5,642 research outputs found


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    Темата на настоящия доклад е обусловена от появилата се у нас през 2020 г. и действаща до началото на месец май 2023 г. пандемия от COVID–19, когато от СЗО статутът на пандемия е отменен, която се отрази върху целия обществен живот в Република България, засягайки в немалка степен и социалната работа при хората с увреждания в страната. Разгледани са някои аспекти на отражението на пандемията в центровете за работа с хора с увреждания.Цел: Да се проучат някои отражения на пандемията от COVID–19 върху социалната работа при хора с увреждания.Материал и методи: Проведено е анкетно проучване сред 40 социални работници в 5 центъра за работа с хора с увреждания от град Сливен относно дейността им в условията на пандемията от COVID–19. Резултатите са обработени статистически.Резултати и обсъждане: Социалните работници не се влияят в много голяма степен (92%), от това, че човек, когото познават е болен от COVID–19 и биха го избрали за приятел. Все пак за 8% от тях приятелството с болен от COVID–19 е нежелателно. Много голяма част от тях (82%) могат да убедят потребителите на предлаганата от тях социална услуга, да се придържат към наложените ограничения в условия на пандемия, но 18% не са се справили с убеждението в спазване на ограниченията. Още повече от тях (26%) не могат да убедят потребителите на предлаганата от тях социална услуга, да се придържат към задължителните изисквания за тяхното поведение в условия на пандемия. За 74% от социалните работници при ежедневната им работа в центровете това не е проблем

    Income inequality and health during the Covid-19 pandemic – Bulgaria compared to some European countries

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    The paper analyzes the relationship between income inequality and health with a focus on the years of the Covid-19 pandemic. Income inequality is measured by the Gini coefficient of income, and health is measured by Excess deaths in 2020 per 100,000 population, relative to the 2017-2019 average. Data of both variables are from the World Happiness Report 2021. The number of European countries covered are 36 including the United States and Israel. The calculated correlation coefficient (0.37) shows a significant positive correlation between the Gini index and excess deaths in 2020. The conclusion is made that too high income inequality is at least part of the explanation why Bulgaria is hit harder by the COVID-19 pandemic than all other countries in the world


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    Мақолада меҳнат миграциясининг иқтисодий назариялари таҳлил қилинган.  Меркантилизм даврида иммиграцияга рухсат берилиб, эмиграцияга чеклов қўйилганлиги келтирилган. А.Смит ва Д.Рикардолар томонидан меҳнат бозоридаги талаб ва таклифни тартибга солишда миграциянинг кўринмас қўл вазифасини бажариши айтиб ўтилган. Халқаро меҳнат миграцияси билан боғлиқ барча назариялар иқтисодий жиҳатдан ўрганилган

    Конституционный статус человека и гражданина в условиях пандемии коронавирусной инфекции: векторы трансформации в России

