160 research outputs found
Određivanje antioksidacijske aktivnosti jogurta obogaćenog polimeriziranim proteinima sirutke
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the antioxidant activity of yoghurt obtained from milk enriched with whey proteins in polymerized form. The influence of adding polymerized whey protein (PWP) on the antioxidant potential of yoghurt was demonstrated by determining the free radical con¬tent using 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) and the ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP). The kinetics of coagulation was examined during fermentation at 37, 41 and 45. The number of lactic acid bacteria was determined as well as their proteolytic and lipolytic activity. The results have shown that the addition of PWP accelerated the process of reaching the target pH 4.45, thus reducing the fermentation time by as much as 21 %. PWP increased the antioxidant potential of yoghurt more than WPC80. The yoghurt obtained at 37 °C had a higher antioxidant potential (DPPH 5.02 mmol·kg-1; FRAP 5.52 mmol·L-1) than those obtained at 41 °C and 43 °C. In the yoghurt with PWP, Lactobacillus were determined to have a concentration of 5.2 × 109 CFU·mL-1. After 21 days, the number of Streptococcus bacteria decreased. There was no effect of PWP on the number of Bifidobacterium bacteria.Svrha ovog rada je odrediti antioksidacijsku aktivnost jogurta obogaćenog dodatkom polimeriziranih proteina sirutke. Utjecaj dodatka polimeriziranih proteina sirutke (PWP) na antioksidacijsku aktivnost jogurta ispitan je određivanjem koncentracije slobodnih radikala pomoću DPPH i FRAP metode. Ki¬netika koagulacije mlijeka ispitivana je na temperaturama fermentacije od 37, 41 i 45°C. Određivan je broj živih stanica bakterija mliječne kiseline te njihova proteolitička i lipolitička aktivnost. Prema dobivenim rezultatima vrijeme potrebno za postizanje ciljane pH vrijednosti od 4,45 skraćeno je za 21 % dodatkom PWP. Osim toga, dodatak PWP u većoj mjeri povisio je antioksidacijsku aktivnost jogur¬ta nego dodatak WPC80. Jogurt proizveden na 37 °C imao je veću antioksidacijsku aktivnost (DPPH 5.02 mmol·kg-1; FRAP 5.52 mmol·L-1) u usporedbi s jogurtima proizvedenim na 41 °C odnosno na 43 °C. U jogurtu obogaćenom s PWP broj živih stanica laktobacila bio je 5,2×109 CFU·mL-1, dok se broj strep¬tokokoka nakon 21 dan smanjio. Dodatak PWP nije utjecao na broj bifidobakterija
Potensi Probiotik Indigenus Lactobacillus Plantarum Dad 13 pada Yogurt dengan Suplementasi Ekstrak Ubi Jalar Ungu untuk Penurun Diare dan Radikal Bebas
Penelitian bertujuan mempelajari efektivitas strain probiotik indigenus terpilih (Lactobacillus plantarum Dad 13) pada yogurt dengan suplementasi ekstrak ubi jalar ungu sebagai penurun diare dan radikal bebas pada tikus putih albino Norway rats (Rattus novergicus) galur Sprague dawley. Penelitian dirancang menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap faktorial, dengan perlakuan yogurt ekstrak ubi jalar ungu tanpa probiotik (P0), yogurt ekstrak ubi jalar ungu dengan probiotik (P1) terhadap 2 kelompok tikus Sprague dawley jantan yang diberi perlakuan tanpa enteropathogenik Escherichia coli (EPEC) ATCC 35218 (E0) maupun dengan enteropathogenik Escherichia coli (EPEC) ATCC 35218 (E1). Pemberian probiotik dilakukan dengan metode sonde pada hari ke-1 sampai 21 dengan dosis 1 ml/ 120 g BB tikus percobaan atau rata-rata 109 CFU/ml. Sedangkan perlakuan EPEC ATCC 35218 dilakukan dengan metode sonde sebanyak 106 CFU/ml pada hari ke 7 sampai ke 14. Parameter yang diamati meliputi kadar air feses, kadar air sekum, kadar malonaldehide (MDA) darah dan hati. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1). Terdapat interaksi perlakuan antara pemberian EPEC ATCC 35218 dan probiotik indigenous pada yogurt ekstrak ubi jalar ungu terhadap kadar air feses, kadar air sekum, kadar MDA darah dan kadar MDA hati tikus uji. (2). Kultur Lactobacillus plantarum Dad 13 yang ditambahkan pada yogurt ekstrak ubi jalar ungu mampu memberi efek kesehatan sebagai penurun diare dan radikal bebas
