32 research outputs found

    The False Hadith According to Ibn Hibban: An Applied Study Through His Book “Al-Majrouhin”

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    This study deals with the term “false Hadith” according to Ibn Hibban in his book “Al Majrouhin”. The study is divided into preface and two parts. The preface is limited to introducing Ibn Hibban and explaining the falsehood. Whereas, the study indicates that: False Hadith is that Hadith which is not true with incorrect Sanad. The first part deals with the false Hadith according to Ibn Hibban and his approaches to identify it so he used many approaches in this matter. The second part deals with the study of Hadith that Ibn Hibban considered them invalid, and his approach to deal with them. The study concluded with the most important result

    قوة منهج المحدِّثين

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    إنّ نقد الحديث النبوي ليس كنقد أي خبر أو رواية تأريخية أو قصة في المنظور الإسلامي، لأن الحديث النبوي إنما هو المنهج النبوي المفصل في تعليم الإسلام وتطبيقه . ويتمثل الحديث النبوي في أقوال الرسول (r) وأفعاله وتقريراته وصفاته الخُلُقية والخَلقيَّة وسيرته قبل البعثة وبعدها؛ وهو المصدر الثاني للإسلام بعد القرآن الكريم في التشريع، وقد يستقل بالتشريع كما في تحريم الجمع بين المرأة وخالتها، وكتحريم كل ذي ناب من السباع ومخلب من الطير وغير ذلك، والقرآن الكريم إنما هو الدستور المشتمل على الأصول والقواعد الكلية الأساسية للإسلام في العقائد والعبادات والأخلاق والمعاملات والآداب

    Muhaddislerde Analitik Yöntem

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    المنهج التحليلي واحد من أهم المناهج العلمية التي يستخدمها المُحَدِّثون للحكم على الرواة جرحاً أو تعديلاً. ويهدف هذا البحث لبيان كيفية استخدام المُحَدِّثين الناقدين لهذا المنهج العلمي. ومن خلال استقراء مناهج التحليل لدى نقاد الحديث وجد أن التحليل ينصب على مجالين مُهِمَّيْن هما: النظر في أحوال الرواة وسلوكياتهم ومعتقداتهم، وكذلك في طرق التلقي والأداء وأثر ذلك كله في الحكم على الرواة، وهنا يستعملون منهج التحليل التجريبي، والنظر في تفرد أحد الرواة برواية دون غيره، أو مخالفة الثقة لغيره من الثقات، وكذلك تحليل المرويات متنا للوصول إلى صدق الرواة من عدمه.وقد حاولت في هذه الورقات تَتَبُّع مناهج التحليل لدى نُقَاد الرجال، وصولا إلى تصور عام للمسألة، قد يفيد في وضع نظرية شاملة في المستقبل في هذا المجال.Analytical method is one of the most important scientific methods which is used by muhaddithun in al-jarh or ta’dil of rawys. This paper aims to explain how did critic muhaddithun use this method. When we examine muhaddithun’s methods of analysis, it is understood that the analysis focuses on two important points: Firstly, studying of conditions, behaviours and beliefs of reporters as well as their methods of conceding and performance and influence of all these on the judgement on reporters. Here critics of hadith used the method of empirical analysis. Secondly, examining the situations where a narrator is alone in narrating a hadith or opposition of a trustworthy reporter to other trustworthy reporters as well as analysis of hadith texts in regard to content with the object of determination of rawy’s trustworthiness. In this paper we tried to examine muhaddithun’s methods of analysis so as to reach a comprehensive concept about the issue, and to help developing a comprehensive theory in the field in the future.Analitik metot, Muhaddislerin râvîleri cerh ve tadil ederken kullandıkları en önemli yöntemlerdendir. Bu çalışma, münekkit muhaddislerin bu ilmi yöntemi nasıl kullandık-larını tartışmayı hedeflemektedir. Hadis münekkitlerinin kullandıkları analiz yöntemleri incelendiğinde iki alanın öne çıktığı görülmektedir. Bunlardan ilki, râvîlerin hallerinin, davranışlarının, inançlarının, edâ ve tahammül yollarının ve bütün bunların râvîler hakkında verilen hükümlere etkisinin incelenmesidir ki hadis münekkitleri bu hususta tecrübî analiz yöntemini kullanmışlardır. İkincisi ise, râvîlerden birisinin rivayetinde tek kalmasının ya da sika râvîlerden birisinin diğer sika râvilere muhalefet etmesinin ve ayrıca râvîlerin doğruluğunu tespit edebilmek için rivâyetlerinin metin bakımından incelenmesidir. Biz, gelecekte alanında kapsamlı bir nazariye geliştirilmesine katkıda bulunacağını umarak, bu çalışmada konuya ilişkin genel bir tasavvura ulaşabilmek için münekkitlerin analiz yöntemlerini incelemeye çalışacağız

