6 research outputs found

    От плана воображения к эмпирическому плану через галактику воображаемых точек славянской художественной культуры: телеологическая детерминация

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    В статье обращается внимание на актуальное в типичной ситуации современности понятие телеологической детерминации - типа детерминации, предполагающего рассмотрение пространственного положения объектов, в том числе и языковых единиц, как поля перемещений этих объектов друг относительно друга. Предполагается определить славянскую художественную культуру как детерминационную интеллектуальную среду, в которой в ходе процесса формовозобновления осуществляется трансформация естественности (природно-животного начала человека) в неестественность - вербально- геометрическое изображение Логоса.У статті звертається увага на актуальне в типовій ситуації сучасності поняття телеологічної детермінації - типу детермінації, що припускає розгляд просторового положення об'єктів, зокрема, і мовних одиниць, як поля переміщень цих об'єктів один щодо одного. Передбачається визначити слов'янську художню культуру як інтелектуальне середовище детермінації, в якому в ході процесу формовозобновлення здійснюється трансформація природності (природно- тваринного початку людини) в неприродність - вербально-геометричне зображення Логосу.The article is devoted to the Slavanic Art Culture in the context of new cause determination of entropic process - teleological determination. The Slavanic mental culture gives rise to logical modification of visible presentation of semantic category "Logos". This modification gives the geometrical completeness to meaning's search, determined by semantic tension of unnature


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    The article is devoted to the metahistory of the modern Slavs which is created in the works by M. Pavich and G. Petrovich. The main constructive element of their metahistory conception is reflecting thought which in slav’s culture is the result of parts jettity of slav’s semantic continuum. Permanent change of it’s extent is ruled by principle of God’s imagination, connected three main activities of organic nature. This principle allows to create the special history of the matter so called universal. The principle of imagination determines the world contemplation perspectives in Serbian art culture. Imagination principle in Pavich’s and Pertrovich’s works includes the following elements: 1) combination of absolute and limited; 2) remaking of universum as fantasy world; 3) acknowledgment the main activities of nonorganic nature as world space dimensions; 4) acknowledgment sensibility, excitability and productive force as world time dimensions; 5) the beings in derivative world have the states which don’t repeat in other environment; 6) in derivative world interval between events is impotent when gravitation, electromagnetic forces are not actual; 7) the history of matter is described by events repeating in works of art culture; 8) the event is understood as series of space and time points marks the reflecting thought as represent of man’s life. The principle of imagination courses the topologic mechanism of influence from future to past what assumes the change of topologic invariants dynamic system external space/ The teleological determination calls forth the construction of art text in Slav’s culture

    Историко-географический справочник расселения населения по территории Днепро-Бугской части Новороссии

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    Результаты историко-географического изучения расселения населения по территории Нижнего Побужья и смежной территории Северного Причерноморья, которые со второй половины XVIII века входили в состав Новороссии. Каждая статья содержит данные о местоположении, дате основания, истории заселения, землевладельцах, хронологии изменения наименования, дате переименований и присоединении населенных пунктов, близлежащих исчезнувших поселениях, объектах природного и историко-культурного наследия. Предваряют справочные данные о населенных пунктах в разрезе административных районов (по состоянию на 1992 г.) статьи о природных объектах (реки, лиманы, балки, овраги, полуострова, острова, косы, мысы и др.), без которых невозможно составить полное представление о системе расселения и особенностях региональной топонимии. Книга представляет интерес для широкого круга специалистов в области исторической географии, топонимики, географии населения и краеведов

    A word-based approach to Russian derivational morphology with the suffix {+к(а)}

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    In Russian, there are derivational suffixes which are distinguished by the uniform manner in which they form surface words. These suffixes keep the same phonological/orthographic composition and are found with surface words derived only from a particular base, as seen with {+тель} and {+ость}. However, the suffix {+к(а)} displays more complexity than the suffixes above. While the Item-and-Arrangement morphemic approach seems acceptable when morphemes are organised in a linear arrangement, such as демократ /demokrat/ ‘democrat (m.)’ > демократка /demokratka/ ‘democrat (f.)’, this approach cannot be generalised over other coinages due to the mismatch of the following: 1) the orthographic correspondence as illustrated by болгарин /bolgarin/ ‘Bulgarian (m.)’ > болгарка /bolgarka/ ‘Bulgarian (f.)’; and 2) the semantic relatedness as found with вода /voda/ ‘water’ > водка /vodka/ ‘vodka’. Moreover, the formation of this suffix possibly differs from other counterpart suffixes that denote similar functions/meanings. For instance, this suffix expresses the diminutive meaning as found by дед /ded/ ‘grandfather’ > дедка /dedka/ ‘grandfather (dim.)’. However, the majority of suffixes that denote diminutiveness are masculine, such as {+ок} (город /gorod/ ‘city’ > городок /gorodok/ ‘small city’); {+ик} (дом /dom/ ‘house’ > домик /domik/ ‘small house’); {+чик} (роман /roman/ ‘novel’ > романчик /romanchik/ ‘small novel’), etc. One of the outcomes of this study is a contribution to the debate on morphological models from a morphological perspective only. Other approaches (e.g. psycholinguistics, frequency of occurrence, corpus-based study, experimental-based study, and prototype-radial model) are employed to determine which model describes the word formation process in Russian. I identify the correlation of productivity of {+к(a)} with its mental representation and frequency factor. Also, I demonstrate the effect of relative frequency on coinages of {+к(a)} using corpus materials. The reaction time of native speakers is tested to evaluate whether coinages of {+к(a)} are mentally perceived according to storage or compositional process. Finally, I provide a new look at the semantic distribution of {+к(a)} based on ‘prototype theory’ which connects multiple meanings/functions of {+к(a)} according to ‘family relatedness’ concept. My data on {+к(a)} come from a variety of sources, such as dictionaries, corpora, and an online experiment. I make use of data from a number of Russian dictionaries to ascertain the scope of use of this suffix and provide information on its semantics. Corpora data, however, constitute a more representative source of modern language usage, and I use them to assess the importance of frequency of occurrence. Finally, I employ experimental data to test whether the cognitive perception of native speakers supports a single-route account of word-formation. The suffix {+к(а)} has a substantial influence in Russian since it provides a multiplicity of semantic meanings. It is used in forming a larger number of words compared to other suffixes. Its formation includes a variety of linguistic phenomena which are associated with word formation process (e.g. additive morphology, subtractive morphology, allomorphy, and mutation). This complexity requires explanation. After providing such an explanation and comprehensive details about suffixation in Russian, it will be argued that {+к(a)} can serve as an appropriate tool in order to assess the performance of models of word-formation; it is therefore used to test our hypotheses. I find that the word-based approach represented by the Word and Paradigm (WP) gives a more convincing explanation of linguistic phenomena associated with {+к(а)} and offers a better explanation for the description of {+к(а)} than other approaches, particularly a morpheme-based approach represented by the Item and Arrangement model (IA) or a process-based approach represented by the Item and Process model (IP)