130 research outputs found

    Listening in the Language Classroom: The Case for Extensive Listening

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    この論文は、多聴(Extensive Listening) をリスニング力を向上させるだけでなく、言語学習の全体的な向上のためのアプローチとすることを考察したものである。多聴は、聞き取りのための豊富な学習材料を学習者に提供するものである。多聴は、現状では、使用も研究も十分になされておらず、学習教材も十分に提供されていない。この論文では、リスニングそれ自体も考察し、また関係するリスニングアプローチにも言及する。そして多聴を取り上げ、説明する。最初に多読と比較し、多聴を使うことの利点を挙げ、三つの多聴の学習法を説明する。最後に、多聴が将来的に関心が高まる調査分野であることを述べる。This paper considers Extensive Listening (EL) as an approach not just for discretely improving listening skills, but to improve overall language ability. Extensive listening is the provision to learners of abundant aural texts. EL is currently under-used and under-researched, and there is a relative paucity of materials available to be used. Within this paper, the nature listening itself is considered, and the current prevalent approaches to listening noted. Extensive Listening is then introduced and explained, firstly in comparison with Extensive Reading (ER). Reasons are posited for using EL, and three methods for doing so are introduced. The authorconcludes noting that this is a research area that is likely to see considerably increased interest in the coming years

    Potential Benefits of Extensive Reading and Extensive Listening Suggested by Survey Results

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    This paper explores the efficacy of extensive reading (ER) while listening. Participants of the study were thirty-one university students who experienced ER with and without audio in and outside the classroom for at least one semester. They expressed their favorable feelings toward ER with CDs compared to ER without recordings in a 6-point Likert scale questionnaire completed in the last lesson. A one-way analysis of variance was carried out utilizing their answers to the questions in addition to the number of words they read and their scores on the Edinburgh Project on Extensive Reading “Placement/Progress Test A” administered at the beginning and end of the semester. Statistically significant differences were observed in their responses to some survey statements between the students who read more than the mean amount and who read fewer as well as between those who scored higher than the mean on the post-test and those whose scores were lower. The outcomes implied that participants who accumulated more words than the average were engrossed in stories they were reading and listening to without thinking about English grammar and translating English to Japanese during ER with audio. Similarly, students who achieved a higher than the average score on the post-test seemed to have been reading English in English, forgetting about Japanese and remembering stories more when they were reading while listening than when they were just reading extensively


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    A Report on the Initial BYOD Implementation in Hiroshima University

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    The purpose of this paper is to report on the operation of a BYOD classroom and discuss operational problems and countermeasures. In 2015, Hiroshima University introduced a new system in which students have to bring their own PCs. In Japan, Hiroshima University is a pioneer in this regard. With the introduction of the system, the university’s expenses for equipment installation seem to have been greatly reduced. However, the system has also simultaneously raised various concerns such as a lack of knowledge concerning computer usage, budget, personnel, and motivation. This paper reports on the practical usage of students’ own PCs in the BYOD-type CALL classroom and the issues the teacher and students have faced in this environment. In addition, a questionnaire on BYOD-type PCs was conducted, and the results show that the students had opportunities to handle their own PCs on a daily basis; however, the PCs were not used continuously in classes and the students were not fully accustomed to handling them. As a countermeasure, in addition to making the operational manuals simpler and more accessible, it is necessary to provide preliminary education for improving students’ computer competence and to strengthen the existing support system


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    エイゴ キョウイク ニ オケル タチョウ ノ コウカ

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    日本の英語教育においては学習者の「読む」「聴く」量が絶対的に不足しており、このインプット不足が英語運用能力向上を妨げているとの指摘はすでに多くの研究者によって報告され、またその欠陥を補う学習法として多読が提唱されてきた。筆者のこれまでの調査によってもその有効性は確認されているが、そもそも母国語の習得は耳から、すなわち聴覚からスタートすることを考えると、多聴の重要性にもっと焦点があてられるべきであり、学習も多聴から多読へと進むのが自然と考えられるべきである。近年のオーディオ機器の発達、インターネットの普及と高速化によって多種多様な音声素材が誰にでも容易に入手できるようになり、多聴学習環境も日進月歩の勢いで整ってきている。これらを活用し、より自然な言語習得に近い方法での学習法を考察し、検証した。Extensive reading (ER) has been widely practiced and its benefits were recognized, butnot much research has been done on the effects of extensive listening (EL) yet. There isno doubt that plenty of input is essential in the development of language skills and, considering the fact that people learn their mother tongue by listening first, it should be necessary to put more emphasis on EL practice.Many of the recently published Language Lerners\u27 Literature books come with audiorecordings, and web pages provide an ample amount of materials for listening practiceonline. Also, audiobooks are easily available, and the spread of portable audio devicessuch as the iPod and other MP3 players, the iPhone and other smart phones are enablingthe learners to practice effectively. The learning environment is rapidly improving.This research looks into the benefits of EL on lower proficiency EFL learners at a Japanese university