1,112 research outputs found

    Rice Collection (MSS 47)

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    Finding aid only for Manuscripts Collection 47. Includes letters; business papers and contracts; research materials and notes; original and typed manuscripts of poems, short stories and books; photographs; cartoons; book reviews and clippings; and scrapbooks of Cale Young Rice (1872-1943), poet and author, and of Alice Hegan Rice (1870-1942), author, of Louisville, Kentucky

    Rice, Alice Caldwell (Hegan), 1870-1942 (SC 2817)

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    Finding aid and full-text of letter (Click on Additional Files ) for Manuscripts Small Collection 2817. Letter, 28 October 1905, of author Alice (Hegan) Rice, Louisville, Kentucky, to Helen Keller. She praises Keller’s recent autobiography and reports on its popularity with the girls at a Japanese boarding school Rice visited the past summer. Rice encloses a composition of one of the students (not included in this collection) in which she writes that “the eyes of [Keller’s] heart are open.

    Rice, Alice Caldwell (Hegan), 1870-1942 (SC 2096)

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    Finding aid only for Manuscripts Small Collection 2096. Letters from Alice Caldwell Hegan Rice to Henry and Rebecca Watterson, 1903-1916 (13), chiefly including personal advice, discussions of literary topics, and social invitations. Also includes a brief note to Benjamin W. Huebsch, n.d., giving a positive review of a book titled \u27Dragnet\u27; and a letter to William Orton Tewson, n.d., in which Rice discusses literary criticism

    Citra Perempuan Kolonial dalam Kehidupan Beragama di Sumatera Timur, 1870-1942

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    The opening of tobacco plantations in East Coast Sumatra in 1870 became a major factor in the creation of ethnic, cultural, and religious diversity in there. All the Malays there were Muslim, then the Europeans came with their Christianity, which was followed by most of the Batak people, the Indians brought Hinduism and Sikhism, and the Chinese brought Buddhism. East Coast Sumatra is a pluralistic region, but there has never been a conflict between ethnicities or religions. Very interesting. However, the reality of the religious life of the people at that time had never been revealed in detail. Furthermore, during the 1930 census it was recorded that there were 4.293 Europeans in Medan and 2.001 of them were women, but their presence in the religious sphere has not been exposed. Therefore, this study aims to narrate the image of colonial women in religion in East Coast Sumatra. The images of colonial women in this study are all forms of mental, spiritual, and daily behaviour expressed by women in religion, including the outward appearance that appears in women and their religious activities in East Coast Sumatra in the period 1870-1942. This study uses the historical method, and the primary data are the Dutch Colonial Government Report (verslag),Volkstelling 1930, maps, newspapers, bulletins and magazines, photographs depicting the religious life of the people of East Sumatra in the period 1870-1942

    Rice, Alice Caldwell (Hegan), 1870-1942 (SC 943)

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    Finding aid only for Manuscripts Small Collection 943. Unsigned picture postcard, postmarked Cumberland, Maryland, and addressed to Rose Mehler, Lexington, Kentucky. The writer relates that their carnival was very successful and that their production of Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch was quite a “unique feature.” Picture on postcard is of the cast and scenery of the play

    Perkembangan Perkebunan Dan Masalah Pangan Di Sumatera Timur, 1870-1942

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    Abstract: Akhir abad XIX bagi sejarah masyarakat Indonesia merupakan abad perubahan, yaitu berubahnya masyarakat Indonesia dan tradisional ke bentuk modern. Proses modernisasi yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah kolonial Belanda telah mengakibatkan berbagai perubahan di dalam masyarakat. Perubahanperubahan dalam bidang sosial. ekonomi. politik dan budaya terjadi karena diberlakukannya intensifikasi politik kolonial Belanda melalui proses birokratisasi, komersialisasi, industrialisasi, edukasi. inoyasi dan renovasi teknologi pertanian yang berpengaruh besar bagi daerah-daerah di Indonesia. Renovasi teknologi pertanian ini membawa perubahan pada sektor kehidupan pertanian yang sistematis melalui kebijakan ekonomi ke arah produksi kapitalis.\u27 Sekalipun perubahan dan pembahanian itu terjadi terutama di pulau Jawa. namun hal tersebut merupakan awal bagi pembaharuan yang akan terjadi di beberapa bagian kepulauan Indonesia. Perubahan itu terutama terjadi karena munculnya undang-undang barn yang disebut dengan Undang-Undang Agraria atau lebih dikenal dengan Agrarische Wet Keywords: Perkebunan, Sumatera Timur Pangan, masalah, Sumatera Timur Agrarische We


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    Abstrak Penetrasi Kapitalisme Pemerintah Hindia Belanda yang ditandai dengan munculnya domeinverklaring. Domeinverklaring membuat masyarakat desa hutan kehilangan matapencaharian, dan kesulitan memenuhi kebutuhan sehari-hari. Domeinverklaring jelas sekali menunjukkan dominasi pemerintah Hindia Belanda terhadap penduduk pribumi. Domeinverklaring juga berarti pemarjinalan budaya pribumi, budaya pribumi mau tidak mau harus mengakui dan menerima budaya Hindia belanda. Kata kunci: Domeinverklaring, hutan, Remban

    The other side of a maritime frontier pearl-shelling in Aru, 1870-1942

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    This thesis studies pearl-shelling activity in the Aru Islands, Southeast Moluccas (Netherlands Indies) from the 1870s to the outbreak of World War II. The Aruese have traditionally searched for pearl-shell and traded with foreigners since the 1600s. Their marine procurement activities remained largely undisturbed until the second half of the 19th century. From the 1870s, Australian pearl-shellers entered Aru waters to assess the potential of its pearl-banks, intent upon expanding their pearling activities in the archipelago. This thesis focuses on Aru which was situated at the far side of this expanding maritime frontier. Responding to Australian incursions, in the 1880s the Dutch installed their administration there, establishing their authority without consulting the Aruese. The Aruese organised resistance movements but the Dutch crushed them. The Dutch used their expanding administrative reach to regulate traditional Aruese marine rights through the pearl fishing ordinances. In creating the Ordinances, the Dutch wanted to preserve traditional pearl-shelling activities, and foster the growth of modern NI pearlshellers. The ordinance facilitated Sech Said Baadilla's activity in Aru, and later allowed the Australian pearl-sheller James Clark and his multiethnic workforce to operate from Dobo in 1905. His company, the Celebes Trading Company, operated in Aru for four decades. However, by the 1930s it was in trouble, due to repeated crises in the global pearl-shelling industry. The company's failure to modernise led to a situation from which it never recovered due to the outbreak of war. This thesis uses Dutch colonial records and oral history materials to describe and analyse the transitions and transformations of pearl-shelling in the Aru archipelago between 1870 and 1940 and it highlights the role of foreigners, especially Australians, within the context of an expanding colonial state and a maritime resource frontier

    High Desert Horns & UNLV Community Concert Band

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