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    一、寫作動機及內容 「當初我在設計學院出來時,滿腔熱誠,很有『火』,畢業後馬上找一份設計的工作。」我一位從事設計行業的朋友這樣對我說。 「但做了半年,就知道根本不是你心中所想的。」他又說:「設計,起初很喜歡,後來很討厭。處處受人掣肘,不是能夠發圍的行業。」 「當一切都不屬於自己的時候,就會覺得什麼都不在乎了。」最後他總結:「我現在已經完全麻目了,設計只是一份工作。我不需要掌聲,收貨就好。」 我聽著他的話,覺得非常悲哀,又可怕。我還沒有畢業,打工的經驗也少,未能完全了解他的感受。但我不斷地想:現實,究竟能將人的理想磨蝕到什麼樣的程度呢?它能夠把人的意志扭曲成什麼模樣呢?我想探究這些問題,於是寫了〈殺寇〉。 二、寫作目標 我想探討一個人的轉變。 與原作者直接對話,固然能直接了解他的心路歷程,然而,這樣的故事想必會流於單調乏味吧,於是我採用了雙故事線發展的模式:「我」除了與創作者交談外,更直接對創作者的作品加以描述。我採用「連載漫畫」作媒介;透過「連載漫畫」的劇情發展,可窺探創作者的心理變化

    Treasonous repertoires: Performing collaboration and musical life in Japanese-occupied Beijing, 1937–1945

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    This thesis explores the musical culture of the “occupation state” in Japanese-occupied Beijing during the Second Sino-Japanese War (1937–1945). While cultural production in support of resistance against the Japanese in wartime China is well explored and its memory propagated to boost the CCP’s legitimacy, music composed and performed in support of the occupation state in Japanese-occupied China has largely been disregarded or dismissed. This thesis thus lies at the hitherto uncharted intersection of several areas of research, including wartime “collaboration”, the cultural history of Japanese-occupied north China, the development of music in wartime China, and musical culture of occupation more broadly. What can we learn about the occupation state in north China through an analysis of the musical repertoires and performance practices it developed and appropriated, and how does accounting for the musical culture of the occupation state alter our understanding of musical culture in wartime China? To address these questions, I draw on a broad range of sources, including musical scores, performance programmes and campaign reports published in the occupation state’s main news outlets, as well as archival material pertaining to the regime’s propaganda policies, music textbooks, a private collection of wartime concert programmes, musicians’ (auto)biographies and recordings. The first three chapters offer an overview of the occupation state, as well as its organization, ideologies and main campaigns in north China. They also provide a critical view of the historiography of music in twentieth century China, explaining the significance of this thesis as an intervention into dominant narratives, and a detailed account of the musical infrastructure in Japanese-occupied Beijing. The second part of the thesis offers a detailed musical analysis of the evolving musical repertoires and performance practices developed and appropriated by the regime with a particular focus on “new music”. I also consider how the regime employed collective and individual gendered voices and the spatial aspects of sound. I show how the song commission and mass singing activities initiated by the occupation state, as well as local musical elites’ concern for topical repertoire and voices, were surprisingly similar to musical developments in both pre-war China and in the non-occupied areas in wartime China. Such continuities and similarities draw into question long-standing narrative alignments between the aesthetic and moral judgement of musical culture in wartime China. I further show how musical repertoire and practice reflects changes and dissonances in the occupation state’s relationship with its citizens and reveals the regime’s attempts at mitigating the limitations of its territorial control, countering the normalization of the condition of occupation, and forging a distinctly local identity for itself through concert programme design. This analysis of the musical culture of the occupation state in north China thus contributes not only to our understanding of the cultural history of the occupation state in Japanese-occupied north China, but to broader discussions of musical culture in twentieth-century China and the role of music in shaping military occupations more broadly


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    自1911 年日本人鈴木三郎首次由新加坡引進孤挺花在台灣種植以來,至今栽培歷史已達百餘年。雖然國內氣候溫暖適合孤挺花全年栽培,但是根據農產品交易行情網資料,每年孤挺花切花總交易量約3 萬7 千支,其中由國內生產供應的切花約1 萬7千支(約46%),年產值約為32.8 萬元新台幣,而進口的切花約為2 萬支(約54%),交易額則達128 萬元新台幣!可見國內孤挺花產業,目前在產量與產值仍處於劣勢