    موقف عمر بن الخطاب رضي الله عنه من نكاح المتعة: دراسة وتحقيق

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    يهدف هذا البحث إلى معرفة موقف عمر بن الخطاب -رضي الله عنه- من نكاح المتعة، وذلك من خلال دراسة الأحاديث الواردة عنه في ذلك، وتمييز المقبول منها من المردود، وفهمها الفهم الصحيح، وتكمن أهمية البحث في استقراء ما ورد بخصوص نهي عمر -رضي الله عنه- عن نكاح المتعة, وبيان ألفاظ الأحاديث الواردة في ذلك, والإجابة عن الشبهات المتعلقة بموقف عمر –رضي الله عنه- من نكاح المتعة, ومعرفة الوقائع التي حصلت زمن عمر –رضي الله عنه- في نكاح المتعة, وقد تبيّن أثناء البحث أنّ عمر بن الخطاب -رضي الله عنه- نهى عن نكاح المتعة، وكان نهيُه اتباعا لنهي النبي -صلى الله عليه وسلم- عنها، وسبب نهي عمر -رضي الله عنه- عن نكاح المتعة واشتهاره بذلك أنّ بعض الصحابة -رضي الله عنهم- تمتعوا في زمن خلافته لعدم علمهم بتحريمه، فلما بلغ ذلك عمر -رضي الله عنه- نهى عنه وأظهر تحريمه.The recent research aims to recognize Umar Bin Al-Khattab’s opinion - May Allah be pleased with him- regarding temporary pleasure marriage by studying Hadiths (prophetic traditions) were narrated about him regarding the same, as well as distinguish between the accepted or rejected among these hadiths, to be understood correctly, however, importance of the research reveals through the well-known attitude of Umar Bin Al-Khattab - May Allah be pleased with him- to reject temporary pleasure marriage regardless rest of prophet’s companions – may Allah be pleased with them-, in addition, some statements that mentioned in the hadiths which may reveal that Umar Bin Al-Khattab - May Allah be pleased with him- is the one who prohibited temporary pleasure marriage and not the prophet Muhammad – Peace be upon him- therefore, it was shown through the research that Umar Bin Al-Khattab - May Allah be pleased with him- rejected temporary pleasure marriage following the prohibition issued by the prophet Muhammad – Peace be upon him- regarding the same, however, the reason behind prohibition of temporary pleasure marriage by Umar Bin Al-Khattab that some prophet’s companions – may Allah be pleased with them- have enjoyed the same during his era because they did not know nothing about the prohibition, but when Umar Bin Al-Khattab - May Allah be pleased with him- was informed about the matter, he rejected and prohibited temporary pleasure marriage completely

    دراسات في علم الجرح والتعديل: تدريبات وتطبيقات

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    هذا الكتاب يتناول التعريف بعلم الجرح والتعديل ونشأته وفروعه ودراسات في علم الرجال والتعريف بكتب الجرح والتعديل المختلفة الكتب التى تناولت الثقات من الرواة والضعفاء المجروحين والكتب التى جمعت بينهما ، كما تناول الكتاب أهميه هذا العلم وأدلته من الكتاب والسنة

    القول الفصل في الرواة المختلف بالحكم عليهم عند أئمة الجرح والتعديل مع الامام ابن عبد الهادي الدمشقي رحمه الله تعالى [ ت 744 هـ] دراسة مقارنة

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    وُلِدَ الإمام ابن عبد الهادي الدمشقي )رحمه الله تعالى( في الربع الأول من القرن الثامن الهجري ، وأمتَدَ حتى نِهاية الرُبعِ الثاني من القرنِ نفسه ، وكانت ولادته سنة( 705 هـ) وأما وفاته فكانت سنة (744 هـ) ، وهو الأجل المحتوم لِكُلِ إنسان . مُبيناً بذلك أقواله النقدية في الجرح والتعديل والفاظه في الرواة ، وبعد الدراسة والبيان مقارنةً مع سائر أقوال الأئمة والنقاد رحمهم الله تعالى اجمعين يتبين لنا أن إمامنا من المعتدلين في اطلاقه الالفاظ دون تشدد أو تساهل في الراوي ، مع موافقة الحكم بسائر أقوال النقاد

    دلالة أشبه ومشتقاتها في كتاب الجرح والتعديل لابن أبي حاتم similar sign and its derivatives in the book Al-Jarh and Al-Ta’dil by Ibn Abi Hatim

