2,482 research outputs found

    Sierra County Advocate, 1905-07-21

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    Sierra County Advocate, 1905-07-14

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    Sierra County Advocate, 1905-07-28

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    Szemle 07 (1905) 07-08

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    Szemle 7. évfolyam, 7-8. szám Kecskemét, 1905. július-augusztus. Előzménye a "Gyógypaedagogiai Szemle a siketnémák, vakok, hülyék, gyengeelméjüek, dadogók és hebegők oktatásával foglalkozók szakközlönye". A lap a 8. évfolyamtól (1906) "Magyar siketnéma-oktatás a siketnémák oktatásával foglalkozók szakközlönye" cím alatt jelent meg

    Construction of a surface air temperature series for Qingdao in China for the period 1899 to 2014

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    Abstract. We present a homogenized surface air temperature (SAT) time series at 2 m height for the city of Qingdao in China from 1899 to 2014. This series is derived from three data sources: newly digitized and homogenized observations of the German National Meteorological Service from 1899 to 1913, homogenized observation data of the China Meteorological Administration (CMA) from 1961 to 2014 and a gridded dataset of Willmott and Matsuura (2012) in Delaware to fill the gap from 1914 to 1960. Based on this new series, long-term trends are described. The SAT in Qingdao has a significant warming trend of 0.11 ± 0.03 °C decade−1 during 1899–2014. The coldest period occurred during 1909–1918 and the warmest period occurred during 1999–2008. For the seasonal mean SAT, the most significant warming can be found in spring, followed by winter. The homogenized time series of Qingdao is provided and archived by the Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD) web page under overseas stations of the Deutsche Seewarte (http://www.dwd.de/EN/ourservices/overseas_stations/ueberseedoku/doi_qingdao.html) in ASCII format. Users can also freely obtain a short description of the data at https://doi.org/https://dx.doi.org/10.5676/DWD/Qing_v1 And the data can be downloaded at http://dwd.de/EN/ourservices/overseas_stations/ueberseedoku/data_qingdao.txt

    The RFC 75% Program

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    This book argues for the intersection of anarchist theory, modernist writers, and aesthetic innovations under the sign of "the bomb." Individual chapters concern such figures as Joseph Conrad, Richard Wagner, Henry Adams, Andrei Bely, Edna St. Vincent Millay, Upton Sinclair, John Dos Passos, and Katherine Ann Porter, as well as collectivities like the Surrealists and the Dadaists. Anarchists such as Peter Kropotkin, Emma Goldman, and Michael Bakunin are also important to the text. The original version of this text was produced as a dissertation at the University of California Berkeley. Committee members were Carolyn Porter, Ann Banfield, and the late Michael Rogin. Three chapters--those on Conrad, Wagner, and the Sacco-Vanzetti case--were published in refereed academic journals. A synopsis of the argument was published in The Turn of the Century, Walter Pape, editor (Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter) 1995. Dynamite had been approved for publication in the Atopia series of Stanford University Press when major changes at the press resulted in the abolition of the series

    The Ethical Significance of the Changing Social Order in its Bearing on the Institution of Education

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    A sermon centered on the idea that education is fundamentally about learning how to live. It comes in informal ways over centuries -- eons -- the ten commandments were not revealed but were the result of hundreds of thousands of years, and millions of human lives. He laments some people seem to imagine that God is some kind of an expert head accountant, who spends all his time pouring over balance sheets of individuals and nations , reminding that we talk and act as if we really imagined God were such a creature as that, but the rain falls upon the just and the unjust alike. God is no respecter of persons. There is no date on this manuscript. However, the paper—size and type—are identical to sermons that can be dated to Earl Davis’ time at the Unity Church in Pittsfield (1905-1919). His early sermons (1905-07) there were hand-written. So this typed manuscript is later than 1907. The primary downloadable document contains the original document followed by the transcription. The bottom of each item page also features the primary document as an embedded pdf for browsing. Transcription by Davis Baird. Item description based off writing and context provided by Davis Baird.https://commons.clarku.edu/pittsfield_sermons/1036/thumbnail.jp


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    This paper reviews the development of Costa do Sol, as planned by architect urbanist Alfred-Donat Agache, for Lisbon Region in Portugal. The Plano Expansão Região Oeste de Lisboa (1934-1936) prepared by Agache and requested by Portuguese Minister of Public Works, Duarte Pacheco will be analyzed. This paper aims also to identify the principles and the theoretical foundations that have determined Agache urban vision for Lisbon City and its Territory. Finally, this paper aims to demonstrate that Alfred-Donat Agache methodological framework has applied Frederick Le Play socio-economic scientific approach. Such approach has informed the construction of a ‘civic’ urbanism that will be identified and analyzed. Two main goals seem to have guided Agache work at Costa do Sol: (i) the fully urban analysis of the city, throughout its social, economic, geographic and urban conditions (past and present) and (ii) the need to expose such analysis to the city’s inhabitants. Finally, this paper demonstrates Costa do Sol proposal to testify a comprehensive understanding of three distinct scales: (i) the territory; (ii) the city; (iii) but also the urban form. The acknowledgment of Agache ‘civic’ urban vision requests a public divulgation to allow the building of Good Practice Lessons for contemporary urban planning theory and practice