181 research outputs found

    Recovering Heading for Visually-Guided Navigation

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    We present a model for recovering the direction of heading of an observer who is moving relative to a scene that may contain self-moving objects. The model builds upon an algorithm proposed by Rieger and Lawton (1985), which is based on earlier work by Longuet-Higgens and Prazdny (1981). The algorithm uses velocity differences computed in regions of high depth variation to estimate the location of the focus of expansion, which indicates the observer's heading direction. We relate the behavior of the proposed model to psychophysical observations regarding the ability of human observers to judge their heading direction, and show how the model can cope with self-moving objects in the environment. We also discuss this model in the broader context of a navigational system that performs tasks requiring rapid sensing and response through the interaction of simple task-specific routines

    Computation of Texture and Stereoscopic Depth in Humans

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    The computation of texture and of stereoscopic depth is limited by a number of factors in the design of the optical front-end and subsequent processing stages in humans and machines. A number of limiting factors in the human visual system, such as resolution of the optics and opto-electronic interface, contrast, luminance, temporal resolution and eccentricity are reviewed and evaluated concerning their relevance for the recognition of texture and stereoscopic depth. The algorithms used by the human brain to discriminate between textures and to compute stereoscopic depth are very fast and efficient. Their study might be beneficial for the development of better algorithms in machine vision


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    Visual Basic 6.0 merupakan sistem pengganti manualisasi dalam mempermudah dan mempercepat waktu kerja selain itu juga dapat meminimalisasi tingkat kesalahan dalam entri data. Vsual Basic 6.0 merupakan rumpun dari Microsoft Office dari Microsoft Acsess sehingga mudah dalam penggunaanya.Visual Basic 6.0 adalah software yang sudah familiar digunakan oleh beberapa perusahaan termasuk untuk penggajian karyawan yang ada pada CV. Usaha Bersama. Aplikasi bersifat open sourch dan berisikan tentang browse, input data, report dan user scurity  Kata Kunci: gaji, data karyawa

    Procedure for analysis of nickel-cadmium cell materials

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    Quality control procedures include analyses on electrolyte, active materials, and separators for nickel cadmium cell materials. Tests range from the visual/mechanical inspection of cells to gas sampling, electrolyte extract, electrochemical tests, and physical measurements

    Image Analysis Using Gabor Transforms: Correlated with Human Saccadic Movement Data to Identify the Human Visual Search Strategy

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    This thesis investigated whether a relationship exists between the Gabor Correlation Coefficient (GCC) magnitudes of fixation points for a set of images viewed by six subjects and the human visual search strategy. A couple of different relationships were investigated. First, the data were analyzed to determine if the GCC magnitudes of human fixation points predicted the time ordered sequence of human fixation points during the performance of a visual search. Second, the data were analyzed to determine if there was a significant difference between the GCC magnitudes of the human fixation points and the GCC magnitudes of a random set of fixation points. Finally, the data were analyzed to ascertain whether there was a difference between the GCC magnitudes of the fixation points at the beginning of the visual search and the GCC magnitudes of the fixation points at the end of the visual search

    The Role of Knowledge in Visual Shape Representation

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    This report shows how knowledge about the visual world can be built into a shape representation in the form of a descriptive vocabulary making explicit the important geometrical relationships comprising objects' shapes. Two computational tools are offered: (1) Shapestokens are placed on a Scale-Space Blackboard, (2) Dimensionality-reduction captures deformation classes in configurations of tokens. Knowledge lies in the token types and deformation classes tailored to the constraints and regularities ofparticular shape worlds. A hierarchical shape vocabulary has been implemented supporting several later visual tasks in the two-dimensional shape domain of the dorsal fins of fishes

    Apparent Opacity Affects Perception of Structure from Motion

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    The judgment of surface attributes such as transparency or opacity is often considered to be a higher-level visual process that would make use of low-level stereo or motion information to tease apart the transparent from the opaque parts. In this study, we describe a new illusion and some results that question the above view by showing that depth from transparency and opacity can override the rigidity bias in perceiving depth from motion. This provides support for the idea that the brain's computation of the surface material attribute of transparency may have to be done either before, or in parallel with the computation of structure from motion