58 research outputs found

    Clinical case of cystic fibrosis

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    A clinical case of cystic fibrosis caused by del F508 mutation in three patients from the same family was analyzed. There was compared a clinical picture, computed tomography data, mucus pharynx sowing and coprograms in three age periods (2-3 years, 3-4 years, 6-7 years).Был проанализирован клинический случай муковисцидоза, вызванного мутацией del F508, у трех пациенток из одной семьи. Проведено сравнение клинической картины, данных компьютерной томографии, посевов слизи зева и копрограмм пациенток в трех возрастных периодах (2-3 г., 3-4 г., 6-7 л.)

    Clinical case of cystic fibrosis

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    A clinical case of cystic fibrosis caused by del F508 mutation in three patients from the same family was analyzed. There was compared a clinical picture, computed tomography data, mucus pharynx sowing and coprograms in three age periods (2-3 years, 3-4 years, 6-7 years).Был проанализирован клинический случай муковисцидоза, вызванного мутацией del F508, у трех пациенток из одной семьи. Проведено сравнение клинической картины, данных компьютерной томографии, посевов слизи зева и копрограмм пациенток в трех возрастных периодах (2-3 г., 3-4 г., 6-7 л.)

    Professional Idioms in a Practical Course of Russian Language for Foreigners (based on the Language of Medicine)

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    The article is devoted to the problem of forming professional communicative competence of foreign students. The main attention is paid to professional phraseological terms, because they (due to their idiomatic nature) often have national and cultural specifics, causing considerable difficulties in studying. Material for analysis was the author's card file of medical phraseological units (more than 100 units), compiled on the basis of dictionaries of medical terms and works on the vocabulary of the medical field. Based on the traditional definition of phraseological units as stable formations, the importance of which is not motivated by the values of the components included in them, the authors offered several classifications of medical phraseological units. In teaching phraseological units it is advisable to use classifications based on structural or semantic principles. It is shown that the division of phraseological units that is traditional for linguistics in terms of the degree of adhesion of words in their composition cannot be used in a foreign language audience, since students have difficulties in understanding this criterion. The article substantiates the necessity of studying medical phraseology already at the initial stage of mastering the language of the profession. The system of tasks (for the initial and advanced stages of learning of Russian language) is proposed, the sequence of which is determined by the structure and semantics of phraseological units. Recommendations for working with professional phraseology can be applied when studying by foreign students of Russian professional idioms not only in medical schools, but also in other universities that provide training for students in other areas


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    The problem of education of young generation comes forward in quality of primary task for Ukrainian society on the modern stage of development of independent, democratic and legal Ukrainian state. Revision of world view orientations, considerable losses of spiritual values in the society require the improvement of ways and forming methods of qualitatively new thinking and high level of national consciousness for students. That’s why the actual task of state higher education is forming of powerful elite of nation, patriotic, moral, creatively active, that will represent the public position, aspire to self-realization, necessity of preparation not simply of specialists, and first of all nationally conscious citizen

    Программа самостоятельной подготовки к выполнению норм ВФСК ГТО. II ступень: учебно-методическое пособие

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    Comparison of methods of physical examination of the bronchopulmonary system offered by the russian school of propaedeutics and foreign medical universities

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    The aim of the study - to evaluate the usefulness from the point of view of students, as well as the clinical significance of physical diagnostic methods structured in training videos "methods of examination of a patient with a pathology of the respiratory system", offered by the national school of propaedeutics, and videos used by foreign universities.Цель исследования - оценить, полезность с точки зрения обучающихся, а также клиническую значимость физикальных методов диагностики, структурированных в обучающие видео «методика обследования пациента спатологией респираторной системы», предлагаемых отечественной школой пропедевтики, и видео, использующихся зарубежными вузам

    Clinical portrait of a patient with cystic fibrosis

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    The purpose of the study is to characterize social, clinical and anamnestic, laboratory and instrumental data, to determine the frequency of occurrence of syndromes.Цель работы – дать характеристику социальных, клинико-анамнестических, лабораторных и инструментальных данных, определить частоту встречаемости синдромов поражения у детей с муковисцидозом