56,164 research outputs found

    Execution of Mortgage Object Against Bankruptcy Debtors

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    The problems arise when the company is unable to pay its debts to the bank and then the bank submits a legal remedy for bankruptcy which results in the debtor (company) being declared bankrupt. So that in the event the debtor has been declared bankrupt, the curator will carry out the execution process under the power of the supervisory judge. The execution of collateral when the debtor goes bankrupt is related to two main issues, namely, the legal regulations regarding execution and the status of collateral related to the debtor’s bankruptcy. In connection with the legal regulations regarding the execution and status of collateral when a debtor goes bankrupt, it is found that there are two different regulations, namely Law no. 37 of 2004 regarding KPKPU and Law no. 4 of 1996 regarding Mortgage Rights, so that a principle is needed to solve these problems, namely lex specialis derogate legi generalis (Special Laws defeat general laws). Therefore, based on these problems, research is carried out using normative legal research methods, by taking an approach, namely, a statute approach related to execution

    Circular: Headquarters, U.S. Forces, March 26, 186?

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    This official circular provides instructions on proper Guard Mounting. By command of Brigadier General George L. Andrews via Captain Chas. B. Gaskill, Acting Assistant Adjutant General. 12 x 13 cm. Single page. Extensive foxing. [Note: Final digit of year is unreadable on this document]

    Book Review

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    Review of: ANN RAPPAPORT & MARGARET FRESHER FLAHERTY, CORPORATE RESPONSES TO ENVIRONMENTAL CHALLENGES: INITIATIVES BY MULTINATIONAL MANAGEMENT. (Quorum Books 1992) [186 pp.] Acknowledgements, bibliography, figures, foreword, index, notes, tables. LC: 91-44706; ISBN: 0-89930-715-9 [Cloth $45.00.

    G74-186 Cannas

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    Cannas are quick growing, vigorous ornamental plants with heavy foliage and large flowers. Flower colors range from dark red to light green. Leaf colors can be reddish-purple, bronze or green. They are used most effectively for bedding plants in public parks and larger home grounds where they can be planted in front of taller shrubbery and viewed from a distance. Their vigor and size make them less desirable for planting in restricted areas

    In memoriam Lajos György Nagy

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    Receipt, 28 December 186[?]

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    Letter to Bichler and Nitzan: points of agreement and disagreement on the labour theory of value and on power

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    Commentary on and critique of Bichler and Nitzan’s power theory of value and capital accumulation

    Upaya Penggunaan Sepeda Sebagai Moda Transportasi Di Kota Surabaya

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    Peningkatan jumlah penduduk berimbas pada terus bertambahnya jumlah kendaraan setiap tahunnya namun tidak diimbangi dengan kapasitas jalan yang sesuai. Hal ini menyebabkan suatu kawasan atau jalan akan mendekati jenuh akibat sistem transportasi yang tidak berkelanjutan Salah satu cara dalam mewujudkan sistem transportasi yang berkelanjutan adalah dengan Revitalisasi penggunaan kendaraan tidak bermotor. Revitalisasi adalah opsi dalam memvitalkan atau menghidupkan kembali suatu kawasan yang mengalami degradasi atau kemunduran. Dalam upaya mengurangi kemacetan, penggunaan sepeda menjadi pilihan menarik karena biaya operasionalnya yang murah dan dapat bermanuver disela-sela kendaraan lain. Namun, penggunaan sepeda sebagai transportasi publik masih menemui kendala. Minimnya jalur khusus sepeda dan lahan parkir sepeda membuat pengguna sepeda merasa kurang aman saat mengendarai sepeda, sehingga perlu adanya realisasi terhadap jalur khusus sepeda dan lahan parkir sepeda


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