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    Abstrak: Office 365 adalah aplikasi Microsoft yang diciptakan satu paket berupaWord, Power Point, Outlook, Excel, Acces dan Publisher. Office 365 memberikan kemudahan menjalankan pekerjaan melalui berbagai aplikasi fitur yang ada, dirancang membantu menyelesaikan lebih banyak secara lebih inovatif dengan layanan cloud cerdas. Banyak yang belum mengenal kelebihan dan kegunaan dari Office 365. Khususnya Guru dan TU di SMKN 3 Tegal padah sudah memiliki akun loginnya. Namun tidak mengetahui bagaimana menggunakan office 365. Pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk memudahkan kinerja bersama antara tata usaha dan proses mengajar bagi guru di SMKN 3 Tegal dengan memanfaatkan office 365. PKM ini menggunakan metode sosialisasi, dengan tahapan: persiapan (survey), memberikan materi, tanya jawab, diskusi, praktik, pendampingan serta dilakukan pre-test dan post-test untuk mengevaluasi kegiatan PKM. Pengabdian berlangsung selama 3 hari, dengan peserta 35 orang. Hasilnya peserta dapat mengoperasikan dan menggunakan akun Office 365 yang telah dimilki dengan baik dan lancar, saat dilakukan praktik dan evaluasi berupa pretest dan posttest pada quisioner yang telah diberikan, sebanyak 80% sudah dapat mengenal, memahami menggunakan dan operasikan office 365 secara baik dan lancar.Abstract: Office 365 is a Microsoft application made in one package in the form of Word, PowerPoint, Outlook, Excel, Access, and Publisher. Office 365 makes it easy to get work done through a variety of existing applications, designed to help get more done innovatively with intelligent cloud services. Many do not know the advantages and uses of Office 365. Especially teachers and TU at SMKN3 Tegal already have a login account. However, they do not know how to use office 365. This service aims to facilitate joint performance between the administration and the teaching process for teachers at SMKN 3 Tegal by utilizing office 365. This PKM uses the socialization method, with the following stages: preparation, presentation, questions answer, discussion, practice, mentoring as well as pre-test and post-test for discussion of PKM activities. The service lasted for 3 days, with 35 participants. As a result, participants can operate and use their Office 365 accounts well and smoothly. This can be seen when practice is carried out and posttest of community service activities is carried out on the questionnaire that has been given as many as 80% can recognize, understand, use and operate Office 365 well and smoothly

    Synthesis and Characterization of Tb[N(CN)2]3·2H2O and Eu[N(CN)2]3·2H2O:

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    Two new rare-earth dicyanamides, namely, Tb[N(CN)2]3·2H2O and Eu[N(CN)2]3·2H2O, have been prepared by ion exchange in aqueous solution, followed by evaporation of the solvent at room temperature. The structures of both compounds have been solved and refined from single-crystal and powder X-ray diffraction data, respectively. The two compounds are isostructural and are built up from irregular quadratic antiprismatic LnN6O2 polyhedra connected to each other by three crystallographically independent dicyanamide ([N(CN)2]3-) ions (Tb[N(CN)2]3·2H2O, P21/n, Z = 4, a = 7.4632(15) Å, b = 11.523(2) Å, c = 13.944(3) Å, β = 94.06(3)°, V = 1196.2(4) Å3; Eu[N(CN)2]3·2H2O, P21/n, Z = 4, a = 7.4780(3) Å, b = 11.5429(5) Å, c = 13.9756(7) Å, β = 93.998(4)°, V = 1203.41(10) Å3). Annealing of the hydrated phases of Ln[N(CN)2]3·2H2O (Ln = Eu, Tb) at 150 °C under an argon atmosphere leads to the formation of nonhydrated Ln[N(CN)2]3 (Ln = Eu, Tb). Both the hydrated (Eu[N(CN)2]3·2H2O) and nonhydrated (Eu[N(CN)2]3) europium(III) dicyanamides show red luminescence due to the dominant intensity of 5D0−7FJ (J = 1, 2, 4) emission lines by excitation at 365 nm. The broad excitation band of europium(III) dicyanamide (fwhm = 8000 cm-1) ranging between 260 and 420 nm with λmax ≈ 30000 cm-1 is ascribed to a Eu−N charge-transfer transition, which is significantly shifted to lower energy compared to that of oxo compounds due to the nephalauxetic effect. Similarly, both the hydrated (Tb[N(CN)2]3·2H2O) and nonhydrated (Tb[N(CN)2]3) terbium(III) dicyanamides show green emission at λexc = 365 nm, arising mainly from the dominant 5D0−7F4 transition. However, unlike europium(III) dicyanamide, the broad excitation band of terbium(III) dicyanamide ranging between 250 and 400 nm with a maximum at 33000 cm-1 can be assigned to the 4f8−4f75d1 transition of Tb3+

