3,346 research outputs found

    Outlaw Community Innovations

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    Recent studies of outlaw communities provide qualitative evidence of their existence and the organisation of the underlying innovation processes. We provide descriptive results from a large scale survey of two online outlaw communities focussing on Microsoft's XBox. In line with previous findings, we identify two types of participants in outlaw communities - user innovators and adopters. Based on 2,256 responses, we find that users modify their XBox mainly to be able to increase the set of available functions of their XBox. Users are also motivated to modify their XBox for the sake of having fun and to conduct pirate behaviour. Finally, the results from our survey suggest that user innovators are largely intrinsically motivated by fun and the intellectual stimulation of writing code for homebrew software

    Why do people consume digital virtual fashion? An explorative study to understand motivations

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    In the past decade, digital virtual goods (DVG) have become a significant aspect of online consumption (social media, games and virtual communities) and a vast amount of literature has assessed the values consumers perceive from such goods. However, research has neglected to assess one particular type of DVGs: fashion. Due to recent advancements in technology, the consumption of digital virtual fashion (DVF) has gained importance and more brands are selling their clothes as digital collections. The objective of this thesis was to deliver a better understanding of the underlying reasons why consumers purchase DVF. An explorative study in the form of semi-structured interviews was conducted with 5 participants. The analysis identified four major motivational themes: self-expression, experimentation, social factors and dematerialisation of life. First, DVF serves as a vehicle for identity expression which varies in the degree of similarity to the physical identity. Second, individuals see value in experimentation, which is perceived as easier and less risky. Third, consumption intentions are influenced by social drivers. DVF can enhance social status either through traditional status symbols or novelty. Furthermore, DVF can increase status by showing off expertise in digital technology trends. Lastly, the dematerialisation of life is not a motivation itself but contributes to intensifying the previously named motivations. The findings demonstrate that specific consumer motivations are unique to DVF, which brings important implications for fashion brands and marketers that want to enter or are already present in the DVF market.Na última década, os bens virtuais digitais (DVG) tornaram-se um aspeto importante no consumo online (meios de comunicação social, jogos e comunidades virtuais). Contudo a academia tem negligenciado a avaliação de um segmento particular de DVG: a moda. Devido aos recentes avanços da tecnologia, o consumo de moda virtual digital (DVF) ganhou significado e mais marcas estão a vender as suas roupas como coleções digitais. O objetivo desta tese é proporcionar uma melhor compreensão das razões subjacentes à compra de DVF pelos consumidores. Foi realizado um estudo exploratório sob a forma de entrevistas semiestruturadas com 5 participantes. Foram identificados quatro grandes temas motivacionais: auto-expressão, experimentação, fatores sociais e desmaterialização da vida. Primeiro, o DVF serve como veículo de expressão da identidade, que varia no grau de semelhança com a identidade física. Em segundo lugar, os indivíduos vêem valor na experimentação, o que é percebido como mais fácil e menos arriscado. Em terceiro lugar, as intenções de consumo são influenciadas pelos condutores sociais. O DVF pode melhorar o estatuto social, quer através de símbolos tradicionais de estatuto, quer através da novidade. Além disso, o DVF pode aumentar o estatuto através da exibição de conhecimentos sobre as tendências da tecnologia digital. Por último, a desmaterialização da vida não é uma motivação em si, mas contribui para a intensificação das motivações anteriormente mencionadas. Os resultados demonstram que existem motivações específicas dos consumidores que são exclusivas do DVF

    Outlaw Community Innovations

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    Recent studies of outlaw communities provide qualitative evidence of their existence and the organisation of the underlying innovation processes. We provide descriptive results from a large scale survey of two online outlaw communities focussing on Microsoft's XBox. In line with previous findings, we identify two types of participants in outlaw communities - user innovators and adopters. Based on 2,256 responses, we find that users modify their XBox mainly to be able to increase the set of available functions of their XBox. Users are also motivated to modify their XBox for the sake of having fun and to conduct pirate behaviour. Finally, the results from our survey suggest that user innovators are largely intrinsically motivated by fun and the intellectual stimulation of writing code for homebrew software.Outlaw community innovation; video game consoles; homebrew software

    All in the Family: Exploring Design Personas of Systems for Remote Communication with Preschoolers

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    Although there have been recent advances in remote communication technologies that foster connectedness and intimacy over a distance, systems designed for communicating with preliterate preschoolers—a desired use case—are not yet prevalent, nor are there clear guidelines for their design. We conducted a mixed-methods study to characterize the current practices, goals, and needs of people who wish to use remote communication systems with young children. We present quantitative and qualitative findings on the motivations for communicating, the habits, activities, and patterns that have been established, and the barriers and concerns faced. We synthesized these findings into four design personas that describe the desired functionality and requirements of systems to support remote communication with preschoolers. For each persona, we systematically evaluated 60 research-based systems based on the extent to which each persona’s requirements were covered, demonstrating that none of the personas were greatly satisfied with the available tools

    Learning computing heritage through gaming – whilst teaching digital development through history

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    This paper analyses the potential of computer games and interactive projects within the learning programmes for cultural heritage institutions through our experiences working in partnership between higher education and a museum. Gamification is cited as a key disruptive technology for the business and enterprise community, and developments in games technology are also driving the expansion of digital media into all different screen spaces, and various platforms. Our research aims to take these as beneficial indicators for pedagogic development, using gaming to support knowledge transfer related to a museum setting, and using the museum as a key scenario for our students to support the practice of game development. Thus gamification is applied as both a topic and a methodology for educational purposes

