382,143 research outputs found

    Literature Review on IOT Based Smart Security and Monitoring Devices for Agriculture

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    A smart way of automating farming process can be called as Smart Agriculture. By implying an automated system it possible to eliminate threats to the crops by reducing the human intervention. The major emphasize will be on providing favorable atmosphere for plants. These agricultural automated systems will help in managing and maintain safe environment especially the agricultural areas. Environment real time monitoring is an important factor in smart farming. Graphical User Interface based software will be provided to control the hardware system and the system will be entirely isolated environment, equipped with sensors like temperature sensor, humidity sensor. The controllers will be managed by a master station which will communicate with the human interactive software. The system will provide smart interface to the farmers. This smart system can increase the level of production than the current scenario. This system will realize smart solution for agriculture and efficientlysolve the issues related to farmers. The environment will not be the barrier for production and growth of any plant and can overcome the problem of scarcity of farming production

    Improving Security Performance in Smart Campuses

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    The idea of a smart campus is to combine devices, apps, and people to achieve enhanced operational and educational efficiency. One of the major aspects of the establishment of smart campuses is the building of a smart security system. This research is an effort to review the security technologies and how to increase the security performance of a smart campus using these technologies. The main objective of this study is to discuss asset security and facility access technologies in a smart campus setting. Universities spend millions of dollars on specialized equipment, yet maintaining track of such assets may be challenging. We discussed how security personnel can monitor the whereabouts of high-value items by installing IoT on them and how Smart locks, intelligent ID, and Geofencing can enable the facilities managers to manage campus access, tracking, and define zones. Finally, we review the optimal mix of other technologies and strategies to produce successful deterrent, preventive, protection, and reaction measures. This study argued that using these technologies smart campuses can alter the education system by improving campus security and by offering students and educators an engaged, creative, and safe environment


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    Lately, the built environment has been witnessing a lot of hazards ranging from collapsed buildings and bridges, floods and typhoons, droughts and landslides, as well as fire, tsunamis, hurricanes and earthquakes. Others are hazards launched through technology such as bio-terrorism and cyber-terrorism. Thus, necessity is place on Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) industry to prevent the "sick building" syndrome and make the built environment safe, secure, and healthy for mankind. This paper attempts to examine the immediate and remote causes of fail and sick buildings with a view to proffering solutions through the use of technology. Furthermore, the paper presents the application of the available technologies such as e-construction, Geographical Information System (GIS), Computer Aided Design (CAD) and the Global Positioning System (CPS) to the built environment. An integrated design environment within the AEC industry is proposed to allow for modeling, designing, analyzing, and visualizing structures. Thus, the behaviour of structures can be modeled through "virtual reality", leading to the creation of "smart buildings", which are design concepts for this generation

    A Privacy Type System for Context-aware Mobile Ambients

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    Thanks to the advances in technologies, ubiquitous computing (ubicomp) is developing fast with the proliferation of smart devices such as smart phones and tablet computers. However, privacy is an important concern in ubicomp; unless users are confident enough that their privacy is protected, many will be deterred from using such systems. This paper proposes a privacy type system that controls the behaviour of concurrent, context-aware and mobile processes to ensure that private information are not accidentally disclosed. We prove the subject reduction property, which guarantees that a well-typed process is safe and cannot disclose private information to an unauthorised party

    Smart Cradle: A Technology-Enabled Solution for Safer and Better Infant Sleep

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    The Smart Cradle using Internet of Things (IoT) is a novel and innovative approach to modernize traditional cradle systems by incorporating smart and connected technologies. This IoT-based cradle system offers enhanced safety, comfort, and convenience for both babies and caregivers. The Smart Cradle is equipped with various sensors such as temperature, humidity, motion, and sound sensors that continuously monitor the baby's environment. These sensors collect data in real-time and send it to a cloud-based server for processing and analysis. The caregivers can access this data through a mobile application or a web interface, allowing them to remotely monitor the baby's condition and receive alerts in case of any abnormalities. Furthermore, the Smart Cradle incorporates features like automated rocking, adjustable incline, and soothing lullabies, which can be controlled remotely through the mobile application. The caregivers can customize the cradle's settings based on the baby's preferences and needs, providing a personalized sleeping experience for the baby. Additionally, the Smart Cradle offers seamless integration with other smart home devices, such as smart cameras, smart lights, and smart thermostats, enabling caregivers to create a safe and conducive environment for the baby. The system can also generate insights and recommendations based on the collected data, helping caregivers to make informed decisions about the baby's sleep patterns, health, and well- being


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    Basically a safe and comfortable environment is a condition that must be realized, for the sake of the continuation of harmonious and harmonious neighbourhood. Technological advances that are increasingly developing, can be used to make it easier to monitor and control security in an environment, with an application that can help in terms of security control. So that a smart environment can be realized that uses technology in managing various things. This study proposes the design of an Android-based smart residence security system. This smart residence security system uses the Agile Development Methods system development method with the extreme programming model. This research produces a prototype of an Android-based smart residence security system that has the ability to provide access to housing and community security, so that it is expected to assist in fast and precise security management.Pada dasarnya lingkungan yang aman dan nyaman merupakan sebuah keadaan yang harus di  wujudkan, demi keberlangsungan hidup bertetangga yang harmonis dan selaras. Kemajuan  teknologi  yang  semakin  hari,  semakin  berkembang,  dapat  dimanfatkan  untuk mempermudah dalam pengawasan dan pengendalian keamanan disebuah lingkungan, dengan sebuah  aplikasi  yang  dapat  membantu  dalam  hal  pengendalian  keamanan.  Sehingga  dapat terwujudnya sebuah lingkungan pintar yang menggunakan sebuah teknologi dalam pengelolaan berbagai hal. Studi ini mengajukan perancangan sistem keamanan smart residence berbasis android. Sistem keamanan smart residence ini menggunakan metode pengembangan sistem Agile Development Methods dengan model extreme  programming.  Penelitian  ini  menghasilkan  prototype  sistem keamanan  smart  residence  berbasis  android  yang  memiliki  kemampuan  memberikan  akses  kepada  pihak keamanan  perumahan  dan  masyarakat,  sehingga  diharapkan  dapat  membantu dalam pengelolaan keamanan yang cepat dan tepat

    “Branket” Design as a Safe Deposit Box Security System using Arduino-Based Tap Sensor

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    Safe is a safe place to store valuables or documents. Because they are usually made of strong and hard materials, a safe is a place to store valuables and important documents in the event of a natural disaster or fire. In addition, the safe is also equipped with a locking system so that it can also be used to secure valuables or documents from theft. Usually, safes are used by agencies or companies and the general public who have valuable items or documents. Safe security systems that have been used generally use either a manual lock, a rotary lock, or a digital lock. There are several security system developments in the safe, including using a microcontroller-based password and fingerprint code, a fingerprint sensor and an Arduino UNO-based RF remote control, using a microcontroller via SMS and FSK facilities, and other developments in the safe security system. “Branket” (Tap Safe) is a safe with a smart lock system using a knock pattern. The bracket is composed of several electronic components, mainly a microcontroller, a solenoid lock, and a piezoelectric knock sensor. The workflow for using the bracket begins by pressing the power button to turn on the bracket. Then the user sticks his hand into the small space to store or opens the safe by tapping the sensor according to the pattern. Increased security on the bank account includes a locking system with a secret knock pattern, easy to remember by the owner, faster opening of the safe, and the process of opening the safe is difficult for others to know. It is hoped that “branket” will become a new innovation in a unique locking system that still has a high level of security
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