    Debtor-Tenants Located in Shopping Centers Must Satisfy Heightened Requirements When Assuming and Assigning Their Unexpired Lease in Bankruptcy

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    (Excerpt) Under title 11 of the United States Code (the “Bankruptcy Code”), a debtor filing for bankruptcy with an executory contract or unexpired lease will be relieved of their obligation under that contract or lease when it is properly assumed and assigned to a third party with court approval. Section 365(b) mandates that the debtor meet certain requirements to assume a contract or lease, which includes providing adequate assurance of future performance. Section 365(b)(3) governs the assumption and assignment for debtor-tenants located in shopping centers. Section 365(b)(3) enumerates heightened requirements in providing adequate assurance in order for the debtor-tenant in a shopping center to be released from their obligations and avoid breach of the lease; these include: (A) adequate assurance of the source of rent and other consideration due under such lease, and in the case of an assignment, that the financial condition and operating performance of the proposed assignee and its guarantors, if any, shall be similar to the financial condition and operating performance of the debtor and its guarantors, if any, as of the time the debtor became the lessee under the lease; (B) that any percentage rent due under such lease will not decline substantially; (C) that assumption or assignment of such lease is subject to all the provisions thereof, including (but not limited to) provisions such as a radius, location, use, or exclusivity provision, and will not breach any such provision contained in any other lease, financing agreement, or master agreement relating to such shopping center; and (D) that assumption or assignment of such lease will not disrupt any tenant mix or balance in such shopping center. Assignment is impermissible if any of the subsections of 365(b)(3) are not met. This memorandum will examine section 365(b)(3) of the Bankruptcy Code and its implications. Part I will briefly examine the term “adequate assurance.” Part II will focus on the requirement of adequate financial condition and rent stabilization under section 365(b)(3)(A), (B). Part III will evaluate the requirement of compliance with lease provisions and agreements within shopping centers and the overt tension between section 365(b)(3)(C) and section 365(f)(1). Part IV will assess the requirement of avoiding disruption of the tenant mix and balance in the shopping center in section 365(b)(3)(D)

    Symmetry breaking and unconventional charge ordering in single crystal Na2.7_{2.7}Ru4_4O9_9

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    The interplay of charge, spin, and lattice degrees of freedom in matter leads to various forms of ordered states through phase transitions. An important subclass of these phenomena of complex materials is charge ordering (CO), mainly driven by mixed-valence states. We discovered by combining the results of electrical resistivity (ρ\rho), specific heat, susceptibility χ\chi (\textit{T}), and single crystal x-ray diffraction (SC-XRD) that Na2.7_{2.7}Ru4_4O9_9 with the monoclinic tunnel type lattice (space group CC2/mm) exhibits an unconventional CO at room temperature while retaining metallicity. The temperature-dependent SC-XRD results show successive phase transitions with super-lattice reflections at \textbf{q}1_1=(0, 12\frac{1}{2}, 0) and \textbf{q}2_2=(0, 13\frac{1}{3}, 13\frac{1}{3}) below TC2T_{\textrm{C2}} (365 K) and only at \textbf{q}1_1=(0, 12\frac{1}{2}, 0) between TC2T_{\textrm{C2}} and TC1T_{\textrm{C1}} (630 K). We interpreted these as an evidence for the formation of an unconventional CO. It reveals a strong first-order phase transition in the electrical resistivity at TC2T_{\textrm{C2}} (cooling) = 345 K and TC2T_{\textrm{C2}} (heating) = 365 K. We argue that the origin of the phase transition is due to the localized 4dd Ru-electrons. The results of our finding reveal an unique example of Ru3+^{3+}/Ru4+^{4+} mixed valance heavy \textit{d}4^4 ions.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figure

