453 research outputs found

    Матеріали Осипа Бодянського та Олександра Потебні у Відділі рукописних фондів і текстології Інституту літератури ім. Т. Г. Шевченка НАН України

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    Осип Максимович Бодянський (1808–1877) і Олександр Опанасович Потебня (1835–1891) займають особливо вагоме місце у філологічних науках, зокрема у слов’янознавстві. В архіві О. Бодянського збереглося п’ять досі не опублікованих повністю листів О. Потебні до О. Бодянського (1864–1866), у яких чітко простежуються наукові взаємини між ученими. До маловідомих робіт О. Бодянського належить і недрукований цикл його лекцій «Історія Сербії» (1850-ті рр.).Осип Максимович Бодянский (1808–1877) и Александр Афанасьевич Потебня (1835–1891) занимают существенное место в мировой филологии, особенно в славяноведении. В архиве О. Бодянского сохранились пять до сих пор полностью не опубликованных писем А. Потебни к О. Бодянскому (1864–1866), в которых четко прослеживаются научные контакты между учеными. К малоизвестным работам О. Бодянского относится и неопубликованный цикл лекций “История Сербии” (1850-е гг.).Osyp Bodyans’kyi (1808–1877) and Oleksandr Potebnya (1835– 1891) are considered to be outstanding persons in world philology and especially Slavic studies. There are 5 still unpublished letters from O. Bodyans’kyi to O. Potebnya (1864–1866) preserved in the archive fund of O. Bodyans’kyi which give evidence of tight scientific contacts between scholars. The O. Bodyans’kyi’s lections «History of Serbia» (1850-s) remain not widely known till now

    Studio portrait of Dr. Anton Unterberg

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    Vignetted head and shoulder shot of a man in urban clothes with a medal.Dr. Anton Unterberg (1808 - 1877) was a doctor, pharmacist and industrial entrepreneur (glass fabric and distillery)

    Studio portrait of Evtima Unterberg

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    Upper body shot in an oval frame, depicting a woman in urban clothes.Evtima Unterberg (~ 1831 - 1916) was the first female pharmacist in Bulgaria. She was the wife of Dr. Anton Unterberg (1808 - 1877), a medical doctor, pharmacist, and industrial entrepreneur (glass fabric and distillery)

    Lindsey, Thomas N., 1808-1877 - Letter to (SC 1886)

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    Finding aid and scan (Click on Additional Files below) for Manuscripts Small Collection 1886. Letter, 24 June 1842, written to Thomas N. Lindsey, Frankfort, Kentucky , from a correspondent in Clinton, Kentucky regarding lawsuits in connection with the estate of Johnson Todd

    At the source of Vilnius Altaic studies

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    University of WarsawThis paper presents the life and achievements of three Polish Orientalists connected with Vilnius: Mongolist Józef Kowalewski (1801–1878), Turkologist Antoni Muchliński (1808–1877), and Altaist and Mongolist Władysław Kotwicz (1872–1944)

    Caroline Chisholm, 1808-1877: ordinary woman - extraordinary life, impossible category

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    The purpose of this thesis is to look at the motivations behind the life and work of Caroline Chisholm, nee Jones, 1808-1877, and to ascertain why British historians have chosen to ignore her contribution to the nineteenth century emigration movement, while attending closely to such women as Nightingale for example. The Introduction to the thesis discusses the difficulties of writing a biography of a nineteenth century woman, who lived at the threshold of modernity, from the perspective of the twenty-first century, in the period identified as late modernity or postmodernity. The critical issues of writing a historical biography are explored. Chapter Two continues the debate in relation to the Sources, Methods and Problems that have been met with in writing the thesis. Chapters Three to Seven consider Chisholm's life and work in the more conventional narrative format, detailing where new evidence has been found. By showing where misinformation and errors have arisen in earlier biographies that have been perpetuated by subsequent biographies, they give specificity to the debate discussed in the Introduction. Chapters Eight to Ten discuss, in far greater depth than a conventional narrative format allows, the relevant political, religious and social influences which shaped and influenced Chisholm's life, and which facilitate an understanding of her motivation and character