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    The subject of research is the scientific understanding of the ways, manifestations and trends in the transformation of the constitutional status of an individual in the context of the spread of coronavirus infection.The purpose of the research is to confirm or disprove the scientific hypothesis that the COVID-19 pandemic impacts negatively on the content and implementation of the constitutional status of an individual in Russia.The methodology. General scientific methods, especially dialectical ones, made it possible to study the conditions and process of evolution of the constitutional status of an individual in the context of confronting coronavirus infection. With the help of a synergistic method the analysis of cross-sectoral communication of national constitutional law and international legal regulation is carried out. The systemic-structural method was used in the study of intrasystemic changes in the constitutional status of an individual. A study of normative legal sources was made using the formal legal method.The main results, scope of application. The constitutional status of an individual is undergoing a clear transformation in four directions, each of which has received a separate consideration in the work. Basically, the transformation concerned such an element of the constitutional status as "rights". For the most part, these changes have a negative character for an individual, that is, they worsen his constitutional and legal situation in comparison with the "pre-pandemic" period, but they will remain in one way or another until the sanitary and epidemiological situation normalizes. It is noteworthy that the same element of the constitutional status, including the same right, can experience several variants of transformation, but with a difference in time, content, territory of action or circle of persons. For example, the development of the right to freedom of movement on the territory of the Russian Federation is accompanied by both its restriction and suspension of implementation in general, and the right to entrepreneurial activity is accompanied by an additional opportunity for business representatives to receive compensation for forced losses. The pandemic has demonstrated the permissibility and even a certain expediency of transforming the constitutional status of a person and a citizen not only by federal laws (which follows from Part 3 of Article 55 of Russian Constitution), but also by-laws and regulations, not only at the federal, but also at the regional level. This possibility is due to references in federal legislation. It should be recognized that over the past year, for the first time, we have witnessed the active regulation of the constitutional status of a person and a citizen by the subordinate normative acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, which indicates their confident incorporation into the number of sources of its legal regulation.Conclusions. The vectors of transformation of constitutional status of an individual due to COVID-19 pandemic were: (a) the restriction of some basic rights, (b) the suspension of the implementation of a number of basic rights, (c) the substantive clarification and addition of certain rights and mechanisms for their implementation, (d) imposition of additional responsibilities.Исследуются изменения, которым подвергся конституционный статус личности в условиях противодействия распространению коронавирусной инфекции в Российской Федерации. Отмечено, что в наибольшей мере он претерпел негативную, хотя и вынужденную для человека и гражданина трансформацию в виде ограничения основных прав, приостановления реализации основных прав, возложения дополнительных обязанностей; в меньшей степени наблюдаются позитивные изменения, нашедшие выражение в содержательном уточнении и дополнении некоторых прав человека и гражданина, а также механизмов их реализации, при этом некоторые основные права получили трансформацию в нескольких направлениях, хотя и с разницей во времени, содержании, территории действия или круге лиц. Каждый вектор трансформации конституционного статуса подкреплен в статье разнообразными примерами из федерального и регионального законодательства

    Инициатива Китая ”Один пояс — Один путь“ и пандемия коронавируса

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    The coronavirus (and the disease it causes, COVID-19) has proven to be a rolling crisis. Rolling in the sense that it began in central China and spread westward to the Indo-Pacific region toward Europe and at the same time eastward into North America. Its impacts have been felt most intensely, so far, in several emerging hotspots along the way, such as Spain and Italy. In a matter of a few months it became a truly global pandemic and economic crisis. It continues to spread to all inhabited continents.For China, where the coronavirus started as a national epidemic, the problems were two-fold: first the virus disrupted China’s manufacturing processes as workers became infected with a fast and easy-spreading coronavirus and, secondly, disrupted the supply chain as demand for its domestic and export goods and services rapidly decreased.Коронавирус (и заболевание, которое он вызывает, COVID-19), как оказалось, переживает кризис. В том смысле, что он начался в центральной части Китая и рас-пространился на запад, в Индо-Тихоокеанский регион, к Европе и, в тоже время, на восток, в Северную Америку. Его влияние ощущалось наиболее интенсивно в нескольких возникших горячих точках, таких как Испания и Италия. Через несколько месяцев эта пробле-ма стала глобальным пандемическим и экономическим кризисом. Он распространяется на все континенты. Для Китая, где коронавирус начался как национальная эпидемия, проблемы носили двоякий характер: во-первых, вирус нарушил производственные процессы в Китае, поскольку работники заразились быстро и легко распространяющимся вирусом, во-вторых, нарушил цепочку поставок в результате чего, внутренние и экспортные товары и услуги быстро сократились

    Telemedicine as a Means of Delivering Prenatal Care

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    Information technology (IT) has become a means of disseminating medical services.  Telemedicine provides an opportunity to contribute to the provision of obstetric care in the context of a pandemic without risk for patients and healthcare specialists. Concurrently, the healthcare sector faces challenges such as limited resources, and fear of spreading infection when having personal consultation.  The opinion of practising midwives and pregnant women was studied regarding their attitudes to the implementation of new technologies in the delivery of prenatal care. The results highlight the necessity to apply innovative means of monitoring and consulting pregnant women in the circumstances of a pandemic.Telemedicine is a means of maintaining high quality healthcare during pregnancy in the circumstances of a pandemic without breaking off the contact between doctors and patients and at the same time guaranteeing successful perinatal outcomes