    T-cell epitopes of the major peach allergen, Pru p 3: Identification and differential T-cell response of peach-allergic and non-allergic subjects

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    Lipid transfer proteins (LTPs), particularly peach Pru p 3, are the most relevant plant food allergens in the South of Europe, and, therefore, their allergic properties have been extensively studied. However, neither T-cell epitopes nor their effect on the patients’ T-cell response has been investigated in any member of the LTP panallergen family. The objective of the present study was to map the major T-cell epitopes of Pru p 3, as well as to evaluate their induced T-cell response in peach-allergic versus control subjects. Thus, peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) from 18 peach-allergic patients and Pru p 3-specific T-cell lines (TCLs) from 9 of them were cultured with Pru p 3 and with a panel of 17 derived peptides (10-mer overlapping in 5 amino acids representing the full sequence of Pru p 3). Proliferation in 5-day assays was carried out via tritiated-thymidine incorporation, while IL4 and IFNγ production was assessed via sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent tests (ELISA) of TCL culture supernatants. The results were compared to those obtained from 10 non-peach allergic control volunteers. Two consecutive peptides showed the highest activation capacity. About 74% of PBMCs and TCLs recognized them, forming a single T-epitope: Pru p 365–80. Additionally, other specific T-cell epitopes were observed. Pru p 325–35 was detected by more than 60% of TCLs from peach-allergic patients, and Pru p 345–55 only activated PBMCs from control subjects. Interestingly, TCLs from patients were associated with a Th2-type, whereas control TCLs presented a Th1-type cytokine response. The major immunogenic T-cell epitope identified in Pru p 3, Pru p 365–80, is a good candidate to develop new vaccines for hypersensitivity reactions associated with LTP allergens from Rosaceae fruits

    Optimalisasi Madrasah Digital melalui Implementasi Transformasi Digital di MTs Negeri 5 Sleman

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    The goal that will be achieved in this study is to find out the optimization of madrasah digitalization learning carried out by teachers, students, and parents using the MS Office 365 A1 series platform. This research uses survey-based action research methods. The achievements obtained in optimizing digital madrasahs in semesters 1 and 2 of the 2021/2022 academic year at MTs Negeri 5 Sleman using Office 365 are as follows; 1) the quantity of Office 365 usage has not changed; 2) Teams Meeting usage increased by 10.60%; 3) student participation rate increased by 17.25%; 4) the use of Office 365-provided applications increased by 79.29%; and 5) the comfort level of using Office 365 increased by 10.33%. From the results obtained, it shows that Office 365 is one of the madrasah digitization applications that suits the needs of madrasahs

    Dairy Herd Improvement

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    Milk and milk fat production have both been improved by crossing good Holstein or Red Dane bulls with Guernsey cows ( 1). The mature equivalent production ( M. E. ) for 365 days, 3 times milking of Holstein-Guernsey crosses is reported at 17,186 pounds of milk and 805 pounds of fat compared with their dams average of 10,897 pounds of milk and 555 pounds of fat. The Dane- Guernsey crosses averaged 18.149 pounds of milk and 803 pounds of fat as against their clams average of l].] 63 pounds of milk and 546 pounds of fat

    Identificação e aspectos bioecológicos do gavião-caramujeiro (Rosthramus sociabilis) visando sua utilização como indicador de sustentabilidade na região costeira do Sul do Rio Grande do Sul.

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