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    قمت بحصر لفظة أشبه ومشتقاتها عند ابن أبي حاتم في كتابه الجرح والتعديل فبلغت (73) مرة على الإجمال. وبالتفصيل جاء قوله أشبه (35) مرة، وكانت دلالتها مختلفة، حيث استعملت في (10) مواضع للدلالة على العبادة والعلم، و(4) للدلالة على الضعف، و(21) للدلالة على الترجيح والتقوية. وأما قوله يشبه فجاءت (32) مرة فهي كأشبه في اختلاف استعمالها، فجاء استعمالها (11) للدلالة على التشبه في العبادة والكيس والمعرفة والسمت، و(12) للدلالة على الضعف، و(9) للدلالة على الترجيح والتقوية. وأما قوله تشبه فجاءت (3) مرات ودلالتها على الضعف. وقوله شِبه الريح في (3) مرات: مرتان بهذا اللفظ، ومرة بلفظ منزلة الريح ، ودلالتها أنها لا تثبت في تلك المواضع بسبب الضعف الناتج عن الإرسال والانقطاع. والهدف من ذلك بيان مفهوم أشبه في اللغة والاصطلاح، ودوران اشتقاقها في عبارات بعض الأئمة، حيث استعملها بعض المحدثين في تعليل أحاديث بعض الرواة، وذلك بناء على قوة معرفتهم بالأحاديث ورواتها، وتبحرهم في استقراء النصوص ورجال أسانيدها. ونتج عن هذا البحث مكانة ابن أبي حاتم وأبيه في الجرح والتعديل والكشف عن العلل. similar sign and its derivatives in the book Al-Jarh and Al-Ta’dil by Ibn Abi Hatim Abstract The word: (more like) and its derivatives according to Ibn Abi Hatim in his book Al-Jarh and Al-Ta’deel” and it amounted to (73) times in total. In detail, the word “more like” mentioned (35) times, and its significance was different, as it was used in (10) places to denote worship and knowledge, (4) to indicate weakness, and (21) to indicate weighting and strengthening. As for his saying “similar” it came (32) times, it is similar in its different usage, so its use (11) times to denote resemblance in worship, and knowledge, (12) to indicate weakness, and (9) to indicate weighting and strengthening. As for his saying “similarity” it came 3 times and indicates weakness. And his saying like the wind in (3) times: twice with this word, and once with the word the position of the wind , and its indication is that it is not proven in those places because of the weakness resulting from transmission and interruptio

    A study in the narratives of the Prophet’s biography

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    The narration of Ali bin Abi Talib – may God be pleased with him - sleeping in the bed of the Prophet – may the blessings and peace of God be upon him - during migration hadithia analytical study This study took over with the narration of Ali bin Abi Talib – may God be pleased with him – sleeping in the bed of the Prophet – may the blessings and peace of God be upon him – during the migration incident; I worked on extracting and authentication it from the books of hadith, books of the Prophet’s biography, history books, Evidences books, and books of interpretation. Then, studying them through the rules and laws established by Neogrammarians in their study of the noble Prophet’s hadith, and judging them in terms of validity or weakness. The study consisted of an introduction, a research, and two topics. As for the introduction, it contains the study problem, research objectives, and previous studies. As for the research, and the two topics, they are: The first topic: extracting and authentication the narration of sleeping Ali – may God be pleased with him – in the bed of the Prophet – may the blessings and peace of God be upon him – from the books of the noble hadith, and the books of the Prophet’s biography, and studying it with a chain of transmission and The content. The Second topic: extracting and authentication of the narration of sleeping Ali – may God be pleased with him – in the bed of the Prophet – may the blessings and peace of God be upon him – from the books of the noble hadith, books of the Prophet’s biography, history books, books of evidence, and books of interpretation. In the bed of the Prophet – may the blessings and peace of God be upon him – with a chain of transmission and the content. Then the conclusion, results, and recommendations

    Prevalence of Functional Deviation Among School Teachers in Bethlehem Governorate from The Point of View of Directors and Supervisors

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    This study aimed to identify the extent prevalence of functional deviation among school teachers in Bethlehem governorate from the point of view of directors and supervisors. This study sample consisted of all the directors of public and private schools in Bethlehem governorate, the number of them is 206 directors a supervisor, there are 172 directors and 34 supervisors, the study problem was about the extent prevalence of functional deviation among school teachers in Bethlehem governorate from the point of view of directors and supervisors. The questionnaire was used as a research tool, and it consisted 25 paragraphs were distributed into two fields, the first one talked about the intended behaviors and the second one talked about the unintended behaviors to measure the extent prevalence of functional deviation among school teachers in Bethlehem governorate from the point of view of directors and supervisors. To achieve the objectives of the study and to answer its question, the researchers used the statistical analysis: Cronbach\u27s alpha equation to ensure the stability of the study tool, and Pearson correlation coefficient to verify the internal honesty of the tool. So Statistical averages, standard deviations, frequencies, arithmetical averages, and standard deviations were obtained for the response of the study population due to independent variables, and this is through the Statistical Packages for Social Sciences program (SPSS). The study reached to many results some of these: That there are apparent differences due to the supervisor (governmental or private), the government responses are higher than the private responses, as the results showed The results also showed that there were an apparent differences due to the functional name (Supervisor, director) the supervisors responses are higher than the directors responses in a simple difference, and the results showed that there were an apparent differences depends on the sex (Male, Female) the arithmetical averages for the males were higher than the arithmetical averages for the females. And based on these results, the study recommended the following: To provide an atmosphere of privacy for the employee, especially in the performance of his work, because it reduces his sense of permanent control that hinders his devotion to his work and to promote a culture of commitment among teachers, through the provision of a number of policies and procedures that help the teacher to adhere to his workplace, and the obligation to carry out his dutie