3,628 research outputs found

    Deployment, Coverage And Network Optimization In Wireless Video Sensor Networks For 3D Indoor Monitoring

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    As a result of extensive research over the past decade or so, wireless sensor networks (wsns) have evolved into a well established technology for industry, environmental and medical applications. However, traditional wsns employ such sensors as thermal or photo light resistors that are often modeled with simple omni-directional sensing ranges, which focus only on scalar data within the sensing environment. In contrast, the sensing range of a wireless video sensor is directional and capable of providing more detailed video information about the sensing field. Additionally, with the introduction of modern features in non-fixed focus cameras such as the pan, tilt and zoom (ptz), the sensing range of a video sensor can be further regarded as a fan-shape in 2d and pyramid-shape in 3d. Such uniqueness attributed to wireless video sensors and the challenges associated with deployment restrictions of indoor monitoring make the traditional sensor coverage, deployment and networked solutions in 2d sensing model environments for wsns ineffective and inapplicable in solving the wireless video sensor network (wvsn) issues for 3d indoor space, thus calling for novel solutions. In this dissertation, we propose optimization techniques and develop solutions that will address the coverage, deployment and network issues associated within wireless video sensor networks for a 3d indoor environment. We first model the general problem in a continuous 3d space to minimize the total number of required video sensors to monitor a given 3d indoor region. We then convert it into a discrete version problem by incorporating 3d grids, which can achieve arbitrary approximation precision by adjusting the grid granularity. Due in part to the uniqueness of the visual sensor directional sensing range, we propose to exploit the directional feature to determine the optimal angular-coverage of each deployed visual sensor. Thus, we propose to deploy the visual sensors from divergent directional angles and further extend k-coverage to ``k-angular-coverage\u27\u27, while ensuring connectivity within the network. We then propose a series of mechanisms to handle obstacles in the 3d environment. We develop efficient greedy heuristic solutions that integrate all these aforementioned considerations one by one and can yield high quality results. Based on this, we also propose enhanced depth first search (dfs) algorithms that can not only further improve the solution quality, but also return optimal results if given enough time. Our extensive simulations demonstrate the superiority of both our greedy heuristic and enhanced dfs solutions. Finally, this dissertation discusses some future research directions such as in-network traffic routing and scheduling issues

    Energy-efficient coverage with wireless sensors

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    Many sensor networks are deployed for the purpose of covering and monitoring a particular region, and detecting the object of interest in the region. In these applications, coverage is one of the centric problems in sensor networks. Such problem is centered around a basic question: ``How well can the sensors observe the physical world?\u27\u27 The concept of coverage can be interpreted as a measure of quality of service provided by the sensing function in various ways depending on sensor devices and applications. On the other hand, sensor nodes are usually battery-powered and subject to limitations based on the available battery energy. It is, therefore, critical to design, deploy and operate a wireless sensor network in an energy-efficient manner, while satisfying the coverage requirement. In order to prolong the lifetime of a sensor network, we explore the notion of connected-k-coverage in sensor networks. It requires the monitored region to be k-covered by a connected component of active sensors, which is less demanding than requiring k-coverage and connectivity among all active sensors simultaneously. We investigate the theoretical foundations about connected-k-coverage and, by using the percolation theorem, we derive the critical conditions for connected-k-coverage for various relations between sensors\u27 sensing radius and communication range. In addition, we derive an effective lower bound on the probability of connected-k-coverage, and propose a simple randomized scheduling algorithm and select proper operational parameters to prolong the lifetime of a large-scale sensor network. It has been shown that sensors\u27 collaboration (information fusion) can improve object detection performance and area coverage in sensor networks. The sensor coverage problem in this situation is regarded as information coverage. Based on a probabilistic sensing model, we study the object detection problem and develop a novel on-demand framework (decision fusion-based) for collaborative object detection in wireless sensor networks, where inactive sensors can be triggered by nearby active sensors to collaboratively sense and detect the object. By using this framework, we can significantly improve the coverage performance of the sensor networks, while the network power consumption can be reduced. Then, we proceed to study the barrier information coverage problem under the similar assumption that neighboring sensors may collaborate with each other to form a virtual sensor which makes the detection decision based on combined sensed readings. We propose both centralized and distributed schemes to operate a sensor network to information-cover a barrier efficiently. At last, we propose and study a multi-round sensor deployment strategy based on line-based sensor deployment model, which can use the fewest sensors to cover a barrier. We have an interesting discovery that the optimal two-round sensor deployment strategy yields the same barrier coverage performance as other optimal strategies with more than two rounds. This result is particularly encouraging as it implies that the best barrier coverage performance can be achieved with low extra deployment cost by deploying sensors in two rounds. In addition, two practical solutions are presented to deal with realistic situations when the distribution of a sensor\u27s residence point is not fully known