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis performa broiler yang terinfeksi bakteri Salmonella spdengan pemberian ekstrak daun Vernonia amygdalina. Materi yang digunakan broiler 48 ekor umur19 hari, ekstrak daun Vernonia amygdalina, pepton, oxytetracicylin, pakan BR1 dan bakteriSalmonella sp. Penelitian menggunakan percobaan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) 4 perlakuan3 Kelompok, Perlakuan penelitian ini adalah pemberian ekstrak daun Vernonia amygdalina dengandosisi berbeda pada broiler yang terinfeksi bakteri Salmonella sp yang meliputi kontrol P0 =Pemberian oxytetracicylin, P1 = 0,5%, P2 = 1%, P3 = 1,5%. Variabel yang diamati FCR (FeedConversion Ration) dan Persentase karkas. Hasil analisis ragam menunjukkan bahwa pemberianekstrak daun Vernonia amygdalina pada broiler yang terinfeksi bakteri Salmonella sp berpengaruhsangat nyata (P0,05) terhadap persentase karkas. Rata– rata nilai FCR P0 = 2,53b, P1 = 2,43ab, P2 = 2,07ab, P3 = 1,78a. Rata – rata nilai Persentase karkasP0 = 62,12%, P1 = 61,26%, P2 = 59,80%, P3 = 60,03%. Kesimpulan penelitian bahwa pemberianekstrak daun Vernonia amygdalina dapat menurunkan nilai FCR pada broiler terinfeksi bakteriSalmonella sp dengan dosis 0,5% - 1,5% dan perlakuan terbaik untuk menurunkan nilai FCR padadosis ekstrak daun Vernonia amygdalina 1,5%.Katakunci : Vernonia amygdalina, Salmonella sp, FCR, Karkas, Broile
Influence of ‘Lactobacillus serum’ on the growth of Amaranthus hybridus and some soil chemical properties under screen house conditions
The potentials of lactic acid bacteria serum, termed as ‘Lactobacillus (LB) serum’, in enhancing soil nutrient availability and supplies for the growth of Amaranthus hybridus and some chemical properties of soil were investigated at the screen house of the Department of Soil Science, University of Benin. Three application rates of the serum were adopted, consisting of 3 mL (3,000 L.ha-1), 5 mL (5,000 L.ha-1), and 0 ml (0 L.ha-1), and represented as treatment. Amaranthus hybridus was transplanted into pots containing 2 kg of 2 mm sieved air-dried soil. Each treatment was replicated seven times to give a total of 21 pots that were laid out in a Completely Randomized Design (CRD). The treatments were applied twice a week starting from the 2nd week after transplanting. The plant growth indices measured were number of leaves, plant height and plant biomass. The results showed that serum positively influenced the number of leaves and plant biomass (4.333 kg to 4.830 kg) compared to the control (3.901 kg). However, the highest value of the plant biomass was found in the 3 mL (3,000 L.ha-1) treated pots, while the microbial colonies of bacteria in soil after serum application were sustained when compared with the control but at a reduced population for Bacillus subtilis. The application of LB. serum slightly improved the soil total organic carbon (320.0 g.kg-1 to 352.0 g.kg-1) and nitrogen (3.102 g.kg-1 to 3.325 g.kg-1) as against, 64.00 g.kg-1, and 0.639 g.kg-1 in the control respectively.
The effect of instant arabica coffee on the viability of lactobacillus acidophilus and bifidobacterium bifidum in a probiotic, lacto-free dessert.
