123 research outputs found

    A36 The TP53 mutations in the Russian patients with de novo DLBCL

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    BackgroundTP53 dysfunction is implicated in lymphomagenesis and disease progression. Information about the frequency and spectrum of TP53 mutations in the Russian pathients with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) in the current version of the IARC TP53 Mutation Database R17 is not represented. The goal of this work was to study the frequency, spectrum and functional significance of TP53 mutations in Russian patients with DLBCL.Material and methodsAt the present time the pilot group of 14 patients were included in the study. Diagnosis was assessed according to the criteria of the WHO classification system. Genomic DNA was isolated from formalin-fixed, paraffin embedded tissue blocks. Direct sequence analysis of gene TP53 was performed according to the IARC protocol, 2010 update.ResultsIn two patients were identified single nucleotide substitutions that are not described in the current version of the PubMed database. All of mutations occurred in the DNA-binding domain of p53. The nonsense mutation Arg196Ter was detected in one patient. Previously it was shown that formation of this premature stop codon might activate the nonsense-mediated RNA decay pathway. The second patient had two missense mutations – Leu130Phe and Arg156Cys. The first of them leads to p53 inactivation according to the analysis of the functional importance of amino acid substitutions using service PolyPhen-2.ConclusionWe detected TP53 mutation in 14% cases. The mutational rate in our study is in good agreement with other studies where the frequency of the TP53 mutations in patients with DLBCL ranged mostly from 13% to 23%

    Impact of International Sporting Events on the Economy: Foreign Experience

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    The contribution of sporting mega-events to the growth of the host economy remains an open question in the academic and expert communities. Their preparation requires enormous investments in the construction and modernization of infrastructure, as well as trade development and tourism expansion. Theoretically, this may seem to be fertile ground for economic growth and high investment performance. However, in practice, major sporting events, as a rule, induce budget overruns and huge debt of the host country; investment strategies are rarely successful; and financial expectations from such events are overestimated. This article is devoted to the comparative analysis of foreign and Russian experience in the implementation of sports mega-events. This research helps to systematize the effects of such events for the socioeconomic development of the country

    Gradients of Taxonomic Diversity among Local Floras in the Russian Arctic

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    Latitudinal and longitudinal changes in taxonomic variables were analyzed in 319 local floras in the Russian Arctic. Within the studied segment of latitudinal gradient, most changes can be described in terms of linear regression with negative coefficients (a number of species, genera and families), or positive coefficients (a proportion of the leading families and genera). However, the mean number of species in a family or genus almost does not change with increasing latitude, although it slightly increases as one moves eastward. The proportion of monocots does not correlate with latitude, but slightly decreases as one moves eastward. Proportions of various families change asynchronously. Although correlation with longitude was less pronounced, mean species richness was specific to many subprovinces, even within a certain subzone. These differences reflect both the diversity of landscapes and the history of flora formation. Keywords: the Arctic, local floras, latitudinal and longitudinal gradient, floristic subprovince

    Physical development of preterm monochorionic diamniotic twins at birth: retrospective cohort study

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    Background. Much controversy surrounds the estimation of anthropometric parameters in multiple newborns. In newborn monochorionic diamniotic twins, these parameters can be affected by specific antenatal complications.Objectives. To estimate the physical development parameters of preterm monochorionic diamniotic twins according to standards proposed within the INTERGROWTH-21st project, taking specific intrauterine complications into account.Methods. The anthropometric data were analyzed in 148 pairs of newborn monochorionic diamniotic twins, who were divided into three groups according to the presence of specific intrauterine complications: Group I (n = 56 pairs) — twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS); Group II (n = 38 pairs) — selective intrauterine growth restriction (sIUGR); Group III (n = 58 pairs) — absence of the above-mentioned specific complications. The obtained data were statistically processed on a personal computer via variation statistics methods using Microsoft Excel spreadsheets (Microsoft, USA) and an online service available at https://medstatistic.ru.Results. Newborns with sIUGR (37–100.0%) and 26 (49.1%) donors fell into the category of newborns light for gestational age. Disharmonious (3–10th percentile) and markedly disharmonious (below the 3rd percentile) physical development at birth was most commonly observed in newborns with sIUGR and, to a lesser extent, in donors (OR — 9.2; 95% CI — 3.2–24.3; p < 0.05), which was noted only occasionally in monochorionic twins from other groups. A combined decrease in the values of birth centiles for head circumference, body weight, and body length was found in 13 (35.1%) newborns with sIUGR and in 12 (22.6%) donors, which may mark the severity of antenatal complications and the development of neurological deficit.Conclusion. Monochorionic diamniotic twins include newborns having greater and lower body weights. In the newborn having a lower birth weight, specific complications associated with monochorionic multiple pregnancy result in body weight and length deficit, disharmonious development due to the lack of nourishment (22.6% in the TTTS group and 73.0% in the sIUGR group), as well as delayed head circumference growth in 56.8% of newborns with sIUGR

