21,244 research outputs found

    Galleries Explores Relationship Between Economy and Ecology

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    HIGHLIGHTS Stolle will present a public lecture and gallery walk-through on Friday, Jan. 25, at 5:30 p.m. in 119 Rutledge Building, followed by an opening reception at 6:30 p.m. in the Rutledge Gallery. In “Selective Memory,” Stolle delves into the relationship between our economy and ecology, specifically how agribusiness and biotech companies influence our food supply

    Does ethnic diversity erode trust? Putnams hunkering down thesis reconsidered

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    We use a multi-level modelling approach to estimate the effect of ethnic diversity on measures of generalized and strategic trust using data from a new survey in Britain with a sample size approaching 25,000 individuals. In addition to the ethnic diversity of neighbourhoods, we incorporate a range of indicators of the socio-economic characteristics of individuals and the areas in which they live. Our results show no effect of ethnic diversity on generalized trust. There is a statistically significant association between diversity and a measure of strategic trust, but in substantive terms, the effect is trivial and dwarfed by the effects of economic deprivation and the social connectedness of individuals

    Analysis of Chromatic Aberration Effects in Triple-Junction Solar Cells Using Advanced Distributed Models

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    The consideration of real operating conditions for the design and optimization of a multijunction solar cell receiver-concentrator assembly is indispensable. Such a requirement involves the need for suitable modeling and simulation tools in order to complement the experimental work and circumvent its well-known burdens and restrictions. Three-dimensional distributed models have been demonstrated in the past to be a powerful choice for the analysis of distributed phenomena in single- and dual-junction solar cells, as well as for the design of strategies to minimize the solar cell losses when operating under high concentrations. In this paper, we present the application of these models for the analysis of triple-junction solar cells under real operating conditions. The impact of different chromatic aberration profiles on the short-circuit current of triple-junction solar cells is analyzed in detail using the developed distributed model. Current spreading conditions the impact of a given chromatic aberration profile on the solar cell I-V curve. The focus is put on determining the role of current spreading in the connection between photocurrent profile, subcell voltage and current, and semiconductor layers sheet resistance

    Reliability evaluation of III-V concentrator solar cells

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    Concentrator solar cells have been proposed as an interesting way of reducing the cost of photovoltaic electricity. However, in order to compete with conventional solar modules it is necessary not only to reduce costs but also to evaluate and increase the present reliability. Concentrator solar cells work at higher temperature, solar radiation and current stress than conventional solar cells and a carefully reliability analysis is needed. In this paper a reliability analysis procedure, that is being developed, is presented

    Aktuelle Nachweise von höheren Pflanzen in der Umgebung von Halle (Saale)

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    Dieser Beitrag setzt die von JOHN & STOLLE (2007) veröffentlichten Nachweise höherer Pflanzen in der Umgebung von Halle (Saale) fort

    The 'black box' problem in the study of participation

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    Research on citizen participation has been guided by two core issues: first, the observation of a widening repertory of modes of participation, and second, the argument that participation is not an undifferentiated phenomenon, but must be conceived as an inherently multidimensional reality. In this article, we argue that conventional participation research has focused too one-sidedly on quantitatively expanding the range of types of activities, while the complex dimensionality is not reflected in the measures used. We formulate a methodological critique by using the metaphor of the 'black box', which refers to the implicit and unquestioned assumption that distinct types of activities and associations represent homogeneous and consistent realities that do not warrant further analytical decomposition. Surveys of participation allocate individuals to different 'participation boxes' by means of a binary logic, leaving a void of what is actually happening inside the boxes. To conclude, we reflect upon the fundamental dilemmas the black box of participation raises for theory and research, and offer conceptual and methodological keys to unlock the participation box

    How to make head or tail of bridging and bonding? Adressing the methodological ambiguity

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    A distinction has recently been proposed between bridging (or encompassing) and bonding (or inward-looking) social networks. However, existing theoretical contributions remain vague as to the fundamental meaning of both concepts. As a consequence, two distinct interpretations have evolved alongside each other. In the present paper, we employ data on voluntary association membership in Flanders to empirically illustrate that both approaches can lead to substantially different outcomes and therefore appear to tap into different dimensions of bridging versus bonding. These findings underline the problematic nature of the current conceptual ambiguity. We conclude that should the bridging-bonding distinction add meaningfully to our understanding of the external effects of social networks, it is essential to resolve the conceptual and methodological imprecision. -- In jĂŒngster Zeit wurde eine Unterscheidung zwischen brĂŒckenschlagenden (ĂŒbergreifenden) und bindenden (nach innen gerichteten) sozialen Netzwerken vorgeschlagen. Die theoretischen BeitrĂ€ge bleiben dabei aber was die fundamentale Bedeutung beider Konzepte angeht ungenau. So haben sich parallel zwei unterschiedliche Interpretationen entwickelt. Im vorliegenden Artikel zeigen wir empirisch auf der Grundlage von Daten zu freiwilligen Vereinsmitgliedschaften in Flandern, dass beide AnsĂ€tze stark differierende Ergebnisse liefern und somit augenscheinlich die Frage „bridging“ versus „bonding“ in verschiedenen Dimensionen betrachten. Diese Ergebnisse unterstreichen die Problematik der aktuellen konzeptionellen Zweideutigkeit der AnsĂ€tze. Wir folgern, dass sowohl die konzeptionellen als auch die methodischen Ungenauigkeiten beseitigt werden mĂŒssen, wenn die Unterscheidung von ‘bridging‘ und ‘bonding‘ bedeutsamen Einfluss auf das VerstĂ€ndnis von externen Effekten durch soziale Netzwerke nehmen soll.Voluntary associations,bridging and bonding,social networks,membership heterogeneity,social interconnections

    Distributed Simulation of Real Tunnel Junction Effects in Multi-Junction Solar Cells

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    In this paper, we present an improved 3D distributed model that considers real operation regimes in a tunnel junction. This advanced method is able to accurately simulate the high concentrations at which the current in the solar cell surpasses the peak current of the tunnel junction. Simulations of dual-junction solar cells were carried out with different light profiles and including chromatic aberration to show the capabilities of the model. Such simulations show that, under some circumstances, the solar cell short circuit current may be slightly higher than the tunnel junction peak current without showing the characteristic dip in the J-V curve. This behavior is caused by the lateral current spreading towards the dark regions, which occurs through the anode region of the tunnel junction

    Shifting inequalities? Patterns of exclusion and inclusion in emerging forms of political participation

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    Previous research has found a steady increase in the number of people involved in emerging forms of civic engagements such as Internet campaigns, protests, political consumerism, and alternative lifestyle communities. Verba et al. (1995) have established that various forms of political participation in the United States follow a pattern of structural inequality, based on income, education, gender and civic skills. The growing popularity of emerging action repertoires forces us to re-evaluate the claims of this literature. Do these patterns of inequality persist for the emerging action repertoires across advanced industrialized democracies, or are they becoming even stronger, as Theda Skocpol (2003, 2004) argues? The results of this cross-national analysis with longitudinal comparisons suggest that gender inequalities in emerging political action repertoires have substantially declined since the 1970s, whereas other forms of inequality have persisted. However, contrary to the more pessimistic claims about a "participation paradox", there is no evidence that inequality based on socio-economic status has substantially increased since the 1970s. --
