260,481 research outputs found

    Licensing Act 1917 No. 1322

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    An Act to consolidate the Laws relating to the Supplying of Intoxicating Liquors and the Exercise of Local Option with regard thereto, and the Licensing of Billiard and Bagatelle Tables, and for other purposes. ; N.p., 1529/1922; 1644/1924; 1775/1926,; s. 5 and 6; 1808/1927, s. 4; S. 2, am., 1808/1927, s. 5; S. 4, am., 1808/1927, s. 6; S. 6, r.s., 1808/1927, s. 7; S. 7, r.s., 1808/1927, s. 8; S. 8, r.s., 1808/1927, s. 8; S. 8 (3), am., 2055/1931, s. 3; S. 9, am., 1808/1927, s. 9; S. 10, r.s., 1808/1927, s. 10; S. 13 (2), am., 1604/1923, s. 3; am., 1867/1928, s. 3; S. 13 (2) (v.), ad., 1604/1923, s. 3 (1); S. 16-18, 20, 22 and 23, am., 1844/1927, s. 4; S. 26, rep., 1844/1927, s. 3; S. 29, am., 1808/1927, s. 11; S.31, r.s., 1844/1927, s. 5; am., 2055/1931, s. 4; S. 32, r.s., 1844/1927, s. 6; S. 32-35, r.s., 1867/1928, s. 4; S. 36 and 37, rep., 1867/1928, s. 5; S. 42 (3), am., 1808/1927, s. 12; S. 53, am., 1808/1927, s. 13; S. 58, am., 1808/1927, s. 14; am., 2055/1931, s. 5; S. 59, r.s., 2055/1931, s. 6; S. 64 (1), am., 2055/1931, s. 7 (1); S. 64 (5), am., 1808/1927, s. 15; am., 2055/1931, s. 7 (3); S. 65, am., 1867/1928, s. 6; S. 65 (1), am., 1775/1926, s. 4; am., 1808/1927, s. 16 (a); S. 65 (3), am., 1808/1927, s. 16 (b); S. 67 (2), am., 1867/1927, s. 7; S. 69 (1), am., 1808/1927, s. 17 (a); S. 69 (2), rep., 1808/1927, s. 17 (b); S. 80 (1), am., 1604/1923s. 4; S. 81, am., 1808/1927, s. 18; S. 86 (1), am., 2083/1932, s. 3 (a); S. 86 (2), am., 1808/1927, s. 19; S. 86 (5), ad., 2083/1932, s. 3 (b); S. 87 (2), am., 1604/1923, s. 5; S. 91A, ad., 1808/1927, s. 20; S. 93, am., 1808/1927, s. 21; S. 103, am., 1808/1927, s. 22; S. 119, n.p., 2003/1932, s. 2; S. 129, am., 1604/1923, s. 6; S. 136A, ad., 2055/1931, s. 8; S. 137, am., 2055/1931, s. 9; S. 139 (1) (e), rep., 2055/1931, s. 10; S. 139A and 139B, ad., 1844/1927, s. 7; S. 159, am., 1867/1928, s. 8; am., 2055/1931, s. 11; S. 159A, ad., 1867/1928, s. 9; S. 166A, ad., 1867/1928, s. 10; S. 178 (1) and 178 (3), am., 1604/1923, s. 7; S. 179, am., 1808/1927, s. 23; S. 182 (2), am., 1604/1923, s. 8; S. 183 (1), am., 1604/1923, s. 9; S. 184 (3), am., 1808/1927, s. 24; S. 185, am., 1436/1920, s. 3; am., 2055/1931, s. 12; S. 219A, ad., 1752/1926, s. 3; S. 223, r.s., 1752/1926, s. 4; S. 233 (3), am., 1808/1927, s. 28; S. 247, r.s., 1449/1920, s. 3; S. 267, am., 1808/1927, s. 29; S. 269, am., 1604/1923, s. 11; S. 279 (2), ad., 1604/1923, s. 12; S. 281, am., 1604/1923, s. 13; S. 281 (2A.), ad., 1604/1923, s. 13; Sched. C, rep., 1844/1927, s. 8; Sched. W 1, am., 1529/1922, s. 8; W. rep., 2102/1932, s.