    The Innovation and Counseling of Amaryllis Industry in Taiwan

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    孤挺花發展外銷切花及開花球產業,是台灣極具發展潛力的球根花卉創新產業。農業試驗所研發孤挺花組織培養及雙鱗片培養種苗量化繁殖技術,快速生產健康孤挺花小苗 (直徑3–15mm),配合田間防蟲網隧道網室栽培,可以快速大量生產健康開花球,提供外銷切花產業需求。協助及輔導 “台灣孤挺花育種栽培文化推廣協會” 的成立,更能加速凝聚產業力量,導入政府研發技術能量,開啟孤挺花外銷切花創新世代。 The export cut flower of Amaryllis is an expected potential industry in Taiwan. The Taiwan Agricultural Research Institute has developed the tissue culture and double scales culture technique. These technique can mass produced healthy amaryllis bulb from the small bulblet (diameter: 3–15 mm) to large bulb (diameter: 24–28 cm), Combined with the cultivation of the tunnel net chamber, we could produce a large number of healthy flowering bulbs for exporting cut flower industry demand. As the establishment of "The Breeding and Cultivation Promotion Association of Taiwan Amaryllis" came true, we could accelerate the integration of industrial forces, introduce the government's research and developed technology and open the new generation of cut flowers

    Study on manipulation of flowering in Hippeastrum hybridum Hort.

