219 research outputs found

    Peculiarities of phenotypes of patients with pyelo- and glomerulonephritis by HLA distribution analysis

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    Studies devoted to the role of human leucocyte antigens (HLA) in pathogenesis of chronic kidney disease (CKD) have demonstrated the associative links of the HLA antigens, which stipulate the relative and attributive risks of some autoimmune diseases, with immune disorder and a high production of pro-inflammatory cytokines. The aim of our study was to determine the peculiarities of phenotypes of CKD patients according to the distribution of HLA-A, B and DR antigens and to conduct their comparative analysis in patients with pyelonephritis (PN) and glomerulonephritis (GN). Methods: The distribution of HLA-A, B, DR antigens in 384 CKD patients (120 with PN and 264 with GN) was analyzed. HLA antigens were defined using a standard microlymphocytotoxic test on the Terasakiґs planchette with special panels of anti-HLA serums (20 antigens of locus A, 31 – B and 9 – DR). The control group consisted of 350 healthy donors. The HLA antigen frequencies in normal and diseased subjects were compared taking each antigen separately, using χ2 test. The etiologic fraction (attributive risk s > 0,1) was counted using the formula: s = x - y/I- y, where x is frequency of antigen in patients and y is frequency in healthy. The s  reading was considered reliable when it exceeded 0.1. Results. The causal role (σ > 0,1) was determined for А10, А11; В14, В16 for PN; antigens-protectors - А2, В21, В35, В40. For CGN, NS the relative risk is high (RR > 2) at the presence of HLA-A23, А24, А28; B8, В38, В41, В44; DR1, DR4, DRw52 in phenotype, the causal role in etiopathology (σ>0.1) is indicated for A24,А28; B8; DR1, DR4, DRw52; the disease protectors are B12 and B16. Conclusion. Conclusion. The features of the HLA-phenotype of patients with pyelo- and glomerulonephritis were shown. It allowed to establish the interconnectedness of the antigens of the histocompatibility complex with the risk of kidney diseases developing, which could help to personificate of the treatment and predicte of the course of the disease

    HLA system features in patients on waiting list for kidney transplantation in the Republic of Bashkortostan

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    The aim of our study was to specify the features of the HLA system in patients registered on the waiting list for kidney transplantation in the Republic of Bashkortostan. HLA-A, HLA-B, and HLA-DR phenotypes were assayed by polymerase chain reaction using PROTRANS and OLERUP SSP kits. The frequency of antigen occurence was determined as the percentage of individuals with the given antigen to the total number of examined individuals. To determine the patterns of distinct antigens within various HLA combinations, we determined maximal percentage of the antigen frequency in combination with other HLA. The largest number of patients on the waiting list suffered from chronic glomerulonephritis, followed by diabetes mellitus, chronic interstitial nephritis, chronic pyelonephritis and polycystic kidney disease. The occurrence frequency of various HLA and their combinations was established both among all the patients suffering from stage 5 chronic kidney disease, and among patients with regard to each nosological category, and the patterns of various HLA combinations were established. The data obtained have been compared with the study results of patients from the waiting lists for organ transplantation in other regions. HLA-A02 (similar to Brazil, Great Britain), HLA-DR07, HLA-DR04 (like as in Nepal, European population of Kazakhstan, Southern China), HLA-A24 (as in Nepal, Southern China), and combinations of HLA-A02-A03, HLA-A02-DR04, HLA-A02-DR01, HLA-A02-B07, HLA-A03-DR01, HLA-B35-DR01 were most common in the patients with chronic kidney disease which can be considered as risk factor for severe nephropathy. HLA-B15, HLA-B40, HLA-vA30, HLA-A32, HLA-B56, HLA-B60, HLA-DR10 were found at minimal frequency; as well as the following combinations: HLA-A01-A24-B08-DR17, HLA-A01-A68-DR07, HLAA24-B07-B13, HLA-A01-B08-B13, HLA-A02-B35-B38-DR01, HLA-A02-B50-B61-DR07, HLA-A01-B55-DR04, HLA-A02-B55-DR03, HLA-A24-B55-DR13, HLA-A01-A02-B08-DR03, HLA-A02-DR01-DR13. The following antigens were absent among our patients: HLA-A28 (similar to Kuwait); HLA-A11, HLA-A23, HLA-A28, HLA-A33, HLA-B46, HLA-B62;-DR03, HLA-DR14 (as in Kazakhstan); HLAA19, HLA-A43, HLA-B16, HLA-B21, HLA-B22, HLA-B83 and HLA-DR05 (as in Great Britain); HLAB14 (as in Brazil). The results obtained were either similar, or different from the literature data, both in terms of the most common HLA and their combinations with regard of special nephropathy types. The revealed differences can be explained by presence of population-specifical HLA features in the patients from different ethnic groups and living in different geographical areas. The found stable associative links between the disorders and HLA may contribute to better understanding of pathogenesis of the disorders, their early preclinical detection, evaluating risk for development of pathological conditions, thus allowing timely justification of preventive measures

