893 research outputs found

    Beverly Book Co., Staunton, Virginia.

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    List of books for use in city public colored schools, session 1907-1980. 9th grade. Purchased from Bookworm and Silverfish, 10/31/79.https://dh.howard.edu/og_circulars/1045/thumbnail.jp

    Bullard, Sir Edward Crisp (1907-1980)

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    In Memoriam

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    Božo Težak (1907-1980

    Komemorativni skup - Božo Težak

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    KOMEMORATIVNI SKUP na godišnjicu smrti profesora BOŽE TEŽAKA (1907-1980) održano 16. svibnja 1981. u auli Rektorata Sveučilišta u Zagrebu Autorizirana izlaganja uredili: S. Maričić, V. Pravdić i D. Sunk

    António Aniceto Monteiro : um representante notável de uma geração privilegiada e perseguida!

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    [...]. A propósito de uma palestra que proferi no 1º Encontro Regional de Professores de Matemática, realizado na Escola Básica 2/3 dos Ginetes nos dias 4 e 5 deste mês, falei de António Aniceto Monteiro (1907-1980). Dois pormenores a salientar: (1) congratulo, uma vez mais, a escola e a comissão organizadora pela iniciativa em promover e divulgar a Matemática de forma apelativa e interessante; (2) fez-me recordar a vida e obra de António Aniceto Monteiro, que foi um dos maiores matemáticos portugueses e, paradoxalmente, um dos menos conhecidos em Portugal. Graças ao regime salazarista viveu exilado no Brasil e na Argentina, contribuindo decisivamente para o desenvolvimento da matemática naqueles países. [...]

    Whittemore, Arthur G., Collection, 1940-1944

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    A collection of photographs taken by Arthur G. Whittemore. Arthur Glenn Whittemore (1907-1980) grew up in Warsaw, Ohio. Prior to World War II, he worked for the Ohio Highway System, as a truck driver, and as a photographer. He entered the Enlisted Reserve Corps in July of 1942 as a Liaison Flying, receiving training in Pittsburg, Kansas. He was called to active duty at Fort Leavenworth in May 1944. Arthur was reclassified to the Patrol Squadron 152 and was assigned to the 4504th at the Pratt Army Air Base, in Kansas. Arthur and Betty Lou Reese, of Pittsburg, Kansas, were married by 1944. After the war, Arthur Whittemore worked as a professional photographer, mainly in Columbus, Ohio, taking aerial and commercial shots, focusing on many subjects like his wife, people, railroads, and nature. In the mid-1950s, Arthur and Betty divorced. Afterwards, Arthur Whittemore married Ferol Funk.https://digitalcommons.pittstate.edu/fa/1249/thumbnail.jp