9,900 research outputs found

    Fixed points for multi-class queues

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    Burke's theorem can be seen as a fixed-point result for an exponential single-server queue; when the arrival process is Poisson, the departure process has the same distribution as the arrival process. We consider extensions of this result to multi-type queues, in which different types of customer have different levels of priority. We work with a model of a queueing server which includes discrete-time and continuous-time M/M/1 queues as well as queues with exponential or geometric service batches occurring in discrete time or at points of a Poisson process. The fixed-point results are proved using interchangeability properties for queues in tandem, which have previously been established for one-type M/M/1 systems. Some of the fixed-point results have previously been derived as a consequence of the construction of stationary distributions for multi-type interacting particle systems, and we explain the links between the two frameworks. The fixed points have interesting "clustering" properties for lower-priority customers. An extreme case is an example of a Brownian queue, in which lower-priority work only occurs at a set of times of measure 0 (and corresponds to a local time process for the queue-length process of higher priority work).Comment: 25 page

    The Power of Choice in Priority Scheduling

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    Consider the following random process: we are given nn queues, into which elements of increasing labels are inserted uniformly at random. To remove an element, we pick two queues at random, and remove the element of lower label (higher priority) among the two. The cost of a removal is the rank of the label removed, among labels still present in any of the queues, that is, the distance from the optimal choice at each step. Variants of this strategy are prevalent in state-of-the-art concurrent priority queue implementations. Nonetheless, it is not known whether such implementations provide any rank guarantees, even in a sequential model. We answer this question, showing that this strategy provides surprisingly strong guarantees: Although the single-choice process, where we always insert and remove from a single randomly chosen queue, has degrading cost, going to infinity as we increase the number of steps, in the two choice process, the expected rank of a removed element is O(n)O( n ) while the expected worst-case cost is O(nlogn)O( n \log n ). These bounds are tight, and hold irrespective of the number of steps for which we run the process. The argument is based on a new technical connection between "heavily loaded" balls-into-bins processes and priority scheduling. Our analytic results inspire a new concurrent priority queue implementation, which improves upon the state of the art in terms of practical performance

    Analysis of priority queues with session-based arrival streams

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    In this paper, we analyze a discrete-time priority queue with session-based arrivals. We consider a user population, where each user can start and end sessions. Sessions belong to one of two classes and generate a variable number of fixed-length packets which arrive to the queue at the rate of one packet per slot. The lengths of the sessions are generally distributed. Packets of the first class have transmission priority over the packets of the other class. The model is motivated by a web server handling delay-sensitive and delay-insensitive content. By using probability generating functions, some performance measures of the queue such as the moments of the packet delays of both classes are calculated. The impact of the priority scheduling discipline and of the session nature of the arrival process is shown by some numerical examples

    Sample-path large deviations for tandem and priority queues with Gaussian inputs

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    This paper considers Gaussian flows multiplexed in a queueing network. A single node being a useful but often incomplete setting, we examine more advanced models. We focus on a (two-node) tandem queue, fed by a large number of Gaussian inputs. With service rates and buffer sizes at both nodes scaled appropriately, Schilder's sample-path large-deviations theorem can be applied to calculate the asymptotics of the overflow probability of the second queue. More specifically, we derive a lower bound on the exponential decay rate of this overflow probability and present an explicit condition for the lower bound to match the exact decay rate. Examples show that this condition holds for a broad range of frequently used Gaussian inputs. The last part of the paper concentrates on a model for a single node, equipped with a priority scheduling policy. We show that the analysis of the tandem queue directly carries over to this priority queueing system.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/105051605000000133 in the Annals of Applied Probability (http://www.imstat.org/aap/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    What money can't buy: allocations with priority lists, lotteries and queues

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    I study the welfare optimal allocation of a number of identical and indivisible objects to a set of heterogeneous risk-neutral agents under the hypothesis that money is not available. Agents have independent private values, which represent the maximum time that they are will- ing to wait in line to obtain a good. A priority list, which ranks agents according to their expected values, is optimal when hazard rates of the distributions of values are increasing. Queues, which allocates the ob- ject to those who wait in line the longest, are optimal in a symmetric setting with decreasing hazard rates.rationing; queues; priority lists; lotteries.