34,945 research outputs found

    Udział wojska Hetmanatu Lewobrzeżnego w polskiej wojnie sukcesyjnej w latach 1733–1735

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    THE PARTICIPATION OF THE LEFT-BANK HETMANATE’S ARMY IN THE WAR OF THE POLISH SUCCESSION 1733–1735 The war of the Polish succession from 1733 until 1734 was an important armed conflict in the history of Central and Eastern European countries. Undertaking a military intervention to fight for the Polish crown, the Russian Empire actively used the armed resources of its satellite state – the Left-Bank Hetmanate. Ukrainian Cossack regiments, comprising mostly light cavalry, were used by the Russian command to fight the army of Polish confederates – supporters of Stanisław Leszczyński, to organize reconnaissance, for defence, for patrolling and for convoy and courier services. During these two years, 16,000 Cossacks were mobilized to meet the Russian demand. Their participation in combat revealed the weak points of the Cossack army and contributed to its reform in 1735

    Experimental steady-state performance of a multitube, centrally finned, potassium condensing radiator

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    Steady state performance of multitube, centrally finned, potassium condensing radiato

    From Venice to Newport: a painting by Giambettino Cignaroli lost and found

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    Il contributo rende noto il ritrovamento di un soffitto su tela di Giambettino Cignaroli, ora conservato nella Salve Regina University di Newport, in origine dimora della famiglia Goelet che la fece costruire alla fine dell'800. Il confronto con le fonti e con i disegni della Biblioteca Ambrosiana di Milano ha reso possibile identificare tale soffitto con quello dipinto nel 1735 per una della sale di Palazzo Labia a Venezia e finora ritenuto perduto. Si sono ricostruite l'attivit\ue0 del pittore nella celebre dimora veneziana tra il 1735 e il 1738 e le vicende che hanno portato alla dispersione dell'arredo pittorico nell'ultimo decennio del XIX secolo. Da ultimo \ue8 stato individuato un modelletto preparatorio - passato recentemente sul mercato antiquario con errata attribuzione - per il soffitto di un'altra sala dello stesso palazzo

    Does it pay to be a good student? Results from the Swiss graduate labour market

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    Surprisingly little is known about the relation between grades and wages. This relation is analysed using a sample of ca. 1'700 individuals that graduated in Swiss universities in 1998. Testing different operationalisations of the grade variable, we find a significant and robust effect of grades on the annual wage one year after graduation. When wage is specified as wage per actual hour of work, instead of formal hours of work, the effect becomes insignificant. Four years after graduation, however, grades have a higher and significant effect on wages based on formal working time as well as on wages based on actual working time. We conclude that people with higher grades get jobs with better career prospects when entering the labour market. Thus, the wage effect of university graduates' final grades is non-transitory and increasing over time. This finding calls for further research in the role that grades play in labour marketsuniversity graduates; labor market; grades; wages

    Non-US Standard Catalog no. N-24

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    For abstract, see N75-18672

    The influence of spatial change on operational strategies in early-modern Dutch maritime shipping: a case-study on Dutch maritime shipping in the Gulf of Finland and on Archangel, 1703-1740

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    A fundamental discrepancy between neoclassical and institutional research approaches lies at the core of contrasting results in historical studies about maritime shipping and trade. However, there is one point on which both contrasting approaches agree: both of them see maritime shipping as a spin-off effect and even more often as an illustration of trade. Thus, the mere fact that maritime transportation is an economic activity in its own right is ignored. In this paper, I claim that in order to understand the foundation of St. Petersburg in function of its influence on Dutch maritime shipping an evolutionary theory and methodology need to be applied, since they can overcome the limitations of neoclassical and institutional approaches to economic history. The goal of this case-study is to understand the how spatial change affects maritime shipping. This goal serves a double purpose. Firstly, it makes an activity commonly seen as a spin-off effect of trade central to the analysis. Secondly, it makes the interaction between land and sea a core analytical issue. I carry out the study of the influence of spatial change on maritime shipping in a historical context, thus subscribing to Paul David’s claim to use the past as “a museum of interesting cases” that provides a better empirical basis than the present.maritime history; economic history; Dutch-Russian trade relations

    Шляхта ўсходніх ваяводстваў Вялікага Княства Літоўскага і расійскія войскі падчас “вайны за польскую спадчыну 1733–1735 гадоў”

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    SZLACHTA OF EASTERN PROVINCIES OF THE GRAND DUCHY OF LITHUANIA AND THE RUSSIAN TROOPS DURING THE WAR OF THE POLISH SUCCESSION (1733–1735) / A. MATSUKДаследуюцца ўзаемадачыненні шляхты ўсходніх ваяводстваў ВКЛ (Аршанскага павета, Віцебскага, Полацкага і Мсціслаўскага ваяводстваў) з расійскімі войскамі, якія былі ўведзены з мэтай змагання з прыхільнікамі Станіслава І Ляшчынскага і падтрымкі мясцовых прыхільнікаў Аўгуста ІІІ. Заўважана, што Станіслава І Ляшчынскага падтрымала большасць шляхты Аршанскага павета і Полацкага ваяводства. Супраць іх і былі накіраваны дзеяннні расійскіх войскаў з корпуса Юрыя Рапніна. Гэтыя расійскія войскі сталі прычынай таго, што на баку Аўгуста ІІІ выказалася віцебская шляхта. Выяўлена, што пры падтрымцы расійскіх войскаў перавагу ў Мсціслаўскім ваяводстве таксама атрымалі прыхільнікі Аўгуста ІІІ; перамогі расійскіх войскаў над прыхільнікамі Ляшчынскага з Полацкага ваяводства і Аршанскага павета прымусілі мясцовую шляхту да канца 1734 года прызнаць уладу Аўгуста ІІІ

    Wierszowana batalia elekcyjna

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    Z dużym zadowoleniem trzeba przyjąć wydanie Antologii okolicznościowej poezji politycznej bezkrólewia i wojny o tron polski (1733–1735). Autorem opracowania jest Rafał Niedziela, który zagadnieniem piśmiennictwa politycznego okresu przywołanego w tytule antologii zajmuje się od lat jako badacz i jako edytor. O ile wcześniej koncentrował się on przede wszystkim na problematyce zawartej w tekstach publicystycznych, w druczkach okolicznościowych o tematyce politycznej i takowych polemikach proz..

    Early-Modern Irreligion and Theological Analogy: A Response to Gavin Hyman’s A Short History of Atheism

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    Historically, many Christians have understood God’s transcendence to imply God’s properties categorically differ from any created properties. For multiple historical figures, a problem arose for religious language: how can one talk of God at all if none of our predicates apply to God? What are we to make of creeds and Biblical passages that seem to predicate creaturely properties, such as goodness and wisdom, of God? Thomas Aquinas offered a solution: God is to be spoken of only through analogy (the doctrine of analogy). Gavin Hyman argues Aquinas’s doctrine of analogy was neglected prior to the early-modern period and the neglect of analogy produced the conception of a god vulnerable to atheistic arguments. Contra Hyman, in this paper, I show early-modern atheism arose in a theological context in which there was an active debate concerning analogy. Peter Browne (1665–1735) and William King (1650–1729) offered two competing conceptions of analogical predication that were debated through the 19th century, with interlocutors such as the freethinker Anthony Collins (1676–1729), theologian/philosopher George Berkeley (1685–1753), and skeptic David Hume (1711–1776). Lastly, I discuss the 18th century debate over theological analogy as part of the background relevant to understanding Hume’s Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion