3,972 research outputs found

    Dust Bowl, Usa: Depression America and the Ecological Imagination, 1929-1941

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    Review of: Dust Bowl, USA: Depression America and the Ecological Imagination, 1929-1941. Lookingbill, Brad D

    Dust Bowl, Usa: Depression America and the Ecological Imagination, 1929-1941

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    Review of: Dust Bowl, USA: Depression America and the Ecological Imagination, 1929-1941. Lookingbill, Brad D

    [Review of] Richard Klayman. A Generation of Hope: 1929-1941

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    There would be little disagreement among students of American Jewry that we know relatively little about the experience of Jews living in the smaller cities and towns of this country. In recent years, the number of community studies has grown. Typically, however, the research site is a larger metropolis, or else a circumscribed neighborhood of Jewish settlement in a major urban center

    The Political and Ideological Background of the Design and Iconography on the Banknotes of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, 1929-1941

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    Novac Kraljevine Jugoslavije, 1929. - 1941. godine, kao uostalom i svaki drugi novac u prošlosti i danas, odašilje mnoge simboličke poruke na više razina. Njihovim iščitavanjem može se razumjeti državna, nacionalna, politička, ideološka, gospodarska i kulturna usmjerenost jugoslavenske monarhije, pa i najvažnije mijene kroz koje je prolazila. U članku je prikazana politička i ideološka pozadina dizajna i ikonografije novčanica Narodne banke Kraljevine Jugoslavije za ratne novčane rezerve (novčanice “za potrebe zemaljske odbrane” i “za potpuno izvanredne potrebe”). Te novčanice nisu bile predviđene za redovni optjecaj, pa ili nisu bile izdane ili su puštene u optjecaj (prema svim pokazateljima tek 8. 4. 1941.) tek početkom rata u Jugoslaviji. Tako su u novčanom prometu bile samo kraće vrijeme, do njihova povlačenja i zamjene, pretežito tijekom 1941. godine.The money of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, 1929-1941, like any other money in the past and present, sends many symbolical messages on several levels, whose reading allows us to understand state, national, political, ideological, economic and cultural conditions, and the most important changes through which the Yugoslav Kingdom passed in the second decade of its existence

    The Most Technologically Progressive Decade of the Century

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    Because of the Depression’s place in both the popular and academic imagination, and the repeated and justifiable emphasis on output that was not produced, income that was not earned, and expenditure that did not take place, it will seem startling to propose the following hypothesis: the years 1929–1941 were, in the aggregate, the most technologically progressive of any comparable period in U.S. economic history.1 The hypothesis entails two primary claims: that during this period businesses and government contractors implemented or adopted on a more widespread basis a wide range of new technologies and practices, resulting in the highest rate of measured peacetime peak-to-peak multifactor productivity growth in the century, and secondly, that the Depression years produced advances that replenished and expanded the larder of unexploited or only partially exploited techniques, thus providing the basis for much of the labor and multifactor productivity improvement of the 1950’s and 1960’s

    Усташское движение в межвоенный период (1929-1941 гг.)

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    Статья посвящена изучению проблем этнического национализма, в частности идеологии и политической практики усташского движения, формирования его программных установок в конце 20-х – середине 30-х гг. XX в. Усташство – хорватское националистическое движение, ставившее своей целью создание независимого хорватского государства, возникло в период обострения сербо-хорватского антагонизма после убийства С. Радича и введения королем Александром чрезвычайного положения. Террористическая усташская организация сформировалась за рубежом, основным источником для пополнения ее личного состава служила хорватская диаспора в Европе, Северной и Южной Америке. В статье делается вывод о том, что усташская организация была сравнительно слаба и немногочисленна, однако рост популярности идей хорватского этнического национализма в хорватских землях Югославии 1930-х гг. создавал социальную базу будущего усташского режима, а Италия и позднее Германия нашли возможность использовать усташей для борьбы с Югославией и, в свою очередь, предоставили им возможность для формирования хорватского государства, зависимого от держав “Оси”

    David Hope Sadler Family Papers - Accession 76

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    The Sadler Family Papers consist of photocopies of deeds, land grants and wills (1809, 1840-1841, and nd), correspondence and newspaper clippings (1929-1941) with the bulk of the collection consisting of correspondence between members of the Sadler Family of Rock Hill, South Carolina and their friends. Subjects include agriculture, the lives of women during and after the Civil War, the physical and mental condition of the Confederate troops during the War, freedman labor, living standards during Reconstruction, and life in early Rock Hill.https://digitalcommons.winthrop.edu/manuscriptcollection_findingaids/1210/thumbnail.jp