211,580 research outputs found

    The Scottish Parliament and the monarchy in the context of the monarchy and the Anglo-Scottish dynastic union, 1603-1707

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    This journal article depicts the Scottish Parliament and the monarchy in the context of the monarchy and the Anglo-Scottish dynastic union, 1603-170

    "His spirit was given only to warre": conflict and identity in the Scottish Gàidhealtachd, c. 1580- c. 1630

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    This article examines aspects of Highland or Gaelic Society in the decades immediately preceeding and following the Union of the Crowns of England with Scotland in 1603. It examines crown and crown-sanctioned commercial and colonial initiatives in the Highlands both before and after the union and how this impinged on patterns of feud and violence in the area. Many (but not all) of the inhabitants of the Highlands and Islands were deemed barbarous, uncivil, and fit for expropriation and colonisation. This essay focuses on how people in various localities in the Highlands, often regarded as a militarised society, reacted to and identified with the Scottish state and with the new British state after 1603

    Youth with Disabilities and the Workforce Investment Act of 1998

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    The purpose of this Policy Update is to present key aspects of the statutory language of Title I of WIA and describe its potential implications for youth with disabilities as they prepare for the transition from school to employment and adult life as described in Sections 126-129 of Chapter 4 Youth Activities

    Анатомы - лечащие врачи папства (обзор литературы)

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    Стаття присвячена анатомам, які були особистими лікарями Пап Римських у різний час: М. Р. Коломбо (1515-1559), Г. Б. Канано (1515-1579), Г. C. Аранзі (1530-1589), К. Варолій (1543- 1575), А. Чезальпіно (1525-1603), М. Мальпігі (1628-1694), Дж. M. Ланцізі (1654-1720) та Дж. Флайяні (1739-1808). Подається інформація про їх внесок у розвиток медицини та короткі біографічні данні. При цитуванні документа, використовуйте посилання http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/31507Статья посвящена анатомам, которые были лечащими врачами Пап Римских в разные годы: М. Р. Коломбо (1515-1559), Г. Б. Канано (1515-1579), Г. C. Аранзи (1530-1589), К. Варолий (1543- 1575), А. Чезальпино (1525-1603), М. Мальпиги (1628-1694), Дж. M. Ланцизи (1654-1720) и Дж. Флайяни (1739-1808). Рассказывается об их вкладе в развитие медицины и короткие биографические данные. При цитировании документа, используйте ссылку http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/31507Article is about anatomists, who were papal physicians: M.R. Colombo (c.1515-1559), G.B. Canano (1515-1579), G.C. Aranzi (1530-1589), C. Varolio (1543-1575), A. Cesalpino (1525- 1603), M. Malpighi (1628-1694), G.M. Lancisi (1654-1720) and G. Flaiani (1739-1808). Their contribution into anatomy and brief biographical information are given. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3150

    Constitution questions are not new

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    Considers historical precedents for the writing of a new Scottish constitution in the event of a yes vote in the 2014 referendum. Argues that the tensions inherent in the Union of Crowns (1603-1707) led the Scots to write and rewrite their constitution through new parliamentary statutes and coronation oaths regulating the powers of the monarchy

    The superwind mass-loss rate of the metal-poor carbon star LI-LMC 1813 in the LMC cluster KMHK 1603

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    LI-LMC 1813 is a dust-enshrouded Asymptotic Giant Branch (AGB) star, located in the small open cluster KMHK 1603 near the rim of the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC). Optical and infrared photometry between 0.5 and 60 micron is obtained to constrain the spectral energy distribution of LI-LMC 1813. Near-infrared spectra unambiguously show it to be a carbon star. Modelling with the radiation transfer code Dusty yields accurate values for the bolometric luminosity, L=1.5 x 10^4 Lsun, and mass-loss rate, Mdot=3.7(+/-1.2) x 10^-5 Msun/yr. On the basis of colour-magnitude diagrams, the age of the cluster KMHK 1603 is estimated to be t=0.9-1.0 Gyr, which implies a Zero-Age Main Sequence mass for LI-LMC 1813 of M(ZAMS)=2.2+/-0.1 Msun. This makes LI-LMC 1813 arguably the object with the most accurately and reliably determined (circum)stellar parameters amongst all carbon stars in the superwind phase.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS (better quality figure 1 on request from jacco

    What Determines the Depth of BALs? Keck HIRES Observations of BALQSO 1603+300

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    We find that the depth and shape of the broad absorption lines (BALs) in BALQSO 1603+3002 are determined largely by the fraction of the emitting source which is covered by the BAL flow. In addition, the observed depth of the BALs is poorly correlated with their real optical depth. The implication of this result is that abundance studies based on direct extraction of column densities from the depth of the absorption troughs are unreliable. Our conclusion is based on analysis of unblended absorption features of two lines from the same ion (in this case the Si IV doublet), which allows unambiguous separation of covering factor and optical depth effects. The complex morphology of the covering factor as a function of velocity suggests that the BALs are produced by several physically separated outflows. The covering factor is ion dependent in both depth and velocity width. We also find evidence that in BALQSO 1603+3002 the flow does not cover the broad emission line region.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Comment on ``Signal of Quark Deconfinement in the Timing Structure of Pulsar Spin-Down''

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    This is a comment on a paper by Glendenning, Pei, and Weber (Phys. Rev. Lett., 79, 1603, 1997), where the authors gave an incorrect estimate of the event rate and neglected the important gravitational energy release. Previous work on the same subject is reviewed, and a new suggestion is made to link quark-hadron phase transitions with soft gamma-ray repeaters.Comment: 4 pages; to appear in Phys. Rev. Let