    The conceptualisation, practice and value of Design Thinking in Entrepreneurship Education – an Educator’s Perspective

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    The thesis illustrates how entrepreneurship educators understand Design Thinking (conceptual understanding), how and on what level they apply it in their entrepreneurship teaching (educational practice) and why and for what perceived value they choose to do so (perceived value). By adopting a more critical and differentiated perspective on this integration than previously reported in the existing literature, this research study provides novel insights to the question of the conceptualization, practice and value of Design Thinking for Entrepreneurship Education – from an educator’s perspective. It follows an interpretive and qualitative approach, drawing upon semi-structured interviews from 29 entrepreneurship educators from Higher Education in the UK andNorthern Europe. Thus, the thesis demonstrates that entrepreneurship educators integrate Design Thinking in many ways and for different reasons.As a result, this thesis synthesises existing perspectives on Design Thinking (toolset, process, mindset) and defines a framework for the four forms (selective, idea-centric, procedural, holistic) of Design Thinking integration in the context of Entrepreneurship Education. The findings suggest that perceived values of Design Thinking could be explicit and implicit and that entrepreneurship educators integrate Design Thinking to provide value for their students’ learning but also to develop their own teaching practice. Overall, this study contributes to unfolding the Design Thinking concept and advocating a common ground among educators’ sense-making of a Design Thinking integration in Entrepreneurship Education. In conclusion, this study reaffirmed the wide application of Design Thinking within Entrepreneurship Education but presented the new centrality of the educator’s perspective at the core of the discussion on its utility and thus, moving towards convergence of a common understanding. The findings of this research would be of interest for entrepreneurshipeducators and entrepreneurship education researchers who seek a more profound and reflective integration of Design Thinking within Entrepreneurship Education

    Gaming-playing on social media: using the psychoanalytic concept of ‘playing’ to theorize user labour on Facebook

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    Political economists have argued that user activity on corporate social media is regarded as labour that appears playful and fun but is exploited and sold to advertisers for profit maximization. This article begins with the working assumption that such user labour on social media constitutes a form of playing. It is theorized through a psychoanalytic perspective on the term as developed by D. W. Winnicott and André Green. The notion of gaming–playing is put forward to account for set interface structures on Facebook that resemble a game as well as free-flowing dimensions more akin to playing. Some user discourses on Facebook are analysed through this prism. A psychoanalytic conceptualization of user labour as playing allows one to analyse both positive discourses that emphasize Facebook as a space for creativity, exploration and the unknown, as well as negative discourses that critique the platform with regard to lacking privacy controls or data ownership. Both discourses are conducted in a playful manner that creatively utilize a sense of user agency in relation to others and Facebook itself, but often remain without consequences

    Genre and motivation: Exploring Norwegian EFL teacher perspectives on the relationships between genre and motivation

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    Denne studien undersøker fohold mellom skrivesjangre og motivasjon i det norske engelskfaget for ungdomsskolen og videregående. De generelle målene for studien var i all hovedsak å utvikle forståelser for slike forhold, så vel som å identifisere nyttige didaktiske fremgangsmåter som fasiliterer for motivasjon i konteksten av relevante skrivesjangre. Slike forståelser og fremgangsmåter er først og fremst ment til å ha nytteverdi for lærere i engelskfaget, og, litt mer generelt, for lærere i alle språkdidaktiske fag. En annen grunn var at eventuelle funn skulle være av nytteverdi for videre forskning innenfor relevante retninger, da hovedsaklig engelskdidaktikk. For å undersøke temaet ble fire erfarne engelsklærere fra norsk ungdomsskole og videregående intervjuet, med jevn fordeling. Metoden som ble brukt for å analysere intervjuene var tematisk analyse. Hovedrammeverket som ble brukt var selvbestemmelsesteori (self-determination theory, Deci & Ryan, 2000). Denne studien kom frem til at selvbestemmelsesteori er et nyttig rammeverk for å konseptualisere forhold mellom motivasjon, skrivesituasjon, og skrivesjangre. Fantasifulle skrivehandlinger (imaginative writing acts) og tekstoppgaver som åpnet for kreativitet ble sett på som relatert til intrinsisk motivasjon, med forbehold om store individuelle forskjeller. Interesse ble ansett som viktig for det som angikk tema, men ikke for sjanger som sådan. Noen lærere hadde observert elever som viste tegn til såkalte kontrollerte eller upersonlige orienteringer i forhold til sjanger ved å holde seg til 'trygge valg' innenfor både sjanger og tema. Femavsnittsmetoden (five-paragraph essay) ble ansett som en nyttig didaktisk sjanger i at den kan hjelpe elever med å prosessere ellers vanskelige strukturelle tekstforhold. Videre ble det funnet at støtte for alle tre fundamentale psykologiske behov i selvbestemmelsesteori kunne spille en positiv rolle for elever - også i forhold til sjanger. Funnene hinter til viktigheten av motivasjon i engelskfaget, og viktigheten av å danne videre forståelser for sammenhenger mellom motivasjon og skrivesjangre.Engelsk mastergradsoppgaveENG350MAHF-LÆFRMAHF-EN