4,854 research outputs found

    Früher ging es um Arsen in Gemüsekonserven - heute um Dioxin im Fleisch : Debatten über Qualität von Lebensmitteln verlaufen ähnlich wie Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts

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    Rezension zu: Vera Hierholzer: Nahrung nach Norm. Regulierung von Nahrungsmittelqualität in der Industrialisierung, 1871–1914. Göttingen 2010, Verlag Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, ISBN 978-3-525-37017-9, 399 Seiten, 56 Euro

    XVII. The Transformation of Liberalism and Nationalism, 1871-1914

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    In the first half of the nineteenth century liberalism and nationalism were key concepts of the major political and economic movements within Western Civilization, As has been explained in the preceding chapter, by the end of the century new radical movements — socialism, syndicalism, and anarchism — had supplanted them on the extreme left of the political spectrum. By 1914 this new Left was a significant factor in many countries. However, it was still a minority movement and, for most people living in the Western World between 1871 and 1914, nationalism and liberalism were more important in determining the texture of politics. Even many conservatives now compromised with them. That these were not the same liberalism and nationalism which had been the watchwords of reform half a century before should not be surprising because the world in which they operated and often conquered had also changed. [excerpt

    2. The New Liberalism

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    The same people who, in the years 1871-1914, were remodeling their constitutions and introducing more and more of the institutions of democracy were also enlarging the tasks for their government to perform. In the laissez-faire state advocated by political economists in the preceding generation, the government had been almost a mere policeman, a night watchman. Now, in the beginnings of what a later age would call the welfare state, the government was tending to assume new roles: benevolent parent, social engineer, landlord, philanthropist, master mind, and even - or so its critics alleged - Santa Claus.Armed with new powers of compulsion exercised in the name of the general welfare, the state now entered areas where hitherto it had acted only exceptionally, or not at all. [excerpt

    The Working People of Paris, 1871-1914

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    Originally published in 1984. In The Working People of Paris, 1871–1914, Lenard Berlanstein examines how technological advances, expanding industrialization, bureaucratization, and urban growth affected the lives of the working poor and near poor of one of the world's most influential cities during an era of intense social and cultural change. Berlanstein departs from other historians of the working classes in treating, in a parallel manner, not only craftsmen and factory laborers but also service workers and lower-level white-collar employees. Avoiding the fallacy of letting the city limits set the boundaries of an urban study, he deals also with the industrial suburbs, with their considerable concentration of workers, to examine the transformation of the work, leisure, and consumer experiences of the people who did not own property and who lived from one payday to the next during the Second Industrial Revolution.The Working People of Paris describes a cycle of adaptation and resistance to the forces of economic maturation. For several decades after 1871, Berlanstein argues, working people and employees preserved accommodations with management about reciprocal rights in the workplace. By the beginning of the twentieth century, however, these forms of adaptation had broken down under new economic pressures. The result was a crisis of discipline in the workplace, as wage earners and modest clerks began to challenge managerial authority.Berlanstein's study confronts the widely accepted view that, during this period, workers became better integrated into a society of improving standards of living and mass leisure. Instead, he documents uneven patterns of material progress and growing conflict over work roles among all sorts of laboring people

    Relationship Banking and corporate governance in the Kaiserreich

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    This paper focuses on the institution of interlocking directorates between universal banks and industrial firms in the Kaiserreich (1871-1914) and demonstrates that such formalized relationships were unusual prior to 1900. The investigation indicates further that there was a marked increase in bank representation at firms-both in the share of firms involved in such relationships and in the number of joint directors-around the turn of the century. Finally, the work suggest a number of explanations for the pattern of bank relationships that emerges

    1. The Advent of Modern Democracy

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    Everywhere there was a strong tendency to modify the concepts of political liberalism into a justification of democracy. By and large, this was not the result of the creation of a completely new political theory. The advocates of democracy tended to justify their doctrine with natural-rights theories from the Enlightenment, with a utilitarianism reminiscent of John Stuart Mill, with deductions drawn from the romantic glorification of the individual, or with appeals to the record of the United States. In general, they took over the concepts of the middle-class liberalism of the nineteenth century. However, the very logic of the liberal position in an increasingly industrialized world forced democrats to advocate the removal of many of those limitations on popular participation in government which liberals earlier had thought necessary. With victory apparently in sight in the years 1871-1914, democracy can be studied through its acts, in the difficult task of putting into practice under widely divergent conditions those general concepts which had been forged in an earlier age. In the process strongly egalitarian institutions were developed which became identified with democracy in the minds of most Westerners. It is in the observations of this process that we can test the definition of democracy as government responsible to the will of the people. [excerpt

    OCJENE I PRIKAZI: Documents diplomatiques francais 1954-1960, Aneksi 1945.

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    Francusko je ministarstvo vanjskih poslova do 1987. godine objavilo tri velike serije diplomatičkih dokumenata: 1.IZVORI ZA RAT 1870-1871. Zbornik dokumenata koje je objavilo Ministarstvo vanjskih poslova (LES ORIGINES DE LA GUERRE DE 1870-1871. Recueil de documents publies par le ministere des Affaires etrangeres), Pariz, 1910-1923, 29 svezaka. 2.FRANCUSKl DIPLOMATIČKI DOKUME TI 1871-1914 koji se odnose na izvore rata iz 1914. (DOCUMENTS DIPLOMATIQUES FRANCAIS 1871-1914 RELATIFS AUX ORIGINES DE LA GUERRE DE 1914), Pariz, 1929-1960, 42 sveska. 3.FRANCUSKI DIPLOMATIČKl DOKUMENTI koji se odnose na rat od 1939. do 1945. (DOCUMENTS DIPLOMATIQUES FRANCAIS RELATIFS AUX ORIGINES DE LA GUERRE DE 1939-1945) Pariz, 1963-1986, 32 sveska. Osim ovih izdanja, objavljene su i brojne prigodne publikacije: Žute knjige (Livres jaunes), brošure koje se odnose na određena pitanja, itd

    Germany\u27s Vision of Empire in Venezuela, 1871-1914

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