    Alumni Listing, 1923-1932

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    This is a merged set of alumni lists, one covering the classes of 1923-1927, and the other the classes of 1928-1932. There are faculty lists as well

    MS – 212: Papers of Emma West Durkee

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    The folio consists of [264] typed leaves and is illustrated with approximately 150 prints which include photographs, portraits, and mounted letters. More than half of the photographs are either taken by the author, Miss Nell Walker, R.A., or Captain R.C. Snidow. A variety of first person narratives of wounded soldiers as well as some of the events and happenings that occurred during the author’s three years working at Debarkation Hospital No. 5 and Army General Hospital No. 41 are found throughout the book. Some of the patients’ stories include Christmas at Debarkation Hospital No. 5, a movie theatre-party, a wedding for one of the patients that was planned in a recreation room, the sewing of uniform patches by Mrs. Grover Cleveland, the disappearance of one of the patient’s turtle pet named Napoleon, and the Governor’s party which was held for everyone that was associated with the hospital. Some memorabilia included are Durkee’s Red Cross Certificate recognizing her service, a silk souvenir handkerchief from France, a fabric swatch from the upholstery of the hospital lounge, a letter signed from the former First Lady Frances F. Cleveland Preston who also worked at Debarkation Hospital No. 5, a poem written by Private Moses M. Ashely, and letters and postcards from Russia signed by Admiral Newton McCully, who was in charge of U.S. Navy forces in Russia and helped perform intelligence missions against the Bolsheviks (and who later adopted seven Russian orphans). The preface includes the date New York City, May 1, 1923 and states: “Five typewritten copies of this book have been made of which this is Number One. All the photographs except where otherwise indicated were taken by the author.” The book is dedicated to the author’s husband, Colonel Chauncey Benton Humphrey, who was part of the United States Infantry. Even though the author dates the preface with the year 1923, the official date of publication is unclear. However, the dedication to her husband who the author married in 1927 offers the suggestion that while the work was started in 1923 it was not completed until at least 1927. Special Collections and College Archives Finding Aids are discovery tools used to describe and provide access to our holdings. Finding aids include historical and biographical information about each collection in addition to inventories of their content. More information about our collections can be found on our website https://www.gettysburg.edu/special-collections/collections/.https://cupola.gettysburg.edu/findingaidsall/1209/thumbnail.jp

