23 research outputs found

    К разгадке одной писательской диффамации: почему Н.Н. Страхов оклеветал Ф.М. Достоевского?

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    Статья построена на сопоставлении рабочих тетрадей Достоевского и романа "Братья Карамазовы" с его восприятием личности Н.Н. Страхова. Отзыв о Страхове в рабочей тетради Достоевского почти буквально повторен в романе применительно к Ракитину. Образ Ракитина в "Братьях Карамазовых", как показано в статье, представляет собой своего рода криптографический памфлет против Страхов

    Literatura polska w przekładach na język bułgarski. Czasopisma literackie w latach 1990—2007

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    Bulgarian Translations of Polish Literature in the Periodical Literature, 1990—2007 Summary This text examines the reception of Polish literature into professional Bulgarian publications for literature and art. It submits to a discussion the following sources: The special issue of „Literaturen westnik” („Literary Weekly”) entitled Polish Literature of the Nineties, no.11 (22.—28.03.2000), devoted entirely to the changes occurred in Polish literature and artistic life at the end of the past century; and no. 18 (8.—14.05.2002) of the same journal presents under the title Polish Nike, presents the most prestigious Polish literary award and its laureates during the years 1997—2002. Mentioned above jurnal „Literaturen westnik” („Literary Weekly”) had two more special issues: Literature on Heel‑or Better Literature, no. 35 (2.—8.11), and Literature before the Mirror or Better Literature, no. 6 (15.—21.02), published in 2006, both focused on Polish women’s feminist writers. The article takes also into account the issue of „Panorama”, no. 3 (2002), which gives an overview of Polish literature translated into Bulgarian after 1989. Included into this discussion is the periodical „Kritika”, no. 3—4 (2006); it gives a survey of the most interesting statements of Polish literary critical thought in the same period, that is, after 1989. Similarly, the „Slavianski dialozi” („Slavic Dialogues”), no. 8 (2007), that presents some most important ways of development in contemporary Polish culture

    Роман Дж. М. Кутсі “Володар Петербурга” як фікційна біографія

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    The article concerns issues of the genre of fictional biography. The study examined the peculiarities of the artistic transformation of the circumstances of the F. M. Dostoyevsky's creative biography in J. M. Coetzee's novel “The Master of Petersburg”.The author has investigated a lot of intertextual sources as factors of the fictionalization of Dostoyevsky's biography, such as essays Stavrogin by Nikolai Berdyaev, Dostoevsky and patricide by Sigmund Freud, Dostoevsky – but in moderation by Thomas Mann, academic biographies of F. M. Dostoevsky and especially Dostoevsky’s novel Devils. An attempt was made to find out the motives of the author's appeal to the “dark” side of the inner world of Dostoevsky. The culminating episode of the novel, when Dostoevsky begins to write the novel Devils, is considered on three levels of the artistic system of the novel: 1) plot motivation; 2) characterological aspects; 3) conceptual level, determined by the problem of creativity as the central problem of the novel. Writer's work is mainly an irrational and intuitive sphere, Dionysian phenomenon, fraught with unpredictable consequences. So the author of the article tries to identify the “positive program” of the Coetzee's novel as a work about “darkness of human heart”, that is cleared by the artist's genius, but it does not protect against moral losses. Рассматриваются особенности художественной трансформации обстоятельств творческой биографии Ф. М. Достоевского в романе „Властелин Петербурга” (“The Master of Petersburg”) Дж. М. Кутси. Охарактеризованы интертекстуальные источники, ставшие фактором фикционализации образа Достоевского. Предпринята попытка выяснить мотивы обращения автора к „темным” сторонам внутреннего мира Достоевского и выявить „позитивную программу” романа Кутси как произведения о „тьме человеческого сердца”, которая прозревается гениальностью художника, но не спасает его от моральных потерь.Розглядаються особливості художньої трансформації обставин творчої біографії Ф. М. Достоєвського в романі „Володар Петербурга” (“The Master of Petersburg”) Дж. М. Кутсі. Охарактеризовано низку інтертекстуальних джерел, що стали основою фікціоналізації образу Достоєвського. Встановлено, що ідейно-художня концепція роману Дж. М. Кутсі „Володар Петербурга” ґрунтується не тільки на художньому інтертексті („Біси”, „Нотатки з підпілля” Ф. М. Достоєвського), але й на біографічному дискурсі та фундаментальних науково-критичних джерелах, що істотно вплинули на формування образу-міфу Достоєвського в західній художньо-естетичній думці, зокрема есеї „Ставрогін” Миколи Бердяєва, „Достоєвський – але в міру” Томаса Манна, „Достоєвський і батьковбивство” Зигмунда Фройда. Здійснено спробу з’ясувати мотиви звернення автора до „темних” сторін внутрішнього світу Достоєвського і виявити „позитивну програму” роману Кутсі як твору про „пітьму людського серця”, що прозрівається геніальністю митця, але не рятує його від моральних втрат

    «Judged by the pastoral conscience». Diary of Vasily Sokolov «Borovetsky»

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    The article is devoted to establishing the authorship of the diary written by some priest of the Vologda diocese and fragmentarily published in the Vologda Diocesan Gazette in 1908–1916 under the title «Judged by the pastoral conscience», with no author’s indication. Using archival data and publications in the church periodicals of that time, the researcher has discovered that the diary belongs to the famous ascetic of the Vologda region priest Vasily Nikolaevich Sokolov (1865–1909), also called by his contemporaries «Borovetsky», which is derived from the place of priest’s service: sett. Borok of the Vologda district. As a priest, Father Vasily enjoyed great prestige among the inhabitants of the surrounding villages and the Vologda province in general; at the end of his life Fr. Vasily for several years held the position of spiritual mentor in the Vologda Theological Seminary. Priest Vasily Sokolov’s circle of spiritual fellowship included: priest Alexander Badanin (now —locally venerated saint of the Vologda diocese), priest Nikolai Karaulov (Holy Martyr Nikolai, canonized with the New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia), and also hieromonk Theophanes (Kharitonov, later — famous elder of Athos), as well as Bishop Neophyte (Slednikov, died in 1918 as Bishop of Starobelsk and Vicar of the Kharkov diocese), and hieromonk of the Vologda Cross Church Simeon (Stefanov, 1867–1903; devotee of piety), and Nikita (Gromov, 1865–1935; inhabitant of the Dionisievo-Glushitsky Monastery). As shown in the article, it is Bishop Neophyte (Slednikov) who should be considered the publisher and editor of the diary. Since priest Vasily Sokolov was extremely attentive and demanding about his inner world, his diary entries are replete with indications of his unworthiness and imperfections. Being unfamiliar with the life of this ascetic priest, a reader may get the impression that the diary’s author really lives a relaxed life and is far from spiritual success. Establishing the authorship of the diary and the biography of priest Vasily allows to correctly assess its content and opens the diary as a witness of the life of the ascetic pastor for a wide range of readers. As an illustration, some fragments of the diary are published in the appendix