13 research outputs found

    Study on Several Key Technologies of Diagnostic Information Extraction for Face Diagnosis in Traditional Chinese Medicine

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    面诊是中医望诊的重要内容,为中医临床必察之项。中医学认为,人体是一个有机的整体,面部犹如反映人体生理病理的一面镜子,望五官神色变化,可直接诊察脏腑病变。 面诊的优点在于它的方便和快捷:无论多么复杂的病症,通过查看患者的面部,就能快速地阐明主要的病理过程。因此,在临床应用、自我诊断方面具有重要的价值。按照21世纪医学最有前景的诊断方向:无痛、无伤,面诊是很少的诊法之一。然而,传统的面诊方法依赖于医生直观的定性观察。人眼难以分辨细小的差异,判断结果容易因人而异,具有主观性,重复性也差。这些缺点给面诊的进一步发展带来严重的困难。因此,对中医面诊的客观化进行研究,对于中医辩证规范化,及中医教学、科研...Face diagnosis is an important part of the inspection in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). It’s a necessary component in clinical diagnosis. TCM considers the body of human as an inseparable whole and the face is just like a mirror that reflects physiological function and pathological changes. The pathological changes of viscera can be directly diagnosed by inspecting the changes of complexion a...学位:理学博士院系专业:信息科学与技术学院计算机科学系_基础数学学号:B20042800

    Target Tracking System Constructed by ELM-AE and Transfer Representation Learning

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    In the target tracking algorithm, the feature model’s ability to quickly learn image features and the ability to adapt to changes in target features during tracking has always been one of the main research directions of target tracking algorithms. Especially for discriminative target trackers based on image block learning, these two points have become decisive factors affecting the efficiency and robustness of the tracker. However, the performance of most existing similar algorithms on these two abilities cannot achieve satisfactory results. To solve this problem, an efficient and robust feature model is proposed. The feature model first uses extreme learning machine autoencoder (ELM-AE) to quickly perform random feature mapping on complex image features of the target and background image blocks, and then uses the transfer learning ability of transfer representation learning (TRL) to improve the adaptability of random feature space. The feature model is named transfer representation learning with ELM-AE (TRL-ELM-AE). Compared with original complex image features, this model can provide the classifier with more compact and expressive shared features, so that the classifier can learn and classify more quickly and efficiently. In addition, in the target tracking process, the target and background usually change continuously over time. Although the feature migration capability of TRL can already adapt to this, in order to further improve the robustness of the tracker, a strategy of dynamically updating training samples is adopted. Through a large number of experimental and analysis results on the 11 target tracking challenge scenarios proposed by OTB, it is proven that the proposed target tracker has significant advantages over the existing target tracker

    Research on Moving Objects Detection Algorithms Based on Background Subtraction

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    运动目标检测是指在视频图像序列中判断是否有前景目标的运动,如果有则对目标进行初始定位的检测过程,它是实现目标识别跟踪的基础。本文主要研究基于背景减除的运动目标检测算法,并提出一种改进的基于混合高斯模型的算法。论文的主要研究成果包括: (1)研究了目前几种典型的基于背景减除的运动目标检测算法,并在分析这些算法的基础上,研究这些算法的性能,比较它们的特性。 (2)在比较几种典型的背景减除算法之后,选择基于混合高斯模型的运动目标检测算法用于复杂背景的实时应用;在研究该算法的基本原理及流程之后,对该算法进行改进,提高算法的实时性和可靠性。 (3)提出了基于优先级及分区域的正方形邻间像素比较算法,...Moving objects detection extracts interesting moving objects in the images from an image sequence. It is the first step in an auto detection system, and is the fundamental work for objects classification and objects tracking. In this paper, we focus on the research of detection algorithms which are based on background subtraction, and propose an improved background subtraction algorithm using adap...学位:工程硕士院系专业:信息科学与技术学院自动化系_检测技术与自动化装置学号:2005130245

    Human Skeleton and Joints Extraction for Virtual Clothing Fitting

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    人体运动捕捉是计算机视觉领域倍受关注的一个研究热点,在智能视频监控、视频分析、动画、游戏、医学诊断和人机交互等领域均有广阔的应用前景。它包括人体的标定与跟踪和人体动作的识别与理解两个主要内容。其中,人体的标定与跟踪是运动识别和理解的基础,在人体运动捕捉中起着关键性的作用。因此,本文以虚拟试衣系统为背景,研究人体的骨架化技术与人体关节点的定位,具有重要的理论价值和实际意义。 骨架是描述物体形状和拓扑结构的一种有效手段,广泛应用于人体的描述。基于距离变换的骨架化算法对人体的骨架有较好的效果,但无法保证骨架的连通性。本文利用图像梯度的性质,通过梯度化距离变换图,着重突出了潜在的骨架点;利用距离值和...Human motion capture is a hot research in the field of Computer Vision. This research has various application prospects in intelligent video surveillance, video analysis, animation, computer games, medical diagnostics, human-computer interaction, and so on. It includes two main components: human calibration and tracking, and human action recognition and understanding. Among them, the human calibra...学位:工学硕士院系专业:信息科学与技术学院计算机科学系_计算机应用技术学号:2302009115275