    On the questions of theatricality in the autobiographical poetics of Vl. Nabokov

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      По сравнению с обширным прозаическим и менее известным поэтическими наследиями драматургическое искусство Вл. Набокова является малоизученной и малоизвестной областью набоковского творчества. С 1923 по 1962 годы Набоковым было написано девять драматических произведений: «Странники» [1923] (неоконченная пьеса), «Агасфер», [1923] (неоконченная пьеса), «Смерть» [1923 ], «Дедушка» [1923], «Трагедия господина Морна» [1924], «Полюс» [1924], «Человек из СССР» [1926-1927], «Событие» [1938], «Изобретение вальса» [1938], продолжение пушкинской «Русалки» [1942] и киносценарий «Лолиты» [1962]. В данной статье анализируются принципы театральности в автобиографической поэтике Вл. Набокова на примере его автобиографии «Другие берега» [1954].По сравнению с обширным прозаическим и менее известным поэтическими наследиями драматургическое искусство Вл. Набокова является малоизученной и малоизвестной областью набоковского творчества. С 1923 по 1962 годы Набоковым было написано девять драматических произведений: «Странники» [1923] (неоконченная пьеса), «Агасфер», [1923] (неоконченная пьеса), «Смерть» [1923 ], «Дедушка» [1923], «Трагедия господина Морна» [1924], «Полюс» [1924], «Человек из СССР» [1926-1927], «Событие» [1938], «Изобретение вальса» [1938], продолжение пушкинской «Русалки» [1942] и киносценарий «Лолиты» [1962]. В данной статье анализируются принципы театральности в автобиографической поэтике Вл. Набокова на примере его автобиографии «Другие берега» [1954].Compared with the extensive prose and lesser known poetic heritage, the dramatic art of Vl. Nabokov is a little-studied and little-known area of his creativity. From 1923 to 1962, Nabokov wrote nine dramatic works: “Wanderers” [1923] (unfinished play), “Agasfer” [1923] (unfinished play), “Death” [1923], “Grandfather” [1923], “The Tragedy of Mister Morne” [1924], “Pole” [1924], “A Man from the USSR” [1926-1927], “The Event” [1938], “The Invention of the Waltz” [1938], a continuation of Pushkin’s “Mermaid” [1942] and screenplay for “Lolita” [1962]. This article analyzes the principles of theatricality in the autobiographical poetics of Vl. Nabokov on the example of his autobiography “Speak, Memory”

    Дешифрування псевдонімів як аспект вивчення музичної культури (за матеріалами журналу «Музика» 1920-х років)

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    У статті зібрано, класифіковано та частково ідентифіковано різні види псевдонімного прикриття, якими користувалися автори журналу «Музика» в 1923–1927 pоках. Укладено словник псевдонімів, що є важливими кроком у формуванні нового напряму джерелознавчих досліджень в українській музикознавчій науці – музичної псевдонімії.В статье собраны, классифицированы и частично идентифицированы разные виды псевдонимов, которыми пользовались авторы журнала «Музыка» в 1923–1927 годах. Составлен словарь псевдонимов, что стало важным шагом в формировании нового направления истоковедческих исследований отечественного музыковедения – музыкальной псевдонимии.The author of the article has gathered, classified and partly identified different kinds of pseudonym shielding used by the authors of the magazine «Muzyka» (Music) during 1923–1927. The pseudonyms dictionary is compiled which is considered to be a consequential step in the forminy process of musical pseudonymia – a new branch of investigation in Ukrainian musical science

    2009 Review —ISU Equine Teaching and Extension, Ames, IA

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    The current barns were built between 1923 and 1927. With the increased enrollment in Animal Science students, it is always a challenge with our facilities, as horse courses are always full. All the horses are used for teaching and outreach activities. The herd consists of Quarter Horses and Thoroughbreds. Quarter Horses are marketed towards the pleasure industry while the Thoroughbreds are marketed towards a racing career

    06.01.001 Lesley College Publications, Course Catalogs

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    The collection contains course catalogs produced annually by Lesley College (the undergraduate school), which had the following name changes: the Lesley Normal School, 1909-1920; the Lesley School, 1920-1944; Lesley College, 1944 - present. The course catalogs contains names of administrative officers and the Board of Trustees, faculty, a brief history of Lesley College, description of library facilities, instructions for admission and registration, requirements for degrees, description of types of financial assistance, tuition, and fees. The collection contains the following years: 1909-1910, 1913-1914, 1917-1918, 1919-1920, 1922-1923 to 1923-1924, 1926-1927 to 1940-1941, 1943-1944 to 1944-1945, 1947-1948 to 2004-2005, 2006-2007 to 2009-2010

    Subject Index (dues and assessments, cont. - George, Henry), pp. 224-299

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    The Catherwood Library and ILR School at Cornell are pleased to again make available an extremely important index of major labor union publications, long out of print. It is Lloyd G. Reynolds and Charles C. Killingsworth\u27s Trade Union Publications: The Official Journals, Convention Proceedings and Constitutions of International Unions and Federations, 1850-1941. Baltimore, The John Hopkins Press, 1944