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a viabilidade de bactérias probióticas Bifidobacterium bifidum subsp. lactis e Lactobacillus acidophilus em uma sobremesa sem lactose, à base de extrato de soja, com diferentes concentrações de café (0 a 1,5%), armazenada a 7 [graus] C. Quatro formulações produzidas foram avaliadas quanto ao pH, acidez e contagem das bactérias probióticas após 0, 7, 14 e 21 dias de armazenamento. Nem o tempo, nem o teor de café influenciaram significativamente o teor de ácido lático e o pH das amostras estudadas. De acordo com a ANVISA, para que o produto possa ser considerado probiótico, a contagem total de cada cepa por porção (100g) deve ser igual ou superior a 10 [elevado a 8]. No presente estudo, este valor foi observado para L.acidophilus até 21 dias, e para B.bifidum até 7 dias de armazenamento, ambos sem interferência do teor ou percentual de café.Food: the tree that sustains life. 1636
Characterization of intestinal microbiota in celiac children
Celiac disease (CD) is enteropathy autoimmune induced by the ingestion of gluten in genetically predisposed subjects. The ingestion of gluten is responsible for the symptoms of CD, and a disturber of the intestinal microbiota. In this study, 13 Samples of intestinal biopsy, 15 fecal samples from celiac children, and 10 from controls children respectively were collected and analyzed by conventional culture technique to characterize the microbial profile intestinal of celiac children. There was 24 celiac children (8 boys), Mean age at diagnosis was 9.52 years, all have clinical manifestations, positive anti-transglutaminase antibodies and mucosal lesions suggestive of CD (Marsh Classification).We found a difference in intestinal microbiota, between celiac and controls children for example the Enterobacteria, Clostridium sp and Staphylococcus sp were remarkably higher in biopsy and fecal samples of celiac children than in controls. Inversely the Enterococcus sp, Lactobacillus sp and Clostridium sp were slightly lower in celiac children. Our results indicate an imbalance in intestinal microbiota for celiac children as reduction in the numbers of Lactobacillus sp, Enterococcus sp and increases in the numbers of Enterobacteria, Staphylococcus sp and Clostridium sp.Keywords: Celiac disease, Intestinal Microbiota, Anti-transglutaminase, Lacobacillus sp
Inhibition of aflatoxin-producing aspergilli by lactic acid bacteria isolates from indigenously fermented cereal gruels
A total of six lactic acid bacteria (LAB) isolates were selected from five indigenously fermented cereal gruels and identified as Lactobacillus fermentum OYB, Lb. fermentum RS2, Lb. plantarum MW, Lb. plantarum YO, Lb. brevis WS3, and Lactococcus spp. RS3. Six aflatoxin-producing aspergilli were alsoselected from the various food sources. Two of the isolates, identified as Aspergillus parasiticus C2 and A. parasiticus AF7, produced both aflatoxin B1 and G while the other four identified as A. flavus M1, A. flavus B4, A flavus B5 and A. flavus C6, produced only aflatoxin B1. Each of the LAB isolatesinhibited the growth of at least a toxin-producing Aspergillus. The maximum inhibitions were shown by Lb. plantarum YO, which was able to inhibit the vegetative and sporulative growth of all the aflatoxinproducing aspergilli. Lactococcus spp. RS3 and Lb. brevis WS3 were only able to inhibit A. parasiticusC7 reasonably and A. flavus B5 and C6 mildly
Potential of Indigenous Probiotic Lactobacillus Plantarum Dad 13 as Anti‐diarrhea and Immuno‐modulator
The purpose of the research were to study the effectivity of selected indigenous probiotic Lactobacillusplantarum Dad 13 against enteropathogenic E. coli causing diarrhea in vivo as well as sinbiotic immunomodulatoryproperties of purple sweet potato extract probiotic yogurt on blood and liver MDA levels inalbino Norway rats (Rattus novergicus) Sprague dawley strain. Unidirection factorial completely randomizeddesign was applied during study with several variables: purple sweet potato yogurt without probioticsaddition (P0) and with probiotic addition (P1), where the latter was conducted on two groups of SpragueDawley rats treated with or without EPEC ATCC 35218 enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (E1 or E0, respectively).Results showed that there was interaction between indigenous probiotic addition in purple sweetpotato yogurt and EPEC ATCC 35218 on faecal water content after 1 week treatment with EPEC ATCC35218, cecum water content, and MDA level of blood and liver of experimental animals at the end of thestudy. Besides, culture of Lactobacillus plantarum Dad 13 added to purple sweet potato extract yogurt wasable to provide preventive health effects as anti‐diarrhea and immunomodulatory agent
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