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    本研究目的在於利用修根、停水、鱗莖大小、激勃素及貯藏溫度處理孤挺花鱗莖以探討開花調節之方法。孤挺花'Red Lion''品種的鱗莖經修根處理可增快種植速率,但是經修根處理並沒有促進開花,若存留10cm的根長,則其葉片最多且最長;經修根處理,可以增加鱗莖的側根數,根域生長良好。但若將鱗莖的根全部去除,則失去固定力,影響葉長,且第一花莖最短,一次根之根數最少。 孤挺花'Red Lion''品種的鱗莖經停水處理可促進花芽發育且不影響開花品質,停水8週,花芽最快萌出,且最早開花。停水處理影響分支根生長,而經停水處理的分支根數較多。'Apple Blossom''、'Picotee''品種的鱗莖大小會影響孤挺花開花,大的鱗莖有早開花的現象,而其花朵數、花莖數亦較多於較小鱗莖。'Best Seller''品種的鱗莖浸泡0、10、50、100ppm激勃素溶液24小時,經處理的鱗莖可以增加開花率,促進第一花莖伸長及增加葉片長度。 孤挺花'Apple Blossom''、'Picotee''及'Red Lion''品種的鱗莖以5、9、17及25℃各2組乾燥貯藏處理;其結果顯示在不同的貯藏溫度處理中,以高溫25℃處理者較慢開花,且葉片有較長的現象。另外,將鱗莖行三組變溫貯藏處理(A:25℃(2週)、17℃(2週)、9℃(2週)、5℃(2週),B:25℃(2週)、17℃(2週)、5℃(4週),C:25℃(2週)、5℃(6週))及一組恆溫25℃(8週)為對照組;結果顯示經各組變溫處理者均較恆溫處理者提早開花。鱗莖種植後其周徑、球重明顯地減少,而'Apple Blossom''種植後則有分球的現象。花芽從萌出至第一朵花開需3-8週的時間而花莖萌出初期生長緩慢,後期則迅速伸長。The purpose of this study is trying to use root pruning, water interruption, bulb size, gibberellin acid (GA3) and bulb storage temperature to understand the flowering regulation of Hippeastrum hybridum Hort. Root pruning could increased growing rate, but flowering was not promoted in ''Red Lion''. Saving root length for 10 cm when planting could obtained largest number and longest leaf. Root pruning could also increase bulb''s secondary (branched) roots and has good rooting system. Excised all the root resulted in lose plant stand support, leaf growth, short first scape, and least primary roots. Holding water supply up to 8 weeks could increase flower bud development but not affect the flowering quality on ''Red Lion''. Eight weeks of water interruption resulted in the earliest flower emergence and flowering. Water interruption also has a phenomenon of large number of secondary (branched) roots. Bulb size could affect the flowering of ''Apple Blossom'' and ''Picotee''. As bulb size increased, the early flowering was increased. Number of florets and scapes of large bulbs were more than that of small bulbs. Gibberellin acid also affect Hippeastrum hybridum Hort. cv. Best Seller flowering. As GA3 concentration was increased from 0 to 100 ppm, flowering rate, first scape, and leaf length was increased. ''Apple Blossom''、 ''Picotee'' and''Red Lion''of bulbs were stored dry in 5、9、17, and 25℃ for 2 weeks could be improved flowering. The results showed that the higher temperature the later anthesis, also the longer leaf. Besides, bulbs treated in 3 group of varied temperatures (A:25℃(2 weeks), 17℃(2 weeks), 9℃(2 weeks), 5℃(2 weeks); B:25℃(2 weeks), 17℃(2 weeks), 5℃(4 weeks); C:25℃(2 weeks), 5℃(6 weeks)) and one of constant temperature (25℃(8 weeks)) for contrast. The results showed each group of varied temperatures got earlier anthesis. However, bulbs after dry storage treatment lose significantly weight and size, but got several offsets as replanting of''Apple Blossom''. Bud emergence to first flower anthesis needs 3 to 8 weeks, and the growth rate of scapes during the earlier emergence stage was much slower than that of the later stage.壹、前(Introduction)------------------------------------------------------------1 貳、前人研究(Literature review)---------------------------------------------3 一、植物學分類與生育特性-------------------------------------------------3 二、地中植物(geophytes)的根形態與生--------------------------------4 三、球根花卉之休眠----------------------------------------------------------6 四、生長與開花----------------------------------------------------------------7 五、鱗莖貯藏------------------------------------------------------------------11 六、園藝栽培操作管理------------------- ----------------------------------13 七、生長調節劑處理---------------------------------------------------------15 參、材料與方法(Materials methods)--------------------------------------- 17 一、植物材料------------------------------------------------------------------17 二、其他材料------------------------------------------------------------------17 三、栽培環境------------------------------------------------------------------18 四、試驗方法------------------------------------------------------------------18 1、留根處理對孤挺花生長與開花之影響----------------------------18 2、不同鱗莖大小對孤挺花生長與開花之影響-------------------------18 3、停水處理對孤挺花生長與開花之影響-------------------------------19 4、激勃素處理對孤挺花生長與開花之影響----------------------------19 5、鱗莖恆溫貯藏處理對孤挺花生長與開花之影響-------------------19 6、鱗莖變溫貯藏處理對孤挺花生長與開花之影響-------------------20 五、試驗設計與統計分析---------------------------------------------------20 六、植株性狀調查------------------------------------------------------------21 肆、結果 (Results)-------------------------------------------------------------22 一、留根處理對孤挺花生長與開花之影響-------------------------- 22 二、不同鱗莖大小對孤挺花生長與開花之影響---------------------23 三、停水處理對孤挺花生長與開花之影響---------------------------23 四、激勃素處理對孤挺花生長與開花之影響---------------------------23 五、鱗莖恆溫貯藏處理對孤挺花生長與開花之影響------------------24 六、鱗莖變溫貯藏處理對孤挺花生長與開花之影響------------------25 伍、討論(Discussion)----------------------------------------------------------27 陸、圖表(Table and figure)---------------------------------------------------34 柒、參考文獻(Reference)-----------------------------------------------------61 捌、中文摘要(Summary)-----------------------------------------------------68 玖、英文摘要(Englishsummary)---------------------------------------------69 拾、附錄(Appendix)-----------------------------------------------------------7

    溫氏捕植璊(Amblyseius womersleyi Schicha)族群對補充食物花粉及二點葉璊(Tetranychus urticae Koch)之數量反應