    Generalizable automated pixel-level structural segmentation of medical and biological data

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    Over the years, the rapid expansion in imaging techniques and equipments has driven the demand for more automation in handling large medical and biological data sets. A wealth of approaches have been suggested as optimal solutions for their respective imaging types. These solutions span various image resolutions, modalities and contrast (staining) mechanisms. Few approaches generalise well across multiple image types, contrasts or resolution. This thesis proposes an automated pixel-level framework that addresses 2D, 2D+t and 3D structural segmentation in a more generalizable manner, yet has enough adaptability to address a number of specific image modalities, spanning retinal funduscopy, sequential fluorescein angiography and two-photon microscopy. The pixel-level segmentation scheme involves: i ) constructing a phase-invariant orientation field of the local spatial neighbourhood; ii ) combining local feature maps with intensity-based measures in a structural patch context; iii ) using a complex supervised learning process to interpret the combination of all the elements in the patch in order to reach a classification decision. This has the advantage of transferability from retinal blood vessels in 2D to neural structures in 3D. To process the temporal components in non-standard 2D+t retinal angiography sequences, we first introduce a co-registration procedure: at the pairwise level, we combine projective RANSAC with a quadratic homography transformation to map the coordinate systems between any two frames. At the joint level, we construct a hierarchical approach in order for each individual frame to be registered to the global reference intra- and inter- sequence(s). We then take a non-training approach that searches in both the spatial neighbourhood of each pixel and the filter output across varying scales to locate and link microvascular centrelines to (sub-) pixel accuracy. In essence, this \link while extract" piece-wise segmentation approach combines the local phase-invariant orientation field information with additional local phase estimates to obtain a soft classification of the centreline (sub-) pixel locations. Unlike retinal segmentation problems where vasculature is the main focus, 3D neural segmentation requires additional exibility, allowing a variety of structures of anatomical importance yet with different geometric properties to be differentiated both from the background and against other structures. Notably, cellular structures, such as Purkinje cells, neural dendrites and interneurons, all display certain elongation along their medial axes, yet each class has a characteristic shape captured by an orientation field that distinguishes it from other structures. To take this into consideration, we introduce a 5D orientation mapping to capture these orientation properties. This mapping is incorporated into the local feature map description prior to a learning machine. Extensive performance evaluations and validation of each of the techniques presented in this thesis is carried out. For retinal fundus images, we compute Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curves on existing public databases (DRIVE & STARE) to assess and compare our algorithms with other benchmark methods. For 2D+t retinal angiography sequences, we compute the error metrics ("Centreline Error") of our scheme with other benchmark methods. For microscopic cortical data stacks, we present segmentation results on both surrogate data with known ground-truth and experimental rat cerebellar cortex two-photon microscopic tissue stacks.Open Acces

    Anisotropic Adaptation on Unstructured Grids

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    The efficient representation of the highly directional features in a flow field with adapted anisotropic grids forms the focus of the analysis. Anisotropic adaptation is more effective than isotropic adaptation and requires more degrees of freedom from the mesh, which also demands the use of unstructured grids in the adaptation. The size and orientation of an anisotropic element require a matrix-like local feature indicator. The Hessian, a matrix composed of the second derivatives of an appropriate flow variable, is defined and used as a feature indicator in the adaptation. The Hessian provides a metric that defines the length of an edge and the lengths of all edges are equal in the optimized mesh. The techniques to minimize the differences among edge lengths are discussed and those chosen include node enrichment, node removal, edge swapping and point smoothing. The results indicate that the mesh in which the edge lengths are equalized is not correct for three major flow features one frequently encounters. The inflections existing near the wall in a boundary layer result in coarse grids there. A “wall” Hessian is defined to replace the second derivatives and give a more appropriate spacing for high Reynolds number flow modeling. Difficulties in the adaptation of discontinuities are addressed. Remedies proposed are to limit the minimum physical edge length and smooth the Hessian such that the discontinuity refinement encompasses more layers of elements. The methodology to refine the discontinuity equally is also proposed. The invalidity of the Hessian in a free stream is corrected to give a reasonable grid size in that region. The concepts involved in the extension of the length-based approach to three dimensions are addressed. The difference and difficulties in three-dimensional adaptation are discussed

