2,256 research outputs found

    Threshold Verification Technique for Network Intrusion Detection System

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    Internet has played a vital role in this modern world, the possibilities and opportunities offered are limitless. Despite all the hype, Internet services are liable to intrusion attack that could tamper the confidentiality and integrity of important information. An attack started with gathering the information of the attack target, this gathering of information activity can be done as either fast or slow attack. The defensive measure network administrator can take to overcome this liability is by introducing Intrusion Detection Systems (IDSs) in their network. IDS have the capabilities to analyze the network traffic and recognize incoming and on-going intrusion. Unfortunately the combination of both modules in real time network traffic slowed down the detection process. In real time network, early detection of fast attack can prevent any further attack and reduce the unauthorized access on the targeted machine. The suitable set of feature selection and the correct threshold value, add an extra advantage for IDS to detect anomalies in the network. Therefore this paper discusses a new technique for selecting static threshold value from a minimum standard features in detecting fast attack from the victim perspective. In order to increase the confidence of the threshold value the result is verified using Statistical Process Control (SPC). The implementation of this approach shows that the threshold selected is suitable for identifying the fast attack in real time.Comment: 8 Pages, International Journal of Computer Science and Information Securit

    Simulasi Rancang Bangun Pengukuran Suhu dan Kelembaban Menggunakan Sensor DHT-22 dengan Pemograman Sofware Arduino Uno dan Wokwi Online

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    Dengan adanya berbagai software simulator dapat mempemudah berbagai aktifitas mahasiswa saat hendak melakukan percobaan-percobaan ilmiah khususnya dalam bidang tehnik elektronika, penulis mencoba membuktikan hal itu dengan membuat sebuah simulasi alat pengukur suhu dan kelembaban menggunakan software simulator Wokwi, penulis akan membuat membuat rancangan dari awal dimulai dari komponen utama yakni arduino kemudian accesoris tambahan berupa papan LCD, sebuah sensor DHT 22, RELAY 5v, dan sebuah LED sebagai indicator output yang mengindikasikan bahwa program phyton tersebut berjalan dengan normal, metode penulis dalam melakukan percobaan adalah eksperimental untuk membuktikan kemudahan dan berfungsinya suatu alat menggunakan simulator. Dari percobaan yang penulis buat menghasilkan sebuah simulasi yang dapat dikatakan berhasil karena bekerja dengan lumayan baik yakni simulasi dapat membaca suhu dan kelembaban sebagai sebuah simulasi kemudian hasil pembacaan dapat mentreager output relay untuk menyalakan LED sebagai indicator bahwa pemrograman bekerja secara normal. Namun begitu ada keunggulan ada juga kekurangan dalam simulator wokwi yang mungkin dapat dikembangkan oleh pembuat software yakni accesoris tambahan guna menunjang sebuah system missal sebuah fan, pompa, atau grafik yang dapat diambil dari simulator tersebut


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    ABSTRAKPengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (PkM) merupakan salah satu bentuk pelaksanaan Trihdarma Perguruan Tinggi yang wajib dilakukan oleh dosen, pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang dulakukan ini adalah memberikan pengetahuan tentang dasar bahasa pemrograman phyton. Mata pelajaran informatika mencakup lima materi yang bakal menunjang kompetensi siswa di era revolusi industri 4.0. Yakni, teknik komputer, jaringan komputer/internet, analisis data, dampak sosial informatika, dan programming. Mata pelajaran Informatika sesuai dengan kebutuhan masa depan anak bangsa. SMAN 3 Makassar adalah salah satu SLTA yang siap menerapkan mata pelajaran informatika sebagai mata pelajaran utama (wajib) yang akan diterapkan secara serentak  pada Tahun Pelajaran 2021/2022, dengan keterbatasan guru informatika (komputer) yang dimilki oleh SMAN 3 Makssar sehingga merasa perlu Siswa/I-nya untuk mendapatkan pembelajaran diluar dari pada jadwal belajar yang ada di sekolah. Pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang kami lakukan yaitu memberikan pelatihan dengan materi diantaranya adalah dasar bahasa pemrograman phyton, aplikasi google colab dan pemrosesan data dengan menggunakan bahasa python. Metode yang digunakan dalam pelatihan ini adalah ceramah, tanya jawab dan praktikum. Hasil dari pelatihan ini didapatkan bahwa para peserta pelatihan merasa kegiatan ini sangat bermanfaat dan dapat menambah pamahaman serta keterampilan mereka dalam hal menggunakan google colab dan pemahaman bahasa pemrograman terutama bahasa pemrograman Phyton. Kata kunci: PkM; SMAN 3 Makassar; bahasa pemrograman python; google colab ABSTRACTCommunity Service (PkM) is one form of the implementation of the Higher Education Trihdarma that must be carried out by lecturers, this community service is to provide knowledge about the basic python programming language. Informatics subjects include five materials that will support student competence in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0. Namely, computer engineering, computer network/internet, data analysis, social impact of informatics, and programming. Informatics subjects are in accordance with the future needs of the nation's children. SMAN 3 Makassar is one of the senior high schools that is ready to apply informatics subjects as the main (compulsory) subjects that will be applied simultaneously in the 2021/2022 academic year, with the limitations of informatics teachers (computers) owned by SMAN 3 Makssar so that they feel the need for students/ The first is to get learning outside of the existing study schedule at school. Our community service is providing training with materials including the basic python programming language, the Google Colab application and data processing using the Python language. The methods used in this training are lectures, questions and answers and practicum. The results of this training showed that the training participants felt that this activity was very useful and could increase their understanding and skills in using Google Colab and understanding programming languages, especially the Python programming language. Keywords: PkM; SMAN 3 Makassar; python programming language; google colab