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    於人工載台上添加豆葉粉,可降低溫氏捕植璊(Amblyseius womersleyi Schicha)的各齡期之逃跑率。溫氏捕植璊單獨取食羅氏鹽膚木、油茶及紫花藿香薊與玉米、南瓜、冇骨消、百合花、火龍果及炮杖等9種花粉時,捕植璊只能發育至前若璊期;取食冰樹、含笑花及孤挺花花粉時可發育為成璊但不產卵。冰樹、含笑花、孤挺花花粉與二點葉璊的混合比例對溫氏捕植蟎族群密度之增殖影響顯著,此三種花粉最大添加量介於10 ~ 30﹪間。溫氏捕植蟎飼以二點葉蟎卵及幼蟎(EL)與冰樹花粉(PL)的混合食物(9EL:1PL)可獲得最高族群密度(893.4蟎 / 載台),次為含笑花花粉(785.2蟎 / 載台)與孤挺花花粉(781.2蟎 / 載台)。捕植蟎各齡期所佔頻度對族群增殖率間之關係,以無母數分析結果顯示冰樹、含笑花與孤挺花花粉對溫氏捕植蟎各齡期所佔頻度與族群增殖率間關係顯著,(c2=8.05,6.98與11.30;c20.05,1 >3.841),故捕植蟎成蟎數佔整個族群比例較高時,族群增殖率會逐漸下降,反之亦然。捕植蟎性比對族群增殖率間之影響亦然,(冰樹、含笑花與孤挺花花粉對溫氏捕植蟎各飼育時間下之性比與族群增殖率經分析c2值分別為3.57、6.38及4.67;c20.1,1 >2.706),當溫氏捕植之性比低於0.5時,族群增殖率逐漸下降,或當溫氏捕植蟎之性比高於0.5時,隨後族群增殖率則逐漸上升。溫氏捕植蟎於人工載台之密度隨飼育期之增長,呈S型方程式增殖,由迴歸公式推測族群需23日達最高密度(776.3蟎 / 載台),其族群最高增殖率為第9 ~ 10日。單位面積出現最高族群量為收穫期評估依據,則最佳之收穫期應為第23日,適宜之收穫期(>750蟎 / 載台)介於23 ~ 31日間。The study showed that the supplement of bean leaf powder on artificial arena could reduce the escape of Amblyseius womersleyi Schicha. The predator of A. womersleyi were able develop up to protonymph only when they fed on either one of 9 kinds of pollen from nutgall tree, oil camellia, mexicon ageratum, maize, pumpkin, Chinese elder, lily, pitaya and orange trumpet vine. The pollens from ice plant or banana shrub or amaryllis pollen were able to sustain A. womersleyi to develop up to adult but produce no eggs. The different mix ratios of pollens from ice plant, banana shrub, amaryllis and two-spotted spider mites had significant influence on the population densities of A. womersleyi. The maximum supplementary amounts of these three pollens exist between 10 to 30 percentages. Feeding on 7 / 3 to 9 / 1 of prey eggs and larvae / pollen ratio of ice plant, banana shrub and amaryllis of food diet, A. womersleyi was able to produce 893.4 mites / arena, 785.2 mites / arena and 781.2 mites / arena, respectively. Use non-parametric analysis, A. womersleyi showed that mixture of pollen of ice plant, banana shrub, amaryllis and two-spotted spider mites had significant relationship between stage specific frequency and population increase rate (X2 = 8.05、6.98 and 11.30, p > 0.05). Therefore, while adult of A. womersleyi occupied higher population, population increase rate would lower, vice versa. The sex ratio of A. womersleyi had similar effect on population increase rate (X2 = 3.57、6.38 and 4.67, p > 0.1). When the sex ratio of A. womersleyi was lower than 0.05, population increase rate would lower, while the sex ratio of A. womersleyi was higher than 0.05, population increase arose. According to the increase of rearing period, the density of A. womersleyi on the artificial arena increase in a sigmoid increased in a sigmoid function and took 23 days to reach it’s peak(776.3mites / arena). The highest population increase rate fell on day 9 to 10. The ultimate harvest time for predators was at day 23 and the suitable harvest duration was during days 23 to 31. 