
Study on Several Key Technologies of Diagnostic Information Extraction for Face Diagnosis in Traditional Chinese Medicine


面诊是中医望诊的重要内容,为中医临床必察之项。中医学认为,人体是一个有机的整体,面部犹如反映人体生理病理的一面镜子,望五官神色变化,可直接诊察脏腑病变。 面诊的优点在于它的方便和快捷:无论多么复杂的病症,通过查看患者的面部,就能快速地阐明主要的病理过程。因此,在临床应用、自我诊断方面具有重要的价值。按照21世纪医学最有前景的诊断方向:无痛、无伤,面诊是很少的诊法之一。然而,传统的面诊方法依赖于医生直观的定性观察。人眼难以分辨细小的差异,判断结果容易因人而异,具有主观性,重复性也差。这些缺点给面诊的进一步发展带来严重的困难。因此,对中医面诊的客观化进行研究,对于中医辩证规范化,及中医教学、科研...Face diagnosis is an important part of the inspection in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). It’s a necessary component in clinical diagnosis. TCM considers the body of human as an inseparable whole and the face is just like a mirror that reflects physiological function and pathological changes. The pathological changes of viscera can be directly diagnosed by inspecting the changes of complexion a...学位:理学博士院系专业:信息科学与技术学院计算机科学系_基础数学学号:B20042800

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