1,704 research outputs found

    L'arxiu patrimonial Fontcuberta (segles X-XXI)

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    Aquest article analitza la importància dels arxius patrimonials catalans, fixant l'atenció en un d'ells: l'arxiu Fontcuberta. Se n'estudien les característiques principals, la seva organització i la seva utilitat per a la recerca històrica. La documentació del mateix arxiu és la que proporciona informació per a conèixer-lo amb profunditat. Aquest arxiu, a més, és un complement per a altres arxius patrimonials, en posar de manifest la importància que té l'estudi exhaustiu de la documentació conservada en aquests arxius.This article analyses the importance of Catalan heritage archives, looking in more detail at one of them: the Fontcuberta Archive. We study its main characteristics, how it's organised and its relevance for historical research. The documents contained within this collection offer information that reveals more details about the archive itself. This archive also complements other heritagearchives, highlighting the importance of an exhaustive study of the documents kept in such archives

    Естетика української архітектури

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    The article is devoted research and forming of aesthetics of Ukrainian architecture during X–XXI of ages. Research is conducted on the standards of sakral'noy architecture, administrative buildings, modern housings complexes. Obnaruzhenny of feature of architectural forms and composition construction of buildings of styles of baroque, classicism, modern.Статья посвящена исследованию и формированию эстетики украинской архитектуры в течение X–XXI веков. Исследование проведено на образцах сакральной архитектуры, административных зданий, жилищных комплексов. Выявлены особенности архитектурных форм и композиционного построения сооружений стилей барокко, классицизм, модерн.Стаття присвячена дослідженню та формуванню естетики української архітектури протягом X–XXI століть. Дослідження проведене на зразках сакральної архітектури, адміністративних будівель, житлових комплексів. Виявлені особливості архітектурних форм та композиційної побудови споруд стилів візатійского, бароко, класицизм, модерн

    Z_N Gauge Theories on a Lattice and Quantum Memory

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    In the present paper we shall study (2+1) dimensional Z_N gauge theories on a lattice. It is shown that the gauge theories have two phases, one is a Higgs phase and the other is a confinement phase. We investigate low-energy excitation modes in the Higgs phase and clarify relationship between the Z_N gauge theories and Kitaev's model for quantum memory and quantum computations. Then we study effects of random gauge couplings(RGC) which are identified with noise and errors in quantum computations by Kitaev's model. By using a duality transformation, it is shown that time-independent RGC give no significant effects on the phase structure and the stability of quantum memory and computations. Then by using the replica methods, we study Z_N gauge theories with time-dependent RGC and show that nontrivial phase transitions occur by the RGC.Comment: 20 pages, 5 figure

    Precision measurement of the Casimir-Lifshitz force in a fluid

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    The Casimir force, which results from the confinement of the quantum mechanical zero-point fluctuations of the electromagnetic fields, has received significant attention in recent years for its effect on micro- and nano-scale mechanical systems. With few exceptions, experimental observations have been limited to conductive bodies interacting separated by vacuum or air. However, interesting phenomena including repulsive forces are expected to exist in certain circumstances between metals and dielectrics when the intervening medium is not vacuum. In order to better understand the effect of the Casimir force in such situations and to test the robustness of the generalized Casimir-Lifshitz theory, we have performed the first precision measurements of the Casimir force between two metals immersed in a fluid. For this situation, the measured force is attractive and is approximately 80% smaller than the force predicted by Casimir for ideal metals in vacuum. We present experimental results and find them to be consistent with Lifshitz's theory.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures. (version before final publication

    Revisioning the Pacific: Bernard Smith in the South Seas

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    BORN IN Sydney in 1986, Bernard Smith is today widely considered to be Australia's preeminent art historian and a major cultural theorist.¹ While working as a school teacher and artist during the late 1930S and early 1940s, he came under the influences of surrealist aesthetics and communist politics, especially as mediated by refugee intellectuals from Hitler's Europe. During this period his principal literary inspirations were the Bible, Marx, and Toynbee; it was their different takes on history, especially of its unfolding over long durations, that most impressed him.² As an academic and writer through the next half century, Smith produced numerous historically oriented studies of Australian and modernist art, which broadly can be divided into two periods of publishing activity.³ His most acclaimed achievement, however, is European Vision and the South Pacific 1768-1850: A Study in the History of Art and Ideas, first published in 1960 and a work that has continued to grow in stature and influence in the four decades since its original appearance. It is the history of this text, and of its companion-piece, Imagining the Pacific: In the Wake of the Cook Voyages, published in 1992, and the contexts in which they were produced and have been consumed, that are the main concerns of the present essay.