1. 前言 1 2. 往昔研究 3 2.1. 二點葉蟎的生物特性及重要性 3 2.2. 溫氏捕植蟎的生物特性 4 2.3. 族群之年齡結構 5 2.4. 捕植蟎的大量繁殖 6 2.5. 數量反應 8 2.6. 數量反應之應用 9 3. 材料與方法 10 3.1. 飼育食餌之準備 10 3.1.1. 二點葉蟎之準備 10 3.1.2. 花粉之準備 11 3.2. 飼育載台之準備 11 3.3. 捕植蟎之準備 12 3.4. 添加豆葉粉對溫氏捕植蟎發育期與逃跑率之影響 12 3.5. 花粉對溫氏捕植蟎族群之影響 12 3.6. 二點葉蟎食餌與花粉之混合食物對溫氏捕植蟎族群密度之影響 13 3.7. 二點葉蟎食餌與花粉之混合食物對溫氏捕植蟎齡期結構、性比與族群增殖率間之關係 14 3.8. 溫氏捕植蟎族群數量反應之分析方法 15 4. 結果與討論 16 4.1. 添加豆葉粉對溫氏捕植蟎發育期與逃跑率之影響 16 4.2. 花粉對溫氏捕植蟎族群之影響 17 4.3. 二點葉蟎食餌與花粉之混合食物對溫氏捕植蟎族群密度之影響 18 4.3.1. 冰樹、含笑花及孤挺花花粉不同添加比例下,同種花粉對溫氏捕植蟎族群密度之影響 18 冰樹花粉與二點葉蟎食餌之混合食物對溫氏捕植蟎族群密度之影響 18 含笑花花粉與二點葉蟎食餌之混合食物對捕植蟎族群密度之影響………………………………………………………20 孤挺花花粉與二點葉蟎食餌之混合食物對捕植蟎族群密度之影響………………………………………………………21 4.3.2. 冰樹、含笑花及孤挺花花粉不同添加比例下,不同種花粉對捕植蟎族群密度之影響 22 二點葉蟎食餌與花粉比例為1EL:1PL 22 二點葉蟎食餌與花粉比例為7EL:3PL 23 二點葉蟎食餌與花粉比例為9EL:1PL 24 4.4. 二點葉蟎食餌與花粉之混合食物對溫氏捕植蟎各齡期結構及雌成蟎性比之影響 26 4.4.1. 二點葉蟎食餌與花粉之混合食物對溫氏捕植蟎齡期結構之影響…………………………………………………………………26 4.4.2. 二點葉蟎食餌與花粉之混合食物對溫氏捕植雌成蟎性比之影響…… 27 添加冰樹花粉的二點葉蟎混合食物對捕植蟎之性比影響 ……………………………………………………………..27 添加含笑花粉的二點葉蟎混合食物對捕植蟎之性比影響 ……………………………………………………………..28 添加孤挺花花粉的二點葉蟎混合食物對捕植蟎之性比影響 28 4.5. 溫氏捕植蟎取食不同二點葉蟎食餌與花粉之混合食物時族群之數量反應 29 5. 總結 33 6. 參考文獻 35 中文摘要 48 ABSTRACT 49 表目錄 表一、研究使用的花粉種類………………………………………………... 51 表二、於人工載台上添加豆葉粉及取食二點葉蟎時,溫氏捕植蟎飼之發育期………………………………………………………………….. 52 表三、於人工載台上添加豆葉粉及取食不同花粉時,溫氏捕植蟎之發育期與死亡率….………………………………………………………. 53 表四、取食二點葉蟎卵-幼蟎與冰樹花粉不同比例之混合食物時,捕植蟎之族群增殖….……………………………………………………. 54 表五、取食二點葉蟎卵-幼蟎與含笑花花粉不同比例之混合食物時,捕植蟎之族群增殖….…………………………………………………. 57 表六、取食二點葉蟎卵-幼蟎與孤挺花花粉不同比例之混合食物時,捕植蟎之族群增殖…………………………………..………………... 60 表七、溫氏捕植蟎以0.005克二點葉蟎卵-幼蟎與0.005克冰樹、含笑花及孤挺花花粉混合食物飼育時之族群增殖….…………………. 63 表八、溫氏捕植蟎以0.007克二點葉蟎卵-幼蟎與0.003克冰樹、含笑花及孤挺花花粉混合食物飼育時之族群增殖….…………………. 64 表九、溫氏捕植蟎以0.001克二點葉蟎卵-幼蟎與0.009克冰樹、含笑花及孤挺花粉混合食物飼育時之族群增殖……….……………..... 65 表十、花粉作為溫氏捕植蟎食物源之評估指數…….…………….……… 66 表十一、冰樹、含笑花及孤挺花花粉作為溫氏捕植蟎食物源之總評估值 68 表十二、溫氏捕植蟎取食二點葉蟎食餌與花粉之混合食物下,各飼育期之族群增殖量………………………………………….…. 69 圖目錄 圖一、添加豆葉粉於2 × 2㎝2人工載台上溫氏捕植蟎各齡期之逃跑率.. 70 圖二、溫氏捕植蟎以二點葉蟎與冰樹花粉混合食物飼育時族群之齡期結構……………………………………………………………………… 71 圖三、溫氏捕植蟎以二點葉蟎與含笑花花粉混合食物飼育時族群之齡期結構…………………………………………………………………… 72 圖四、溫氏捕植蟎以二點葉蟎與孤挺花花粉混合食物飼育時族群之之齡期結構………………………………………………………………… 73 圖五、溫氏捕植蟎以二點葉蟎與冰樹花粉混合食物飼育時族群之性比…. 74 圖六、溫氏捕植蟎以二點葉蟎與含笑花花粉混合食物飼育時族群之性比... 75 圖七、溫氏捕植蟎以二點葉蟎與孤挺花花粉混合食物飼育時族群之性比... 76 圖.八、餵食0.005克二點葉蟎之卵及幼蟎與0.005克冰樹花粉之溫氏捕植蟎族群各齡期密度之迴歸線及方程式………………………………. 77 圖.九、餵食0.007克二點葉蟎之卵及幼蟎與0.003克冰樹花粉之溫氏捕植蟎族群各齡期密度之迴歸線及方程式……………………………… 78 圖.十、餵食0.009克二點葉蟎之卵及幼蟎與0.001克冰樹花粉之溫氏捕植蟎族群各齡期密度之迴歸線及方程式………………………………. 79 圖.十一、餵食0.005克二點葉蟎之卵及幼蟎與0.005克含笑花花粉之溫氏捕植蟎族群各齡期密度之迴歸線及方程式………………………. 80 圖.十二、餵食0.007克二點葉蟎之卵及幼蟎與0.003克含笑花花粉之溫氏捕植蟎族群各齡期密度之迴歸線及方程式………………………. 81 圖.十三、餵食0.009克二點葉蟎之卵及幼蟎與0.001克含笑花花粉之溫氏捕植蟎族群各齡期密度之迴歸線及方程式………………………. 82 圖.十四、餵食0.005克二點葉蟎之卵及幼蟎與0.005克孤挺花花粉之溫捕植蟎族群各齡期密度之迴歸線及方程式…………………………. 83 圖.十五、餵食0.007克二點葉蟎之卵及幼蟎與0.003克孤挺花花粉之溫氏捕植蟎族群各齡期密度之迴歸線及方程式………………………. 84 圖.十六、餵食0.009克二點葉蟎之卵及幼蟎與0.001克孤挺花花粉之溫氏捕植蟎族群各齡期密度之迴歸線及方程式………………………. 8

