2,916 research outputs found

    Alexander Gumberg and Soviet-American Relations: 1917–1933

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    Born in Russia in 1887, Alexander Gumberg immigrated to the United States in 1903. He returned to Russia in 1917 as an American businessman sympathetic to the progress of Russia\u27s Revolution. After the Bolshevik seizure of power on November 7, Gumberg became a secretary, translator, and adviser to the American Red Cross Commission and the Committee on Public Information. Through him a Soviet-American dialogue formed despite the lack of official relations. Gumberg advised congressmen who hoped to establish diplomatic ties between the two countries. He helped American publicists, publications, and institutions which sought to present a favorable, or at least balanced, picture of Soviet Russia. Gumberg did not seek to start a revolution to change the world, or to alter the morality of man. He did contribute quietly to a better understanding between the future superpowers when their normal ties had been broken. James K. Libbey is assistant professor and academic counselor for social studies with the Learning Laboratory at Eastern Kentucky University.https://uknowledge.uky.edu/upk_political_science_international_relations/1013/thumbnail.jp

    Becoming Soviet: lost cultural alternatives in Ukraine, 1917-1933

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    This doctoral thesis investigates the complex and multi-faceted process of the cultural sovietisation of Ukraine. The study argues that different political and cultural projects of a Soviet Ukraine were put to the test during the 1920s. These projects were developed and executed by representatives of two ideological factions within the Communist Party of Bolsheviks of Ukraine: one originating in the pre-war Ukrainian socialist and communist movements, and another with a clear centripetal orientation towards Moscow. The representatives of these two ideological horizons endorsed different approaches to defining Soviet culture. The unified Soviet canon in Ukraine was an amalgamation of at least two different Soviet cultural projects: Soviet Ukrainian culture and Soviet culture in the Ukrainian language. These two visions of Soviet culture are examined through a biographical study of two literary protagonists: the Ukrainian poet Pavlo Tychyna (1891-1967) and the writer Mykola Khvyl'ovyi (1893-1933). Overall, three equally important components, contributing to Ukraine’s sovietisation, are discussed: the power struggle among the Ukrainian communist elites; the manipulation of the tastes and expectations of the audience; and the ideological and aesthetic evolution of Ukraine’s writers in view of the first two components. At the same time, the study explores those cultural, and often political, alternatives which Soviet Ukraine had lost once the interaction between local political actors and art creators was constrained by a strictly defined channel, fully determined by a centralist cultural strategy. It also examines the rationale for the Soviet nationalities policy and identifies the determinant role of the Ukrainian communists in implementing and adjusting all-Soviet policies within the republic. Ultimately, this study of cultural sovietisation significantly enhances our understanding of the complex process of establishing and consolidating the Soviet regime in Ukraine.

    A study of the Great Basin Land Snail oreohelix strigosa depressa (Cockerell)

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    journal articleA survey of the previous mention of this snail provides a practical background for this essentially morphological study. The literature applicable to Oreolxdix strigosa depressa (Cockerell) in Utah may be summarized by reference to the following articles in the bibliography: directions for preparing and preserving, Chamberlin and Jones (1929); histological methods, Jones (1932); technique of sectioning the shell, Jones (1935, on tiger snail); locality records, Chamberlin and Jones (1929), Chamberlin and Berry (1929), Berry (1930), Berry (1931), Woodbury (1933), Jones (1935, on Weber Canyon mollusks), and Pilsbry (1939) ; comparative anatomy of genitalia with reference to taxonomy, Pilsbry (191(5) (1917) (1933) and (1939); comparative histology of the supramarginal ridge, Jones (1938); and physiology (burrowing reactions), Jones (1935, Nautilus)

    З історії формування джерельної бази словників української ділової мови початку XX ст.

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    Досліджуючи словники української ділової та правничої мови періоду 1917–1933 рр., авторка статті виокремлює кілька найголовніших джерел формування їхнього словникового реєстру; простежує, як змінювалися ці джерела не лише протягом початку ХХ ст., а й, головне, після 1933 р., коли набула сили русифікаторська політика радянського уряду

