75 research outputs found

    The study about IPO earnings management 、short-term change of accounting firms and performance variation

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    本文以上市公司IPO年度的盈余管理为出发点,旨在探讨不同程度和不同类型的盈余管理是否会对IPO后两年内的会计师事务所变更产生不同的影响,并研究了这些发生了事务所变更的上市公司在IPO后三年的业绩变化情况。 上市公司在IPO过程中普遍存在盈余管理行为,并且成功的盈余管理往往需要会计师事务所的配合。真实盈余管理下公司改变了实质的经营活动,一般不会涉嫌会计处理问题,而需要事务所网开一面甚至是提供决策帮助的,主要是应计盈余管理。 IPO盈余管理行为得到了会计师事务所的纵容甚至是帮助的上市公司,往往在成功上市之后有更换事务所的动机,并且站在事务所的角度,也有不再为其提供审计服务的考虑,因此有不少上市...This paper starts with the phenomenon that most listed companies manage earnings at their IPO years, aiming at probing whether different levels and different kinds of earnings management may have different affects on the change of accounting firms within the subsequent 2 years.Besides,this paper also researches on those companies’s operating performance within 3 three years after their IPO. ...学位:会计硕士院系专业:管理学院_会计硕士学号:1752013115119

    Research on the impact of the tourism listing Corporation of refinance to business performance

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    近年来,随着大众生活水平的提高,人们越来越注重生活品质,旅游逐渐走进人们的生活中。但是,旅游业的生存发展需要大量的资金注入,资本作为企业的血液,是企业经营活动的最主要的推力,由于融资是企业募集资本的重要方式,公司的融资成本和募集资金的使用情况会对公司的经营业绩带来影响,同时资本结构的变化也会对公司的经营业绩带来影响,但以往学者主要研究股权再融资方式对股本结构的影响,对再融资方式对经营业绩影响的研究还是凤毛麟角,为此本文将就旅游上市公司进行再融资对经营业绩的影响展开研究。 本文采用回归分析法对新浪财经网、巨潮资讯网以及上海、深圳证券交易所的相关数据进行分析,探讨中国旅游上市公司不同的再融资方式...Founded survival as well as the development of enterprises need a lot of money into capital, as enterprises in the blood, is the main thrust of economic activities。When there is a shortage of corporate funds, it will need to be financed.Refinancing refers constantly to raise funds after the establishment of the enterprise to meet the development needs of their production behavior. Then after the f...学位:旅游管理硕士院系专业:管理学院_旅游管理学号:1782012115115

    The empirical study about earnings management and performance on “second pass the review meeting” company

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    本文观察“二次过会”上市公司在上市后出现业绩大幅变脸的现象比较严重,已成功上会公司中二次过会的成功率要大于首次过会的成功率。因此本文进行实证研究,主要研究“二次过会”上市公司在IPO上市当年的盈余管理水平以及上市后业绩变化情况。对于盈余管理的研究本文既包括应计盈余管理也包括真实盈余管理。 “二次过会”在第一次过会没有成功后,为了能够提高二次过会的成功率,就有足够的动机进行盈余操纵,而且“二次过会”上市公司为了能够过会成功往往采取诸如删除风险提示、更换主承销商、更改财务数据等不合理的手段。在一些“二次过会”上市公司采取手段成功上市后,其隐藏的问题爆发,造成业绩的大幅度下降,给投资者造成了巨大的...Amog “second pass the review meeting” company’s performance is a particular concern and post-ipo performance decline is more serious.So this paper will use empirical study.Mainly study the level of earnings management in the IPO year and post-ipo performance on “second pass the review meeting” company. Earnings management can include accrual earnings management and real earnings management. “Se...学位:会计硕士院系专业:管理学院_会计硕士学号:1752013115119

    Analysis on Outstanding Achievements of Coming to the Market Corporations of Concepts of Colleges and Universities

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    以 2 0 0 0~ 2 0 0 2年度沪深股市 3 0家具备高校概念的上市公司为样本 ,研究了高校概念与公司业绩之间的关系 ,发现在平均意义上 ,高校概念上市公司与一般公司相比并未因为所谓的“高校优势”而创造超常业绩。相反 ,在对行业因素进行调整之后无论从业绩还是业绩变化的角度看 ,高校概念上市公司的表现甚至比一般公司要差。最后对高校概念上市公司业绩不佳的原因进行了分析Taking thirty coming to the market corporations having concepts of colleges and universities in Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets in year 2000 to 2002 as samples, the article studied the relationship between concepts of colleges and universities and the outstanding achievements of the corporations The results showed that, in average, the corporations of colleges and universities concepts didn't create extraordinary achievements because of their “advantages of colleges and universities” comparing with normal companies On the contrary, after adjusting the trade elements, whether from the point of view of achievements or the change of achievements, the performance of corporations of colleges and universities concepts were worse than that of normal companies At last, the reasons for the bad performance of such corporations were analyzed江苏省十·五规划滚动课题“高校上市公司治理研究”(综合 1 0~ 1 2 )系列研究成果之

    A Study on the Relationship Between the CEO Nature and Pay-for–Performance of Family Business

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    家族企业活跃在世界各个角落,无论在哪里,家族企业都是一种重要的组织形式。 在全球,有65%~80%的企业由家庭所有或经营。而在世界500强中家族企业所占的 比例也达到了四成。随着家族企业的发展壮大,家族企业的经营方式和管理方式需 要更加规范、科学,这时家族企业需要从家族经营转型到非家族经营。而解决这一 问题的有效途径便是引入职业经理人。但在引入职业经理人之后,由于代理问题的 存在,家族企业需要对职业经理人进行薪酬激励。 而近年来,频繁出现的高管天价薪酬事件引来了社会各界的众多争议。2015年1 月起,央企负责人薪酬管理办法明确了以“挂钩业绩”为核心的高管薪酬管理原则。 薪酬与业...Family business located in every corner of the world. The family business is a major form of all organizations no matter where. Globally, 65% to 80% of the enterprises are owned or operated by a family. In the world's top 500 businesses, family businesses’ proportion reached four percent. With the development and expansion of the family business, the mode of operation and management of family ...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:管理学院_会计硕士学号:1752013115117

    The Impact of Institutional Ownership on Corporate Performance: Value-Finding or Value-Creation?