    A study on the effects of temperature and chemicals on the flowering of Hippeastrum hybridum hort

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    本試驗之研究目的首先瞭解孤挺花在台灣周年生長發育的實際情形,再利用溫度、藥 劑、水分等處理鱗球來探討促進花芽發育的最有效的方法。 溫度對促進花芽的發育,用5 ℃處理30天最早開花,開花率100% ;但是第一花莖長 和葉長最短。於30℃30天的處理則第一花莖長和葉長最長,但是開花延遲,開花率僅 77%鱗球變溫處理用濕潤的狀態比乾燥的效果好,可以提早開花、開花率也提高,第 一花莖長和葉長都比較長;不過孤挺花鱗球在實用上以乾燥狀態處理較方便。 浸泡Ethrel溶液790 ppm 可最早開花,但是第一花莖長和葉長最短。乙烯500 ppm 通 氣處理,以通氣2次的效果最好。氰氨其化鈣用2%可提早開花而且開花率100% 。 氰胺則延遲開花也降低開花率。 花序數調查2月和10月份,有4個花序數的高峰期,由解剖觀察得知成熟鱗球中具有 2個以上花序數。從掃描式電子顯微鏡觀察到花芽分化各階段外部形態的變化,並由 光學顯微鏡中觀察獲得營養生長點和生殖生長點形態結構上的轉變,更應證了孤挺花 每分化4張葉片就有1個花序創始、分化的模式