    Проєкт будівництва складу засобів захисту рослин у Хмельницькій області

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    Пояснювальна записка: 93 с., 10 рис., 9 табл. 1 додаток і 25 джерел. БАЛКА ПОКРИТТЯ, ҐРУНТИ, ЗАЛІЗОБЕТОННИЙ КАРКАС, ПРОМИСЛОВА БУДІВЛЯ, СТОВБЧАСТІ ФУНДАМЕНТИ, ТЕХНОЛОГІЧНА КАРТА. Об’єкт розроблення – проєкт будівлі складу засобів захисту рослин. Мета роботи – розрахунок основних конструктивних елементів та розробка робочих креслень будівлі, що проєктується на основі будівельних рішень, технічної документації, матеріалів відповідно до вимог чинних нормативних документів. Склад засобів захисту рослин являє собою одноповерхову, окремо стоячу будівлю прямокутної форми та має наступні розміри в плані: довжина - 132 м, ширина - 72 м. Будівля має 4 прольоти шириною 18м. Крок колон, в основному, - 12 м, а також в одиночних випадках - 6 м, що обумовлено технологічними вимогами. Висота будівлі 14,2 м. Конструктивна схема - рамно-зв’язевий змішаний каркас (з/б колони, сталеві несучі конструкції покриття). Просторова жорсткість будівлі забезпечується рамами (крок 12 м, проліт 18 м) і диском покриття складається із сталевих ферм, зв'язків і профнастилу. Представлена організація управління будівництвом та визначені номенклатури та об’єм будівельно-монтажних робіт. Обрано поточний метод виконання робіт. Зведено проєктування календарного плану виконання робіт та калькуляцію трудових витрат по проєкту.Explanatory note: 93 p. , 10 d , 9 tabl, 1 supplement , 25 references. COVER BEAM, INDUSTRIAL BUILDING, COLUMN FOUNDATIONS, REINFORCED CONCRETE FRAME, SOILS, TECHNOLOGICAL MAP. Object of development – project of warehouse of herb protection products. The purpose – calculation of the main structural elements and development of working drawings of the building based on construction solutions, technical documentation, materials in accordance with the requirements of the current regulatory documents. The composition of plant protection products is a one-storey, detached rectangular building and has the following dimensions in plan: length - 132 m, width - 72 m. The building has 4 spans 18 m wide. The pitch of the columns is mainly 12 m in single cases - 6 m, which is due to technological requirements. The height of the building is 14.2 m. Structural scheme – frame-connected mixed frame (reinforced concrete columns, steel load-bearing structures). The spatial rigidity of the building is provided by frames (step 12 m, span 18 m) and the cover disk consists of steel trusses, ties and corrugated board. The organization of construction management is presented and the nomenclatures and volume of construction and installation works are determined. The current method of performance of works is chosen. The design of the work schedule and the calculation of labor costs for the project are summarized