    Control and Data Analysis of Complex Networks

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    abstract: This dissertation treats a number of related problems in control and data analysis of complex networks. First, in existing linear controllability frameworks, the ability to steer a network from any initiate state toward any desired state is measured by the minimum number of driver nodes. However, the associated optimal control energy can become unbearably large, preventing actual control from being realized. Here I develop a physical controllability framework and propose strategies to turn physically uncontrollable networks into physically controllable ones. I also discover that although full control can be guaranteed by the prevailing structural controllability theory, it is necessary to balance the number of driver nodes and control energy to achieve actual control, and my work provides a framework to address this issue. Second, in spite of recent progresses in linear controllability, controlling nonlinear dynamical networks remains an outstanding problem. Here I develop an experimentally feasible control framework for nonlinear dynamical networks that exhibit multistability. The control objective is to apply parameter perturbation to drive the system from one attractor to another. I introduce the concept of attractor network and formulate a quantifiable framework: a network is more controllable if the attractor network is more strongly connected. I test the control framework using examples from various models and demonstrate the beneficial role of noise in facilitating control. Third, I analyze large data sets from a diverse online social networking (OSN) systems and find that the growth dynamics of meme popularity exhibit characteristically different behaviors: linear, “S”-shape and exponential growths. Inspired by cell population growth model in microbial ecology, I construct a base growth model for meme popularity in OSNs. Then I incorporate human interest dynamics into the base model and propose a hybrid model which contains a small number of free parameters. The model successfully predicts the various distinct meme growth dynamics. At last, I propose a nonlinear dynamics model to characterize the controlling of WNT signaling pathway in the differentiation of neural progenitor cells. The model is able to predict experiment results and shed light on the understanding of WNT regulation mechanisms.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Electrical Engineering 201

    Quantum walks: a comprehensive review

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    Quantum walks, the quantum mechanical counterpart of classical random walks, is an advanced tool for building quantum algorithms that has been recently shown to constitute a universal model of quantum computation. Quantum walks is now a solid field of research of quantum computation full of exciting open problems for physicists, computer scientists, mathematicians and engineers. In this paper we review theoretical advances on the foundations of both discrete- and continuous-time quantum walks, together with the role that randomness plays in quantum walks, the connections between the mathematical models of coined discrete quantum walks and continuous quantum walks, the quantumness of quantum walks, a summary of papers published on discrete quantum walks and entanglement as well as a succinct review of experimental proposals and realizations of discrete-time quantum walks. Furthermore, we have reviewed several algorithms based on both discrete- and continuous-time quantum walks as well as a most important result: the computational universality of both continuous- and discrete- time quantum walks.Comment: Paper accepted for publication in Quantum Information Processing Journa

    Estimation of Extreme Responses and Failure Probability of Wind Turbines under Normal Operation by Controlled Monte Carlo Simulation

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    Path Similarity Analysis: a Method for Quantifying Macromolecular Pathways

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    Diverse classes of proteins function through large-scale conformational changes; sophisticated enhanced sampling methods have been proposed to generate these macromolecular transition paths. As such paths are curves in a high-dimensional space, they have been difficult to compare quantitatively, a prerequisite to, for instance, assess the quality of different sampling algorithms. The Path Similarity Analysis (PSA) approach alleviates these difficulties by utilizing the full information in 3N-dimensional trajectories in configuration space. PSA employs the Hausdorff or Fr\'echet path metrics---adopted from computational geometry---enabling us to quantify path (dis)similarity, while the new concept of a Hausdorff-pair map permits the extraction of atomic-scale determinants responsible for path differences. Combined with clustering techniques, PSA facilitates the comparison of many paths, including collections of transition ensembles. We use the closed-to-open transition of the enzyme adenylate kinase (AdK)---a commonly used testbed for the assessment enhanced sampling algorithms---to examine multiple microsecond equilibrium molecular dynamics (MD) transitions of AdK in its substrate-free form alongside transition ensembles from the MD-based dynamic importance sampling (DIMS-MD) and targeted MD (TMD) methods, and a geometrical targeting algorithm (FRODA). A Hausdorff pairs analysis of these ensembles revealed, for instance, that differences in DIMS-MD and FRODA paths were mediated by a set of conserved salt bridges whose charge-charge interactions are fully modeled in DIMS-MD but not in FRODA. We also demonstrate how existing trajectory analysis methods relying on pre-defined collective variables, such as native contacts or geometric quantities, can be used synergistically with PSA, as well as the application of PSA to more complex systems such as membrane transporter proteins.Comment: 9 figures, 3 tables in the main manuscript; supplementary information includes 7 texts (S1 Text - S7 Text) and 11 figures (S1 Fig - S11 Fig) (also available from journal site