149 research outputs found

    Avoiding coincidental correctness in boundary value analysis

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    In partition analysis we divide the input domain to form subdomains on which the system's behaviour should be uniform. Boundary value analysis produces test inputs near each subdomain's boundaries to find failures caused by incorrect implementation of the boundaries. However, boundary value analysis can be adversely affected by coincidental correctness---the system produces the expected output, but for the wrong reason. This article shows how boundary value analysis can be adapted in order to reduce the likelihood of coincidental correctness. The main contribution is to cases of automated test data generation in which we cannot rely on the expertise of a tester

    Controllable testing from nondeterministic finite state machines with multiple ports

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    Copyright @ 2011 IEEESome systems have physically distributed interfaces, called ports, at which they interact with their environment. We place a tester at each port and if the testers cannot directly communicate and there is no global clock then we are using the distributed test architecture. It is known that this test architecture introduces controllability problems when testing from a deterministic finite state machine. This paper investigates the problem of testing from a nondeterministic finite state machine in the distributed test architecture and explores controllability. It shows how we can decide in polynomial time whether an input sequence is controllable. It also gives an algorithm for generating such an input sequence bar{x} and shows how we can produce testers that implement bar{x}

    Verifying and comparing finite state machines for systems that have distributed interfaces

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    This paper concerns state-based systems that interact with their environment at physically distributed interfaces, called ports. When such a system is used a projection of the global trace, a local trace, is observed at each port. As a result the environment has reduced observational power: the set of local traces observed need not define the global trace that occurred. We consider the previously defined implementation relation ⊆s and prove that it is undecidable whether N ⊆s M and so it is also undecidable whether testing can distinguishing two states or FSMs. We also prove that a form of model-checking is undecidable when we have distributed observations and give conditions under which N ⊆s M is decidable. We then consider implementation relation ⊆sk that concerns input sequences of length κ or less. If we place bounds on κ and the number of ports then we can decide N ⊆sk M in polynomial time but otherwise this problem is NP-hard

    Testing a distributed system: Generating minimal synchronised test sequences that detect output-shifting faults

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    A distributed system may have a number of separate interfaces called ports and in testing it may be necessary to have a separate tester at each port. This introduces a number of issues, including the necessity to use synchronised test sequences and the possibility that output-shifting faults go undetected. This paper considers the problem of generating a minimal synchronised test sequence that detects output-shifting faults when the system is specified using a finite state machine with multiple ports. The set of synchronised test sequences that detect output-shifting faults is represented by a directed graph G and test generation involves finding appropriate tours of G. This approach is illustrated using the test criterion that the test sequence contains a test segment for each transition