    Architecture and key technologies of coalmine underground vision computing

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    It has always been a common demand to stay away from the harsh environment with narrow space, numerous devices, complex operation process, and hidden hazards, and realize intelligent unmanned mining in the coal industry. To achieve this goal, it is very necessary for us to develop an effective theory of vision computing for underground coalmine applications. Its main task is to build effective models or frameworks for perceiving, describing, recognizing and understanding the environment of underground coalmine, and let intelligent equipment get 3D environment information in coalmine from images or videos. To effectively develop this theory and make it better for intelligent development of coalmine, this paper first analyzed the similarities and differences about computer vision and visual computing in coalmine, and proposed its composition architecture. And then, this paper introduced in detail the key technologies involved in visual computing in coalmine including visual perception and light field computing, feature extraction and feature description, semantic learning and vision understanding, 3D vision reconstruction, and sense computing integration and edge intelligence, which is followed by typical application cases of visual computing in coalmines. Finally, the development trend and prospect of underground visual computing in coalmine was given. In this section, this paper focused on concluding the key challenges and introducing two valuable applications including coalmine Augmented Reality/Mixed Reality and parallel intelligent mining. With the breakthrough of underground vision computing, it will play a more and more important role in the intelligent development of coal mines


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    We perceive the world as flat when we close one eye. When both eyes are open, the world takes on a three-dimensional quality. Our childhood, education, family, and environment form and bind our cognitive perspective. As the ancient Chinese proverb goes: “You can’t see Mount Tai by blinding your eyes with one leaf.” Truth is exceedingly difficult to discern. Like the obscuring leaf, there are blind spots in our vision. Prejudice is often the narrow leaf that obstructs perception, preventing us from seeing with greater dimension. For actual comprehension, we can only see through the eyes, hearts, and minds of others that which we have not considered or comprehended. Although the world is complex, the truth is concealed, prejudices are tenacious, and the mind is weak, we must continue pursuing the truth we desire. Openness is a four-part journey toward widening my perspective of the world, society, politics, culture, race, and gender by returning to a primal mode of observation: vision. What emerges is neither law nor guide but an attitude or method of finding direction and understanding. Over the course of this exploration, I hopefully break free of the one leaf syndrome and provide pathways for my audience to do the same

    Molecular clouds and star formation in the Milky Way

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    Using molecular line observations, this thesis studied the molecular clouds of three typical regions of the Milky Way, which are the Galactic centre, high Galactic latitudes, and the Galactic plane. The properties of molecular clouds show remarkable variations among these three regions, which explains why the star formation activities are so different

    Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Strategic Stability and Nuclear Risk : Volume II East Asian Perspectives.

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    Artificial intelligence (AI) is not only undergoing a renaissance in its technical development, but is also starting to shape deterrence relations among nucleararmed states. This is already evident in East Asia, where asymmetries of power and capability have long driven nuclear posture and weapon acquisition. Continuing this trend, integration of AI into military platforms has the potential to offer weaker nuclear-armed states the opportunity to reset imbalances in capabilities, while at the same time exacerbating concerns that stronger states may use AI to further solidify their dominance and to engage in more provocative actions. This paradox of perceptions, as it is playing out in East Asia, is fuelled by a series of national biases and assumptions that permeate decision-making. They are also likely to serve as the basis for AI algorithms that drive future conventional and nuclear platforms

    Phraseology in Corpus-based transaltion studies : stylistic study of two contempoarary Chinese translation of Cervantes's Don Quijote

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    The present work sets out to investigate the stylistic profiles of two modern Chinese versions of Cervantes???s Don Quijote (I): by Yang Jiang (1978), the first direct translation from Castilian to Chinese, and by Liu Jingsheng (1995), which is one of the most commercially successful versions of the Castilian literary classic. This thesis focuses on a detailed linguistic analysis carried out with the help of the latest textual analytical tools, natural language processing applications and statistical packages. The type of linguistic phenomenon singled out for study is four-character expressions (FCEXs), which are a very typical category of Chinese phraseology. The work opens with the creation of a descriptive framework for the annotation of linguistic data extracted from the parallel corpus of Don Quijote. Subsequently, the classified and extracted data are put through several statistical tests. The results of these tests prove to be very revealing regarding the different use of FCEXs in the two Chinese translations. The computational modelling of the linguistic data would seem to indicate that among other findings, while Liu???s use of archaic idioms has followed the general patterns of the original and also of Yang???s work in the first half of Don Quijote I, noticeable variations begin to emerge in the second half of Liu???s more recent version. Such an idiosyncratic use of archaisms by Liu, which may be defined as style shifting or style variation, is then analyzed in quantitative terms through the application of the proposed context-motivated theory (CMT). The results of applying the CMT-derived statistical models show that the detected stylistic variation may well point to the internal consistency of the translator in rendering the second half of Part I of the novel, which reflects his freer, more creative and experimental style of translation. Through the introduction and testing of quantitative research methods adapted from corpus linguistics and textual statistics, this thesis has made a major contribution to methodological innovation in the study of style within the context of corpus-based translation studies.Imperial Users onl