23 research outputs found

    An evolutionary study of production of electricity in Ghana (1900–1960s)

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    The literature on the history of electricity production have studied the evolution of electricity in both developed and developing countries and its impact on their economies. Some have laid foundations upon which other works are carried out. A close examination of historiography and multidisciplinary research on electricity production in Ghana shows that more efforts are required to improve the electric power landscape in Ghana. From the colonial era, the increasing demand for electricity has been the biggest challenge plaguing the energy sector. Respective governments have made significant strides in ensuring reliable and universal access to electricity throughout Ghana, yet such efforts have been accompanied by different levels of challenges. The study uses a qualitative and exploratory research approach to trace the activities that helped, in many other ways to the creation of a sustainable electric power provision to household and industry in Ghana, particularly in two of Ghana’s cities; Accra and Kumasi, within the period 1900 to the1960s. The work focused mainly on archival sources in its quest to arrive at how indigenous Ghanaians provided power for industrial activities and for household purposes. Results from the study show that local and cottage industries relied predominantly on wood, fuel, and biomass for their operations even before the introduction of the more sophisticated means of power generation. Also, the study revealed that in finding solutions to the challenges of electricity production, policymakers have focused more on current issues with little or no effort to trace the historical foundation of electricity production. This notwithstanding, the little efforts that have been made examined the history of energy production, with a limited focus on the immediate post-independence era

    Női és férfi kéz a betegellátás szolgálatában – ápolástörténeti kitekintés

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    Az ápolás egyidős az emberiség létezésével, ennél fogva alapjai mélyen gyökereznek történelmünkben. A társadalomfejlődéssel párhuzamosan ismeretanyaga folyamatosan bővült és jelentős mérföldköveinek tükrében vált mára önálló tudománnyá. Az első írásos feljegyzések az Ókorból származnak, és egészen Kr.e. 250-ig Indiába vezetnek vissza, ugyanis itt nyílt meg az első ápoló iskola. Az idő múlásával, a történelmi korok váltakozásával az ápolás és betegellátás óriási változásokon ment keresztül


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    Karya ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi efek optik kaleidoskop sebagai eksplorasi teknik dalam penciptaan karya fotografi. Awalnya kaleidoskop merupakan alat optik dengan cermin pemantul yang mempunyai sudut kemiringan tertentu yang menghasilkan efek repetisi. Optik kaleidoskop semula berbentuk teropong dan ada juga yang berbentuk kacamata kemudian dalam penciptaan tugas akhir ini dimodifikasi menjadi filter. Optik yang dimodifikasi antara lain; optik bee eye, optik spiral, optik square cut. Visual yang dihasilkan dari optik kaleidoskop menghasilkan efek yang menarik berupa warna, repetisi dan pola. Teknik pencahayaan menggunakan available light dan mix light, cahaya tambahan dengan menggunakan flash eksternal. Flash external digunakan untuk menampilkan centre point dan warna gradasi pada karya. Kata Kunci : Optik Kaleidoskop, Filter, Fotografi Tekni

    “The Flower of Eastern and Western Europe” British Travellers, Czech Go-Betweens, and the Temporal Culture of Nineteenth-Century Prague

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    Throughout the nineteenth century, published British travelogues revered Prague, bringing the city to the attention of the rest of Europe. Tropes and motifs predicated on German, Oriental, and classical imagery filled the pages of British travelogues, which were, in turn, entertained by Czech go-betweens in their own texts. This article explores the circulation of knowledge in compelling narratives between the travel writers and go-betweens who mapped out temporal representations of the city. A time-knowledge framework not only reveals how Prague’s temporal culture manifested itself in literary narratives and exchanges, but starts to rethink the development of the cultural, political, and social knowledge of the city, by demonstrating how different actors contributed to its production

    An evolutionary study of production of electricity in Ghana (1900 – 1960)

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    The literature on the history of electricity production have studied the evolution of electricity in both developed and developing countries and its impact on their economies. Some have laid foundations upon which other works are carried out. A close examination of historiography and multidisciplinary research on electricity production in Ghana shows that more efforts are required to improve the electric power landscape in Ghana. From the colonial era, the increasing demand for electricity has been the biggest challenge plaguing the energy sector. Respective governments have made significant strides in ensuring reliable and universal access to electricity throughout Ghana, yet such efforts have been accompanied by different levels of challenges. The study uses a qualitative and exploratory research approach to trace the activities that helped, in many other ways to the creation of a sustainable electric power provision to household and industry in Ghana, particularly in two of Ghana’s cities; Accra and Kumasi, within the period 1900 to the1960s. The work focused mainly on archival sources in its quest to arrive at how indigenous Ghanaians provided power for industrial activities and for household purposes. Results from the study show that local and cottage industries relied predominantly on wood, fuel, and biomass for their operations even before the introduction of the more sophisticated means of power generation. Also, the study revealed that in finding solutions to the challenges of electricity production, policymakers have focused more on current issues with little or no effort to trace the historical foundation of electricity production. This notwithstanding, the little efforts that have been made examined the history of energy production, with a limited focus on the immediate post-independence era

    Mediation in a conflict society: an ethnographic view on mediation processes in Israel

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    This thesis addresses the question: how do individuals in a conflict society engage in peaceful dispute resolution through mediation? It provides a close look at Israeli society, in which people face daily conflicts. These include confrontations on many levels: the national, such as wars and terror attacks; the social, such as ethnic, religious and economic tensions; and the personal level, whereby the number of lawyers and legal claims per capita are among the highest in the world. The magnitude, pervasiveness, and often existential nature of these conflicts have led sociologists to label Israel a ‘conflict society’.   Mediation practice came into this society and challenged the existing ethos and norms by proposing a discourse of dialogue and cooperation. The thesis focuses on the meeting point that mediation engenders between narratives of conflict, which have developed in this environment, and the mediation processes, which set out to achieve a collaborative discourse and mutual recognition.   The fieldwork, forming the core of the thesis, consists of the observation of supervised mediation processes of civil disputes in two leading mediation centres, and interviews with professionals and key figures in the discipline. The wide variety of voices of a broad range of interviewees and many different parties provide for rich, qualitative data.   The use of the narrative‐ethnographic approach in observing mediation processes helps identify key themes in participantsʹ  narratives. The subsequent analysis leads to the insight that these mediation processes reflect, in a subtle way, the narratives, beliefs and needs of individuals in a conflict society. The findings from this study indicate that perceptions of life in a conflict society are clearly manifested through mediation processes. These place obstacles and inhibit the attainment of agreements. Yet, surprisingly, some of the findings also demonstrate an aversion to conflict and a well‐expressed desire to maintain communication and to achieve peaceful resolution

    Center for Research on the Education of Students Placed at Risk: Report #24

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    The Center for Research on the Education of Students Placed at Risk (CRESPAR) was established in 1994 and continued until 2004. It was a collaboration between Johns Hopkins University and Howard University. CRESPAR’s mission was to conduct research, development, evaluation, and dissemination of replicable strategies designed to transform schooling for students who were placed at risk due to inadequate institutional responses to such factors as poverty, ethnic minority status, and non-English-speaking home background.This report identifies and reviews thirty-four programs that have been used as afterschool programs by schools and/or communities, including extended day programs and some supplemental school programs that have potentialfor after-school usage. Five categories of programs are reviewed: • language arts after-school programs, • study skills programs, • academic programs in other curriculum areas, • tutoring programs for reading, and • community-based programs.Office of Educational Research and Improvement (OERI), U.S. Department of Education (R-117-D4005