213,812 research outputs found

    Порівняльне літературознавство як філософія літератури. Нариси з порівняльного літературознавства

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    Франсуа Жост (нар. 1918) – відомий швейцарський учений-літературознавець. З другої половини 1960-х рр. працював в університетах США. Автор праць “Швейцарія у французькому письменстві протягом віків” (La Suisse dans les lettres fran ais au cours de ages. – Fryburg, 1956), двотомного дослідження “Жан-Жак Руссо і Швейцарія” (Jean-Jacques Rousseau et la Suisse. – Fryburg, 1962), “Есеї літературної компаративістики” (Essais de litterature comparee. – V.1, 2. – Fryburg; Urbana, 1968), що складаються з двох томів – “Неlvetiса” й “Еuropeanа”, та “Вступ до літературної компаративістики” (Introduction to Comparative literature. – Indianopolis, 1974)


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    愛國反帝運動和新文化運動所引起的批評傳統、關心社會、強調民主思想和科學精神的思潮,一直被認為是五四傳統的基調。發展到三、四十年代,由於抗戰的影響,有「救亡」壓倒「啟蒙」的趨勢,而在1949年後,在兩岸三地中,香港正因為特殊的政治位置,成為言論相對自由的地帶。在這個直接政治干預相對較少的背景下,李晨風在五、六十年代主動改編多部五四傳統 的文學作品,繼承五四精神,實在值得深入研究。李晨風在的改編中, 藉著周蕙和高淑英的對比, 強調五四時期「個人」與「家庭」間的對立,以突出反傳統、反家庭的望題。至於的改編,李晨風在原有的戰爭背景下, 加強了對戰爭的控訴,使戰爭成為所有不幸事情的原兇。另外,又一改曾發生的形象,把她改寫成完美的媳婦,讓白燕保持一貫正面形象之餘,為新式女性在「經濟自主」與「家庭倫理」之間得到協調的空間。李晨風的改編電影,改寫了小翠的悲劇命運,比曹禺原著中對「希望」的暗示表露得更清楚。 其他改編五四時間流行的外國翻譯作品如托爾斯泰的著作,更能看到他對關懷社會的有一種執著。甚至其他並非直接與五四主題有關的電影作品中,亦可以見到李晨風批評軍閥、讚揚革命、追求個性自由的思想

    MS-003: The Papers of Amos E. Taylor, Gettysburg Class of 1915

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    The Amos E. Taylor Collection is divided into eight Series. I. Biographical Information; II. Military Service; III. University of Pennsylvania; IV. U.S. Department of Commerce; V. Inter-American Economic & Social Council/Pan American Union; VI. American University; VII. Personal Memorabilia, and VIII. Publications. It includes materials covering many decades of his life including his extensive education, his military service in World War I, and his career working for federal agencies, presidents, and economic associations. Special Collections and College Archives Finding Aids are discovery tools used to describe and provide access to our holdings. Finding aids include historical and biographical information about each collection in addition to inventories of their content. More information about our collections can be found on our website http://www.gettysburg.edu/special_collections/collections/.https://cupola.gettysburg.edu/findingaidsall/1002/thumbnail.jp

    MS-004: Papers of Frank H. Kramer, Class of 1914

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    The Frank H. Kramer Collection is arranged into six Series. I. Personal Information; II. Organizations, Committees & Events; III. Education Department; IV. Oriental Art; V. Scrapbooks and VI. Miscellaneous. Of special note to researchers are the photo album of campus life in the nineteen-teens, scrapbook of commencement activities between 1939 and 1948 and correspondence from soldiers in camp during WWI. Special Collections and College Archives Finding Aids are discovery tools used to describe and provide access to our holdings. Finding aids include historical and biographical information about each collection in addition to inventories of their content. More information about our collections can be found on our website http://www.gettysburg.edu/special_collections/collections/.https://cupola.gettysburg.edu/findingaidsall/1003/thumbnail.jp

    Thamnophis sirtalis

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    Number of Pages: 4Integrative BiologyGeological Science


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    香港作家舒巷城(1923-1999)被文學史家稱為香港的「鄉土作家」。「鄉土文學」 在中國內地及台灣有不同的定義及發展,香港特殊的地理環境、政治因素,令香港 文學的發展吸收、融合多方面的思潮、技巧,形成跟中國內地、台灣的文學同中有 異、異中有同的特色。本文主要把舒巷城放在時代背景中,分析香港「鄉土文學」 和其他兩地作品特色之異同,同時對舒巷城的作品按時序作一整理,嘗試整理出作 家在特定寫作環境下,作品所呈現的特色及作者文學觀的轉變

    Filip Konowal, VC: The Rebirth of a Canadian Hero

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    More than most people’s, Filip Konowa’s life was a complex mixture of hope, frustration, disappointment, and glory. On an August day in 1917, this corporal from Ottawa proved to be one of the world’s bravest men. In peacetime faith, courage, and devoation would help this forgotten hero overcome tragedy and personal loss until he became once again the recipient of the esteem that he earned as a serving soldier

    Mündü language and culture: the current state of research

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    The article outlines the ethnography and the socio-linguistic situation of the Mündü with focus on the sociolinguistic situation and on the endangerment of their language. The Mündü are a little known ethnic group living in several non-contiguous areas in the border triangle of Sudan, DR Congo and Uganda. Data on the history and the culture of the Mündü are scant and scattered in small pieces in the reports of the early European travellers in the region, in ethnographic descriptions of the neighbouring peoples, in particular on the Zande, in ethnographic surveys of Africa and ethnographic handbooks. All pieces of information on the cultural, economic and political situation of the Mündü from the latter second half the 20th century until now are published online on the websites of various organisations. Data on the current situation of the Mündü result partly from my own observations in Arua/Uganda