19 research outputs found

    The monitoring of the irregular disturbances in the arctic on the basis of the processing data of the distributed network of the geophysical observatories

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    The article discusses a data processing method for geomagnetic field of the earth on a distributed network of geophysical observatories. The proposed method allows to detect and monitor irregular disturbances of the geomagnetic field, evaluate their options, determine the epicenter of the occurrence of disturbances and to estimate the parameters of the epicente

    Interviews on ethics, conscience and dissent in the USSR (Беседы об этике, совести и инакомыслии в СССР)

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    Interviews on ethics, conscience and dissent in the USSR These interviews, all of them in Russian, were conducted by Philip Boobbyer for a research project on the role of ‘conscience’ in shaping opinion and undermining communism in the late Soviet era. They were done in the years 1994-2003 in a range of locations. Material from the interviews was first used by Boobbyer in his journal article, 'Truth-telling, conscience and dissent in late Soviet Russia: Evidence from oral histories', European History Quarterly 30 (2000), 553-585. Material was then used in his book Conscience, Dissent and Reform in Soviet Russia (London: Routledge, 2005), which was published in Russian as Sovest’, dissidentstvo i reformy v Sovetskoi Rossii (Moscow: ROSSPEN, 2010). The interviews, which were conducted in a semi-structured way, explored the ethical thinking and experiences of human rights activists, intellectuals and Party reformers, and the ways in which moral and spiritual motivations were present in their ideas and activities. For a list of interviews, brief biographical details about the people interviewed, as well as information on transcripts and summaries, see 'Summary of interviews' in the 'Documentation' section

    Human rights movements in Soviet Russia (1969-1980) : ideas, norms and the state

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    Ankara : The Department of International Relations, Bilkent University, 2008.Thesis (Master's) -- Bilkent University, 2008.Includes bibliographical references leaves 93-102.This thesis attempts to shed light on the difficulties of defending the international norms of the idea of human rights against the dominance of the state and its interests, which are explained essentially by the rationalists and the political realists in domestic and international affairs, by focusing the clash between the Soviet state and the Soviet (Russian) dissidents throughout the détente period (1969-1980). The history of prominent dissident activities in Soviet Russia began during the deStalinization period under the Khrushchev administration (1956-1964). However, the human rights movement in the Soviet Union was affected to a great extent by the international environment in 1970s during which time norms became more significant in bilateral relations, and human rights-idea began to constitute the source of a normative challenge to pure rationalist/realist explanations based on power, selfinterest and anarchy. In this regard, the primary purpose of adopting a constructivist perspective regarding the internationalization of human rights is to analyze the dissidence activities nurtured by the international norms and principles of human rights in Soviet Russia. Thus, the impacts of oppositions and responses supported by domestic and international factors within the state can be understood congruent with the policy changes, continuities, and stalemates. While the Soviet state’s fundamental response to these activities is interpreted as an amalgam of ideology, a priori principles and state-interests, the main argument of this thesis does not challenge the explanatory power of the rationalist/realist line in comprehending the dominance of the state over the dissidents and human rights defenders.Demirtaş, MelihM.S

    The Parthenon, February 6, 1987

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    Исследование температурного баланса головного мозга методом микроволновой радиотермометрии (обзор)

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    Aim. This review aims to inform physicians of different specialties (anesthesiologists, intensivists, neurologists, neurosurgeons, oncologists) about the diagnostic capabilities of microwave radiothermometry, which enables to identify and analyze features of alterations of cerebral temperature in brain damage.The review displays a critical analysis of 80 recent Russian and foreign open access publications found by keywords.The review presents major clinical features and pathophysiological mechanisms of cerebral thermal balance disruptions in brain lesions. Slow responsiveness and vulnerability of cerebral thermal homeostasis regulation mechanisms that underlie development of different temperature heterogeneity levels in the cerebral cortex in healthy brain and brain lesions are highlighted. The authors postulate their concept about the critical role of hyperthermia in the pathogenesis of brain damage and disruption of interconnections in the global central regulation system. A body of evidence explaining direct association between the depth of consciousness impairment and degree of cerebral cortex temperature heterogeneity manifestation is presented. It is emphasized that a significant increase in temperature heterogeneity with areas of focal hyperthermia accompanies an acute period of ischemic stroke, while in post-comatose state usually associated with prolonged impairment of consciousness, the temperature heterogeneity significantly subsides. It has been suggested that lowering of an increased and rising of the reduced temperature heterogeneity, for example by using temperature exposure, can improve altered level of consciousness in patients with brain damage. The diagnostic capabilities of various technologies used for cerebral temperature measurement, including microwave radiothermometry (MWR), are evaluated. Data on high accuracy of MWR in measurement of the cerebral cortex temperature in comparison with invasive methods are presented.Conclusion. In healthy individuals MWR revealed a distinct daily rhythmic changes of the cerebral cortex temperature, and badly violated circadian rhythms in patients with brain lesions. Since MWR is an easy-toperform, non-invasive and objective diagnostic tool, it is feasible to use this technology to detect latent cerebral hyperthermia and assess the level of temperature heterogeneity disruption, as well as to study the circadian rhythm of temperature changes.Цель обзора. Информировать врачей различных специальностей (анестезиологов-реаниматологов, неврологов, нейрохирургов, онкологов) о диагностических возможностях микроволновой радиотермометрии, позволяющей выявлять и анализировать особенности нарушений церебрального теплового баланса при повреждениях головного мозга.Обзор содержит критический анализ информации 80 современных отечественных и зарубежных публикаций, находящихся в открытом доступе и найденных по ключевым словам.В обзоре привели основные сведения о клинико-патофизиологических особенностях нарушений церебрального теплового баланса при повреждениях головного мозга. Подчеркнули пассивность и уязвимость механизмов регуляции церебрального термогомеостаза, лежащих в основе развития различного уровня температурной гетерогенности коры больших полушарий в норме и при церебральных катастрофах. С патогенетических позиций постулировали концепцию о роли гипертермии в патогенезе повреждений головного мозга и процессах нарушения взаимосвязей в глобальных системах центральной регуляции. Привели доказательства связи между нарушением уровня сознания и степенью выраженности температурной гетерогенности коры больших полушарий. Подчеркнули, что существенное нарастание температурной гетерогенности с формированием очаговой гипертермии, сопровождает острейший период ишемического инсульта, а в посткоматозных состояниях, повлекших развитие длительного нарушения сознания, температурная гетерогенность значимо понижается. Высказали предположение о том, что снижение повышенной и повышение сниженной температурной гетерогенности, например, с использованием температурных воздействий на кору больших полушарий, способно улучшить показатели уровня сознания у пациентов с поражениями головного мозга. Дали оценку диагностических возможностей различных технологий измерения церебральной температуры, включая микроволновую радиотермометрию (РТМ). Привели данные о достаточно высокой точности РТМ при измерении температуры коры больших полушарий в сравнении с инвазивными способами регистрации температуры мозга.Заключение. С применением РТМ выявлена отчетливая суточная ритмика изменений температуры коры мозга у здоровых людей, грубо нарушающаяся при поражениях головного мозга. Поскольку РТМ является простым в исполнении, неинвазивным и объективным диагностическим инструментом, данную технологию целесообразно использовать в целях выявления скрыто протекающей церебральной гипертермии, для оценки уровня нарушения температурной гетерогенности, а также при исследовании циркадианной ритмики изменений температуры.

    Russia, 1973-1975, 1977

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