    Research of household consumers electroreceivers modes

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    Ежемесячно потребители в квартирах платят за электроприборы в соответствии с потребляемой ими энергией. Данная статья представляет собой описание первых шагов, направленных на развитие и оптимизацию режимов распространенных бытовых устройств, и, как результат, и на финансовые расходы потребителей. Прежде всего, электрические приборы были разделены на 3 группы в соответствии с их режимами работы. Холодильник как представитель группы приборов резко переменной нагрузки, был выбран для основных измерений. Измерение Показателей качества электроэнергии (ПКЭ) и снятие графиков нагрузки осуществлялось с помощью прибора регистратора-анализатора ПКЭ Chauvin Arnoux СА 8335+. Анализ кривых нагрузки и графика расхода средств позволяет рассчитать финансовые затраты в процентах. Эти исследования могут стать основой для дальнейшего исследования в области уменьшения и оптимизации расходов.In modern world each of us has a range of electric appliances, which simplified our daily life, in our house or flat. But what is more all of us are obligated to pay for work of all devices, which means for power they consume. This paper represented first steps aimed to develop and optimize modes of common household devices and as a result our financial expenses. At first all electric appliances were shared to 3 groups according with their modes. Then refrigerator, as a representor of abruptly variable load group, was chosen for main measurements. Measurement of Unified Power Quality Index (UPQI) and reading load curves were accomplished by means of the UPQI logger ChauvinArnouxСА 8335+. Provided load curves and flow chart of funds allow to calculate financial expenses in percent. This research formulates base for following investigation in field of consume and expense optimization

    Comparative analysis of household consumers electroreceivers modes

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    Данная статья предлагает сравнительный анализ различных режимов работы бытовых электроприемников, на основе измерений, сделанных в реальной квартире. Измерение Показателей качества электроэнергии (ПКЭ) и снятие графиков нагрузки осуществлялось с помощью прибора регистратора-анализатора ПКЭ ChauvinArnoux СА 8335+. Ежедневные нагрузки и ежедневные затраты энергии рассчитаны и отображены графически с почасовой дискретностью. Выбраны наиболее эффективные способы регулирования потребления энергоресурсов и сокращения финансовых затрат на электроэнергию.The paper deals with the comparative analysis of various operating modes of household consumers electroreceivers on the basis of measurements in real apartment. Measurement of Unified Power Quality Index (UPQI) and reading load curves were accomplished by means of the UPQI logger Chauvin Arnoux СА 8335+. Daily load and daily cost of energy are calculated and shown graphically with hourly discretization. The most effective ways of regulation the energy consumption and reduction of financial expenses on the electric power are chosen


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    The article describes the results of investigation of the influence of tranexamic acid, on hemostasis system, at the revision hip replacement surgery. Correlation of changes in hemostasis system, and hemorrhage in intra-and postoperative periods, frequency of hemotransfusion, at the stages of the operation and in postoperative period, were evaluated. Use of tranexamic acid, at the revision hip replacement surgeries reduces perioperative hemorrhage

    Experience with different techniques of laser coagulation of placental anastomoses to relieve feto-fetal transfusion syndrome in monochorionic diamniotic twins

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    Purpose of the study — to investigate the effect of different types of laser coagulation of placental anastomosis (LCPA) on perinatal outcomes in intrauterine surgical correction of FFTS.Цель исследования — изучить влияние разных видов лазерной коагуляции плацентарных анастомозов (ЛКПА) на перинатальные исходы при внутриутробной хирургической коррекции синдрома фето-фетальной трансфузии (СФФТ

    Clinical significance of hydroxiproline in connective tissue dysplasia diagnostics

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    The article discusses the relationship between the increase in serum hydroxyproline level and the state of connective tissue. Since hydroxyproline is a specific product of collagen hydrolysis, fluctuations in its content may indicate metabolic disorders in the connective tissue. To assess the intensity of the collagen breakdown process biochemical methods determining protein-bound and free hydroxyproline in blood serum and daily urine are employed. An increase in the number of bound and, consequently, a decrease in the level of free amino acids may indirectly indicate the collagen synthesis acceleration. The content of free hydroxyproline allows us to evaluate the activity of collagen catabolismВ статье рассмотрена взаимосвязь повышения сывороточного уровня гидроксипролина и состояния соединительной ткани. Поскольку гидроксипролин является специфичным продуктом гидролиза коллагена, колебания его уровня могут свидетельствовать о нарушении метаболизма соединительной ткани. Для оценки интенсивности процесса распада коллагена используются биохимические методы, включающие определение белковосвязанного и свободного гидроксипролина в сыворотке крови и суточной моче. Увеличение количества связанных и, соответственно, снижение уровня свободных аминокислот может косвенно свидетельствовать об ускорении синтеза коллагена. Содержание свободного гидроксипролина позволяет оценить активность катаболизма коллагена. Таким образом, гидроксипролин является важным маркером, свидетельствующим не только об усилении процессов деградации соединительной ткани, но и отражающим степень тяжести дисплазии

    Edematous-ascites syndrome in the practice of the therapist

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    In the article, a study of modern scientific literature was carried out, on the basis of which the main approaches in the diagnosis of edematous-ascitic syndrome were identified and conclusions were drawn about the most effective methodsПроведен анализ современной научной литературы, на основе которого были выделены основные подходы к диагностике отечно-асцитического синдрома в практике врача терапевт