32,907 research outputs found

    Planar graphs without cycles of length 4, 7, 8, or 9 are 3-choosable

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    AbstractIt is known that planar graphs without cycles of length 4, i, j, or 9 with 4<i<j<9, except that i=7 and j=8, are 3-choosable. This paper proves that planar graphs without cycles of length 4, 7, 8, or 9 are also 3-choosable

    Coloring the Square of Planar Graphs Without 4-Cycles or 5-Cycles

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    The famous Four Color Theorem states that any planar graph can be properly colored using at most four colors. However, if we want to properly color the square of a planar graph (or alternatively, color the graph using distinct colors on vertices at distance up to two from each other), we will always require at least \Delta + 1 colors, where \Delta is the maximum degree in the graph. For all \Delta, Wegner constructed planar graphs (even without 3-cycles) that require about \frac{3}{2} \Delta colors for such a coloring. To prove a stronger upper bound, we consider only planar graphs that contain no 4-cycles and no 5-cycles (but which may contain 3-cycles). Zhu, Lu, Wang, and Chen showed that for a graph G in this class with \Delta \ge 9, we can color G^2 using no more than \Delta + 5 colors. In this thesis we improve this result, showing that for a planar graph G with maximum degree \Delta \ge 32 having no 4-cycles and no 5-cycles, at most \Delta + 3 colors are needed to properly color G^2. Our approach uses the discharging method, and the result extends to list-coloring and other related coloring concepts as well

    Hamiltonian cycles and 1-factors in 5-regular graphs

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    It is proven that for any integer g≥0g \ge 0 and k∈{0,…,10}k \in \{ 0, \ldots, 10 \}, there exist infinitely many 5-regular graphs of genus gg containing a 1-factorisation with exactly kk pairs of 1-factors that are perfect, i.e. form a hamiltonian cycle. For g=0g = 0, this settles a problem of Kotzig from 1964. Motivated by Kotzig and Labelle's "marriage" operation, we discuss two gluing techniques aimed at producing graphs of high cyclic edge-connectivity. We prove that there exist infinitely many planar 5-connected 5-regular graphs in which every 1-factorisation has zero perfect pairs. On the other hand, by the Four Colour Theorem and a result of Brinkmann and the first author, every planar 4-connected 5-regular graph satisfying a condition on its hamiltonian cycles has a linear number of 1-factorisations each containing at least one perfect pair. We also prove that every planar 5-connected 5-regular graph satisfying a stronger condition contains a 1-factorisation with at most nine perfect pairs, whence, every such graph admitting a 1-factorisation with ten perfect pairs has at least two edge-Kempe equivalence classes. The paper concludes with further results on edge-Kempe equivalence classes in planar 5-regular graphs.Comment: 27 pages, 13 figures; corrected figure

    Vertex Arboricity of Toroidal Graphs with a Forbidden Cycle

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    The vertex arboricity a(G)a(G) of a graph GG is the minimum kk such that V(G)V(G) can be partitioned into kk sets where each set induces a forest. For a planar graph GG, it is known that a(G)≤3a(G)\leq 3. In two recent papers, it was proved that planar graphs without kk-cycles for some k∈{3,4,5,6,7}k\in\{3, 4, 5, 6, 7\} have vertex arboricity at most 2. For a toroidal graph GG, it is known that a(G)≤4a(G)\leq 4. Let us consider the following question: do toroidal graphs without kk-cycles have vertex arboricity at most 2? It was known that the question is true for k=3, and recently, Zhang proved the question is true for k=5k=5. Since a complete graph on 5 vertices is a toroidal graph without any kk-cycles for k≥6k\geq 6 and has vertex arboricity at least three, the only unknown case was k=4. We solve this case in the affirmative; namely, we show that toroidal graphs without 4-cycles have vertex arboricity at most 2.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figure
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