    Rancang Bangun Sistem Kendali Smarthome Berbasis Elektrooculogram (EOG)

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    Pada tahun 2010 telah ditemukan tiga puluh kelompok penyakit neuromusular atau gangguan syaraf. Penyakit syaraf ini bisa disebabkan karena penyakit diabetes, HIV, polio, stroke dan lain-lain. Pada tahun 2014 telah diteliti sebanyak rata-rata 0.05 sampai 9 atau (1-10) dalam seratus ribu populasi menderita penyakit gangguan syaraf pertahun. Penderita gangguan syaraf ini tidak bisa melakukan aktivitas oleh karena itu memerlukan alat bantu berupa tombol, joystick, keybord atau piranti interfase yang dapat membantu untuk melakukan aktivitas. Penelitian ini akan merancang bangung Sistem kendali smart home yang berbasis sinyal eletrooculogram yang dapat membantu aktivitas penderita gangguan saraf ataupun cacat sehingga dapat menyalakan lampu, kipas dan pintu dengan motor servo. Sensor yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini elektroda AgCl yang selanjutnya akan dikuatkan dengan penguat instrumentasi dan difilter. Kemudian sinyal tersebut akan di inputkan ke dalam Arduino yang akan mengendalikan output untuk menyalakan lampu, kipas angin dan motor servo. Hasil dari penelitian ini didapatkan penguatan instrumentasi untuk EOG sebesar 2010 kali dan frekuensi cut off low pass filter 16 Hz. Sinyal yang dihasilkan untuk bola mata melirik kekanan memiliki batas rata-rata tegangan= 2.13volt dan bola mata melirik kekiri batas rata-rata tegangan = 2.078 volt. Serta pengujian terhadap responden tiga orang memiliki nilai akurasi bola mata kekanan 80%, bola mata kekiri 82% dan bola mata normal 90%

    Implementasi Big Data Analytical Untuk Perguruan Tinggi Menggunakan Machine Learning

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    The dynamics of higher education are changing and emphasize the need to adapt quickly. Higher education is under the supervision of accreditation agencies, governments and other stakeholders to seek new ways to improve and monitor student success and other institutional policies. Many agencies fail to make efficient use of the large amounts of available data. With the use of big data analytics in higher education, it can be obtained more insight into students, academics, and the process in higher education so that it supports predictive analysis and improves decision making. The purpose of this research is to implement big data analytical to increase the decision making of the competent party. This research begins with the identification of process data based on analytical learning, academic and process in the campus environment. The data used in this study is a public dataset from UCI machine learning, from the 33 available varibales, 4 varibales are used to measure student performance. Big data analysis in this study uses spark apace as a library to operate pyspark so that python can process big data analysis. The data already in the master slave is grouped using k-mean clustering to get the best performing student group. The results of this study succeeded in grouping students into 5 clusters, cluster 1 including the best student performance and cluster 5 including the lowest student performanc

    A Framework for Leveraging Artificial Intelligence in Project Management

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    Dissertation presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Information Management, specialization in Information Systems and Technologies ManagementThis dissertation aims to support the project manager in their daily tasks. As we use artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) in everyday life, it is necessary to include them in business and change traditional ways of working. For the purpose of this study, it is essential to understand challenges and areas of project management and how artificial intelligence can contribute to them. A theoretical overview, applying the knowledge of project management, will show a holistic view of the current situation in the enterprises. The research is about artificial intelligence applications in project management, the common activities in project management, the biggest challenges, and how AI and ML can support it. Understanding project managers help create a framework that will contribute to optimizing their tasks. After designing and developing the framework for applying artificial intelligence to project management, the project managers were asked to evaluate. This study is essential to increase awareness among the stakeholders and enterprises on how automation of the processes can be improved and how AI and ML can decrease the possibility of risk and cost along with improving the happiness and efficiency of the employees

    An implementation of Hill cipher and 3x3x3 rubik's cube to enhance communication security

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    Message security is must be managed seriously. Therefore, to maintain the confidentiality of any message, cryptography is needed. Cryptography is a science that uses mathematics to encrypt and decrypt messages. Cryptography is used as a tool to protect messages, for example, national secrets and strategies.  The method of this research is qualitative research with a literature review. This research implements a hybrid cryptographic algorithm by combining Hill cipher and 3x3x3 Rubik's cube methods with Python software simulation

    SAW-TOPSIS Implementation To Determine An Appropriate DBMS Software

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    Selection an appropriate Database Management Software, is a crucial part to ensure operational excellence businesses firm. Database management software used to organize and manage the company’s data so that they can be efficiently accessed and used to improve operational and decision quality. However, a senior manager as decision maker sometimes lacks the comprehensive knowledge to choose a suitable database management software which meets with business needs. Then, The manager determines a database management software based on a consultant or vendor offer. On the other hand, a consultant or vendor has an interest in to sell their product, so they tend to lead manager to choose their product even though it is not fulfilling business needs. We present a decision support application to help the manager to select an appropriate database management software (DBM) for their company, using Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) and Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) method. We observe SQL Server, MySQL, Oracle, DB2, and PostgreSQL as five top database management software and investigate the detail about cost, storage capacity, security, supported the operating system and supported programming language as key criteria to select best database management software from their official website. Then, we combining SAW and TOPSIS method to choose the best appropriate DBM software based on user requirement through computation program and validate our application performance includes the user interface, usability and accuracy result to 50 database engineers expert as respondent. The results are as follows; 1) 86 % of respondents are satisfied with application user interface, 2) 94% are happy with application usability and 3) 86% are pleased with the accuracy of the computation. Overall, this study provides a decision support application to determine an appropriate database management software based on business needs by combining SAW and TOPSIS methods