65,896 research outputs found

    Les lumières et le droit naturel

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    L'auteur réflechi autour du concept de droit naturel present dans les Constitutions de 1789 et 1793 et le pourquoi de la disparution de ce terme dans les Constitutions de la France jusqu'à 1946.L'autora reflexiona entorn el concepte de dret natural present en les constitucions de 1789 i 1793 i el perquè de la desaparició d'aquest terme dins les Constitucions de França fins 1946.The author focus around the natural right concept present in the Constitutions of 1789 and 1793 and his aboid in the french Constitutions until 1946

    La Declaración de Derechos Humanos de 1793

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    El autor justifica este artículo aduciendo la falta de estudios sobre las Declaraciones de 1793 y 1795 en relación a la de 1789, sobradamente conocida. Para subsanar esta situación, realiza el profesor González una aproximación a nivel histórico-morfológico y formal. A su vez fija las relaciones entre Declaración de Derechos y Constitución.The author justifies this article adducing the absence of studies about the hurnan rights statements of 1793 and 1795 in relation to the famous and well-konwn of 1789. In order to make-good this situation, professor González makes an approximation to the Statement of 1793 reflected in three levels: historical, morphological and formal. It would say, seeing this statement as an introduction to the Constitution of the same year

    ¡Aux armes, citoyens! : Reflexions sobre l'organització de l'exèrcit de la Revolució Francesa

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    El autor, mediante los materiales de los debates parlamentarios sobre la organización del Ejército de la Revolución entre 1789 y 1793, y la documentación existente sobre filiaciones y historiales de servicios de la leva de voluntarios de París del año 1791, intenta hacer otra aproximación a la constitución del Ejército revolucionario, con la voluntad de añadir un poco más de complejidad al tema y matizar su dinámica de transformación interna.The author, through the materials of the parlamentary debates about the organization of the Army of the Revolution between 1789 and 1793, and the documentation about the levy of volunteers of Paris in 1791, tries to do another approximation to the constitution of the Revolutionary Army, with the desire to add a little more of complexity to this subject and to tinge his dynamic of inner transformation

    'Spectacles within doors': panoramas of London in the 1790s

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    Edinburgh University Press allows authors to retain the right to post the definitive version of the contribution, as published by EUP, in the Institutional Repository or in a disciplinary repository one year following publication in print. This article was originally published in ROMANTICISM [VOL 14, ISSUE 2, (2008)] and is available at

    The Slaveholders of Adams County

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    This catalog of slaveholder names includes all known slaveholders in Adams County both before and after its split from York County in 1800. Included with each name are the place or places of residence and the year or years of documented slave ownership. In order to achieve some conformity, in certain instances the spelling of surnames is arbitrary, based on experience with what the names actually were or have become

    George Washington’s Attorneys: The Political Selection of United States Attorneys at the Founding

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    This Article examines the relationship between the Nation’s first President and the selection of United States Attorneys. It argues that politics played an important, if not primary, role in the President’s selections. George Washington sought those who would represent the government’s interests, adhere to the government’s policies, and advance Washington’s political goals. His selections also demonstrated Washington’s requirement of loyalty to America. In this respect, the politicization of United States Attorneys occurred at the outset. Part I of this Article defines politicization and identifies its four aspects. Part II describes the United States Attorney position as understood through the 1789 Judiciary Act and state experience. Part III examines how Washington’s selections and selection process included three of the four politicization categories. The concluding Section briefly explores the ramifications of politicization and its potential benefits in today’s prosecutorial environmen


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    controversial since the ratification of the Constitution in 1789. In 1793, the Supreme Court ruled that the states had no sovereign immunity. The Eleventh Amendment reversed this ruling about the Constitution. The Eleventh Amendment itself has also been very controversial. We study the history and development of sovereign immunity jurisprudence from the founding of the United States until the present time

    The French Revolution and early European revolutionary terrorism

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    This chapter discusses some of the antecedents to the 'Terror' in the French Revolution before exploring the relationship between different forms of political terror in the 1790s in revolutionary France. It finishes by exploring how terror in different forms was used by political movements in Europe in the first half of the nineteenth century