    United States-Russian Relations, 1917-1933

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    “One should doff one’s cap to the statue of Jupiter, in case he returned to power.” – Lord Byron Our task in this study is to determine whether the words of Lord Byron are true in the realm of International Power Politics. This is a study of the application of the principle of non-recognition – the refusal of acknowledgement – to Russo-American relations during the period from 1917 to 1933. The year was 1917, and the Gladiator of Capitalism stood over the prostrate form of Russian Bolshevism and appealed for the decision of “life” or “death” to be meted out by the world powers. England signaled, “Thumbs down”; “Death,” cried France; “Yes,” said Japan, “let him die.” But in the center of the Powers stood the United States deciding the action – vetoing the anti-Bolshevik crusade. “He is wounded and dying of his own accord,” observed Uncle Sam. “Let us wash our hands of this matter and let him live – if indeed he can! Let us reiterate our confidence in the great Russian people who will eventually throw off this conspiracy. In the meanwhile, let us ‘wait and see’ and refuse during the interim to recognize this ‘communist’ experiment.” And so began the sixteen-year non-recognition period in United States-Russian relations. This thesis concerns this period and the relations of these two countries. The writer first became interested in this subject while reading on the 1954-1955 Intercollegiate Debate Topic, “The Recognition of Communist China.” On the suggestion of Dr. James H. Poteet, head of the History Department, Western Kentucky State College, the subject of this investigation was formulated. This paper at best can be only a cursory study of the history of this period; however, the writer will endeavor to develop to its fullest, the effects of the official attitude of non-recognition as practiced by the United States. It is hoped that this study will result in a clear elucidation on the issue of the non-recognition of Soviet Russia as seen from the vantage point of 1955


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    Neste ensaio procuro refletir sobre questões metodológicas suscitadas pela leitura das obras “Feitiço Decente: transformações do samba no Rio de Janeiro (1917-1933)” e “O Mistério do Samba” de Carlos Sandroni e Hermano Vianna, respectivamente. Para tanto, busco respaldo nas categorias centrais e largamente problematizadas no campo da sociologia da arte, como também identifico na abordagem de Becker recursos heurísticos profícuos que nos permitem compreender os subterrâneos das teses defendidas pelos autores. Proponho uma interlocução que, por sua vez, resulta noutros desvelamentos dos textos.In this paper, I aim to reflect on methodological questions bestirred by the reading of the works “Decent Spell: changes in samba in Rio de Janeiro (1917-1933)” and “The Mystery of Samba” by authors Carlos Sandroni and Hermano Vianna, respectively. To achieve this, I look for support in the central and widely problematic categories in the field of Sociology of Art, as well as identify in the Becker approach productive heuristic resources that allow us to comprehend the underground of the theses defended by the authors. I propose an interlocution which, in turn, results in other unveilings from the texts.

    Governors and police agents : surveillance and political exile in the national territory of Misiones during the decades of 1920 and 1930

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    El artículo analiza el desarrollo de las capacidades policiales respecto a las tareas de vigilancia política, en tanto producción de un saber considerado por las autoridades políticas como necesario para el mantenimiento de un orden y del buen gobierno de un territorio. Este análisis se centró en los informes producidos por la policía territorial de Misiones y por la policía de la Capital Federal durante las décadas de 1920 y 1930 sobre exiliados políticos procedentes del Brasil y Paraguay por pedido de los gobernadores del territorio y de los ministros del Interior argentinos. A través del mismo, el artículo se propuso indagar en los vínculos entre los gobernadores territoriales y los agentes policiales, los cambios operados en el mismo a partir de 1930 y los efectos que el desarrollo de las capacidades de vigilancia política pudieron tener sobre los exiliados. En este sentido, la investigación ha buscado demostrar que el efectivo ejercicio de tareas de vigilancia policial sobre exiliados constituyó un límite para las garantías ofrecidas por el derecho al asilo político, en tanto sustentó las decisiones y acciones de las autoridades políticas argentinas sobre éstos.The article analyzes the development of police agency capacities regard political surveillance, as a knowledge considered necessary by the political authorities to the maintenance of order and governance of a territory. This analysis focused on the reports made by the territorial police agents of Misiones and by the capital police agents during the decades of 1920 and 1930 on the activities of Brazilian and Paraguayan exiles, requested by the governors and Argentinian national ministers. The article proposes to inquire in the connections between territorial governors and police agents, the changes operated upon these from 1930 and the effects that the development of these surveillance capacities may have had on the exiles. In this sense, the research has sought to prove that the effective surveillance over political exiles meant a limit upon the guarantees offered by the right of political asylum, as it sustained the decisions and actions of the Argentinian political authorities about them.Fil: Pyke, Luz Irene. Universidad Nacional de Misione


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    This book argues for the intersection of anarchist theory, modernist writers, and aesthetic innovations under the sign of "the bomb." Individual chapters concern such figures as Joseph Conrad, Richard Wagner, Henry Adams, Andrei Bely, Edna St. Vincent Millay, Upton Sinclair, John Dos Passos, and Katherine Ann Porter, as well as collectivities like the Surrealists and the Dadaists. Anarchists such as Peter Kropotkin, Emma Goldman, and Michael Bakunin are also important to the text. The original version of this text was produced as a dissertation at the University of California Berkeley. Committee members were Carolyn Porter, Ann Banfield, and the late Michael Rogin. Three chapters--those on Conrad, Wagner, and the Sacco-Vanzetti case--were published in refereed academic journals. A synopsis of the argument was published in The Turn of the Century, Walter Pape, editor (Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter) 1995. Dynamite had been approved for publication in the Atopia series of Stanford University Press when major changes at the press resulted in the abolition of the series