    Establishment of Cut flower and Bulb Propagation Techniques System in Facilities of Amaryllis

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    蒐集之孤挺花商業品種共34 品種,進行栽培生育調查,結果篩選出單瓣品種#199、#75 及#105 及重瓣品種#211、#148 與TSS1 等6 品種適合做切花生產。在防雨設施具遮蔭網室內栽培6 品種孤挺花,其花莖長度較露天及防雨網室栽培為長,以#199 及#211 品種表現較佳。將TSS1品種之花莖分三時期成熟度進行採收並比較切花之瓶插壽命,結果以stage 2 採收之花莖瓶插壽命較佳。不管任何孤挺花品種,只要切花先於預措液中30 分鐘,皆可促進切花儲運後之瓶插壽命,而在品種比較中則以‘Queen Silvia’之瓶插壽命較佳,整體瓶插壽命可達9.3 天,其次是‘Mega Star’,整體瓶插壽命可達8.7 天。孤挺花‘LO’若有先以C 液進行預措處理,經貯運7天後,整體瓶插壽命與未貯運之效果差不多,可維持切花瓶插品質。選擇適合切花之孤挺花單、重瓣各6 品種進行雙鱗片繁殖比較,結果各品種間具差異性,單瓣品種以以#210 表現較佳,每球小鱗球繁殖數為30.1 球、小鱗球平均重量為1.4 g;重瓣品種以以‘TSS1’表現最佳,每球小鱗球繁殖數為40.3 球、小鱗球平均重量為2.5 g。以雙鱗片進行組培量化繁殖,結果以N0B0 之處理在誘導率、總再生小芽數及增殖倍率之效果較佳,以N2T2 處理之效果最差;以小花梗為培殖體進行組培量化培養基測試,結果以含N4B6 之生長調節劑處理之總再生小芽數及增殖倍率最佳。孤挺花‘TSS1’種球進行不同栽培環境養球比較試驗,結果以不具遮蔭網室種植之種球其周徑及重量表現較佳。 34 commercial amaryllis varieties were collected and cultivated to evaluate as cut flower. The result showed that varieties of single-flowers including #199, #75, #105 and varieties of double-flowers like #211、#148 as well as TSS1 are suitable for cut flowers. These six cultivars of amaryllis were cultivated in shaded net-house with rainproof facility. The scape lengths of amaryllis grown in shaded-net house with rainproof facility were longer than those grown in open-field and rainproof net-house without shaded-net. Among all, cultivars #199 and #211 were better than others. Maturity of scapes of TSS1 was separated into 3 stages. Cut flowers of TSS1 of different stages were harvested and used to evaluate the vase life. The result showed that the vase life was longer when cut flowers were harvested at stage 2. Regardless of any amaryllis variety, the cut flowers pretreated with preservative solution for 30 minutes could improve the vase life after storage. Comparing the vase life of different varieties, ‘Queen Silvia’ was the better one with a longer vase life, lasting up to 9.3 days, followed by ‘Mega Star’ which vase life was 8.7 days. The vase life of amaryllis ‘LO’ after 7 days of storage was similar to the control group if pre-treated with preservative C which showed that quality of the cut flowers can be maintained. Comparing twin-scale multiplication in six varieties of single-flower and six varieties of double-flower, the results showed that multiplication were different depended on varieties. #210 was better in the six single-flower varieties, which have 30.1 multiplication bulbs and the average weight of bulbs was 1.4g. While ‘TSS1’ was the best in six double cultivars with 40.3 multiplication bulbs and the average weight of bulbs was 2.5g. As to propagation test by tissue culture, explants cultivated in N0B0 treatment showed the best induction rate, total number of shoots and proliferation rate while those in N2T2 treatment were the worst. When using the pedicels as explants, different PGR treatments were compared and the result showed that total number of regenerated buds and multiplication rate were the best when treated with N4B6. Comparing the effects of different environments on growing of bulblets ‘TSS1’, those raised in the unshaded net-house performed better in circumference and weight