-LikeCarbon,DLC)是一种介于金刚石和石墨之间的非晶结构材料。类金刚石膜具有和金刚石类似的许多独特的优良性能,因此被广泛应用在机械、光学、电学以及生物等领域。 等离子体化学气相沉积(PECVD)法是生长含氢DLC膜的常见方法,通常把衬底放在PECVD腔体中的源电极上生长DLC薄膜,这样生长的DLC膜具有更高的硬度。本文采用浸入式PECVD方法生长DLC薄膜,把衬底浸入到等离子体中,使其面临的电场强度和离子团密度等生长参数有别于源电极式PECVD法,因而获得的DLC薄膜样品也具有不同结构和性质。本文分别采用甲烷和乙炔为源气体制备一系列DLC膜,并利用原子力...DLC film (Diamond-Like Carbon, DLC) is an amorphous carbon material with many similar properties as crystalline diamond, and is widely used in mechanical, optical, electrical and biological fields. Plasma chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) method is a common method for the growth of hydrogenated DLC films, and the substrate is usually placed on the powered electrode of PECVD cavity to grow DLC fil...学位:工程硕士院系专业:物理科学与技术学院_工程硕士(电子与通信工程)学号:1982013115299


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    采用磁控溅射法在硅衬底上制备了LaCoO3(LCO)薄膜,研究了退火温度对LCO薄膜组织结构、表面形貌及热电特性的影响,并利用X射线衍射仪、原子力显微镜(AFM)、激光导热仪等对LCO薄膜的晶体结构、表面形貌、热扩散系数等进行测量与表征.结果表明:退火温度对LCO薄膜的结晶度、晶粒尺寸和薄膜表面形貌都有较大影响;退火前后LCO薄膜的热扩散系数都随温度的升高而减小,且变化速率逐渐减缓; LCO薄膜的热扩散系数随退化温度的升高先增大后减小.LCO薄膜经过700℃退火后得到最佳的综合性能,其薄膜表面致密、平整,结晶质量最好,热扩散系数最小,热电性能最好.重庆市教委科技项目(KJ131319

    Properties of Germanium Composited Lithium Phosphate Solid Electrolyte Thin Film

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    固体电解质,作为一种具有离子导电性的固态物质,其应用已经渗透到很多的领域,如新型固体电池、高温氧化物燃料电池、离子传导型传感器件和太阳能电池等。其中固体电解质在锂离子电池中有着极其重要的应用,其固态性质可以大大提高锂离子电池的安全性,并且使手机等电子设备实现超长待机。在此之前研究较多的固体电解质薄膜为无定形态的LiPON,其离子电导率已达到1×10-6~3×10-6S/cm。通过在磷酸锂中掺杂氮元素,改善了磷酸锂本身较差的离子电导率(~10-18S/cm)。近期,锗元素和硫元素已经被引入非薄膜态的固体电解质,并且已经得到了比较理想的结果。本论文在此基础之上,通过射频磁控溅射方法实现了对磷酸锂的...Solid electrolyte has been intensively applied to kinds of fields, such as new type of solid cells, ionic conduction sensors, solar cells and so on. Among them, the application of solid electrolyte in lithium ion batteries (LIBs) is very important, due to the safety issue. Now, the mostly researched solid electrolyte thin film is the amorphous LiPON, which presents the ionic conductivity as high a...学位:工学硕士院系专业:物理与机电工程学院_微电子学与固体电子学学号:1982012115278