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    借着管理层“超常规发展机构投资者”的政策东风,我国的机构投资者迅速崛起,已经成为了市场上一支不可忽视的重要力量。正因如此,机构投资者的行为模式、其对市场以及上市公司的影响等内容引起了诸多学者的关注。有鉴于此,本文着眼于现有的市场环境,从机构投资者持股比例变化与公司业绩以及公司业绩变化的关系这一角度,研究机构投资者的价值发现和价值创造能力,以期为决策层提供参考意见。 本文以2004~2009年间在我国沪深两市进行交易的984家上市公司的面板数据为样本,通过建立实证模型来探究我国的机构投资者是否具备价值发现能力,在此基础上,本文还探究了我国的机构投资者是否具备价值创造能力。另外,考虑到不同机构投...Directly benefited from the board’s policy: “extraordinary development of institutional investors”, China’s institutional investors have risen sharply and gradually become an important force in the security market. As a result, many scholars have paid a lot attention to institutional investors’ behavior and their impacts on the market and corporations. Focused on the current market environment, th...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院金融系_投资学学号:1562008115213


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    Research of refinancing’influence on operating performance of listed companies

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    近年来,我国再融资市场进一步发展,不仅在融资规模上已经超过首发融资,融资结构上也发生较大变化。再融资是否能成为提升上市公司质量,推动实体经济发展有效手段,也成为越来越多的学者关注和探讨的焦点。但是,始终没有形成统一的意见。本文以在2007、2008、2009年进行再融资的沪深A股上市公司为样本,采用对比分析和实证分析相结合的方法,对上市公司再融资前后的经营业绩变化进行趋势对比,与同期行业平均值进行横向比较,分析再融资对上市公司业绩的影响,并探究内在原因,提出相应的政策建议。 首先,对上市公司公开增发、定向增发、配股、发行公司债券前后的经营业绩变动进行对比:一是比较上市公司自身在再融资前后的业...In recent years, China's refinancing market further developed.Not only the scale of refinancing is over IPO financing ,but also financing structure also has changed greatly. If refinancing can bean effective mean to improve the quality of listed companies and advance economy,become the focus of attention of more and more scholars. However, it has not formed a unified opinion. In this paper, we tak...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:管理学院_工商管理硕士(MBA)学号:1792006115144

    Research on The Failure of A-listed Company Equity Incentive——Based on The Case Study of WoSen Biology

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    所有权与经营权的分离是现代经济快速发展的必然结果,伴随而来的是严重的代理问题。股权激励通过赋予高管股权,将管理者自身利益与企业利益“捆绑”在一起,有助于实现管理者与股东的目标一致性,进而缓解代理问题。然而,股权激励的实施同样带来了高管自谋福利、盈余管理、股价操纵等一系列新的问题。因此,如何合理实施股权激励成为理论界与实务界共同关注的热点问题。 本文以沃森生物的股权激励计划为例,通过对股权激励的动机、激励期间的投资行为以及实施后的业绩变化情况三方面的分析,对沃森生物股权激励失败成因进行了分析与总结,并结合先前学者的研究,对我国上市公司如何科学合理实施股权激励计划提出了相关建议。 通过文献研究...As the rapid development of modern economy, the breakaway of proprietary rights and management rights is an inevitable result, which brings serious agency problem. By giving executives equity incentive, the executives' interests will be bound up with the enterprise's interests, which will help to achieve the goal-congruence. However, equity incentive also brings a series of new problems, such as s...学位:会计硕士院系专业:管理学院_会计硕士学号:1842014115063

    Empirical Study on Pre-SEO and Post-SEO Performance of China’s Listed Companies

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    本文在评述了新股增发业绩表现相关理论研究的基础上,以我国深沪两市1998年至2002年间增发A股的上市公司为研究对象,考察增发新股后这些公司的业绩表现,以及对增发后公司经营业绩变动的影响因素进行回归分析。并尝试用自由现金流假说、信息不对称和盈余管理假说,来解释增发后公司经营业绩下降这一现象。研究结果表明,增发后公司经营业绩出现明显的滑落趋势,同时研究结果也支持自由现金流假说和盈余管理假说关于增发后公司经营业绩下降的理论解释。文章共分为五章,简要介绍如下:第一章:相关理论与文献回顾。回顾了国内外关于增发的经营业绩的研究情况。第二章:研究背景。介绍了我国增发新股的概况,同时比较了增发和配股作为再融...This dissertation investigates the listed companies' operating performance around seasoned equity offerings (SEO) with the sample of companies that conduct SEO between 1998 and 2002.There are three theories to explain the phenomenon: Free Cash Flow Hypothesis, Asymmetric information Theory and Earnings Management Hypothesis. The analysis reveals that SEO companies have post-issue declines in opera...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:管理学院企业管理系_企业管理(含财务管理、市场营销、人力资源管理)学号:20021400