8,050 research outputs found

    Iterated doubles of the Joker and their realisability

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    Let A(1)\mathcal{A}(1)^* be the subHopf algebra of the mod~22 Steenrod algebra A\mathcal{A}^* generated by Sq1\mathrm{Sq}^1 and Sq2\mathrm{Sq}^2. The \emph{Joker} is the cyclic A(1)\mathcal{A}(1)^*-module A(1)/A(1){Sq3}\mathcal{A}(1)^*/\mathcal{A}(1)^*\{\mathrm{Sq}^3\} which plays a special r\^ole in the study of A(1)\mathcal{A}(1)^*-modules. We discuss realisations of the Joker both as an A\mathcal{A}^*-module and as the cohomology of a spectrum. We also consider analogous A(n)\mathcal{A}(n)^*-modules for n2n\geq2 and prove realisability results (both stable and unstable) for n=2,3n=2,3 and non-realisability results for n4n\geq4.Comment: Minor changes and corrections. A version will appear in Homology, Homotopy and Application

    On the cohomology of loop spaces for some Thom spaces

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    In this paper we identify conditions under which the cohomology H^*(\Omega M\xi;\k) for the loop space ΩMξ\Omega M\xi of the Thom space MξM\xi of a spherical fibration ξB\xi\downarrow B can be a polynomial ring. We use the Eilenberg-Moore spectral sequence which has a particularly simple form when the Euler class e(\xi)\in H^n(B;\k) vanishes, or equivalently when an orientation class for the Thom space has trivial square. As a consequence of our homological calculations we are able to show that the suspension spectrum ΣΩMξ\Sigma^\infty\Omega M\xi has a local splitting replacing the James splitting of ΣΩMξ\Sigma\Omega M\xi when MξM\xi is a suspension.Comment: Final version, minor change

    Power operations in KK-theory completed at a prime

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    We describe the action of power operations on the pp-completed cooperation algebras K^\vee_0 K = K_0(K)\sphat_p for KK-theory at a prime~pp, and K^\vee_0 KO = K_0(KO)\sphat_2.Comment: Version 6: final update, to appear in special issue of the Tbilisi Mathematical Journal on Homotopy Theory, Spectra, and Structured Ring Spectr

    BP: close encounters of the E∞ kind

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    Inspired by Stewart Priddy’s cellular model for the <i>p</i>-local Brown–Peterson spectrum <i>BP</i>, we give a construction of a <i>p</i>-local <i>E</i>∞ ring spectrum <i>R</i> which is a close approximation to <i>BP</i>. Indeed we can show that if <i>BP</i> admits an <i>E</i>∞ structure then these are weakly equivalent as <i>E</i>∞ ring spectra. Our inductive cellular construction makes use of power operations on homotopy groups to define homotopy classes which are then killed by attaching <i>E</i>∞ cells

    Characteristics for E∞ ring spectra

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    We introduce a notion of characteristic for connective p-local E∞ ring spectra and study some basic properties. Apart from examples already pointed out by Markus Szymik, we investigate some examples built from Hopf invariant 1 elements in the stable homotopy groups of spheres and make a series of conjectures about spectra for which they may be characteristics; these appear to involve hard questions in stable homotopy theory

    E∞ ring spectra and elements of Hopf invariant 1

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    The 2-primary Hopf invariant 1 elements in the stable homotopy groups of spheres form the most accessible family of elements. In this paper, we explore some properties of the E∞ ring spectra obtained from certain iterated mapping cones by applying the free algebra functor. In fact, these are equivalent to Thom spectra over infinite loop spaces related to the classifying spaces BSO, BSpin, BString. We show that the homology of these Thom spectra are all extended comodule algebras of the form A∗A(r)∗ P∗ over the dual Steenrod algebra A∗ with A∗A(r)∗F2 as an algebra retract. This suggests that these spectra might be wedges of module spectra over the ring spectra HZ, kO or tmf; however, apart from the first case, we have no concrete results on this

    Frobenius Green functors

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    These notes provide an informal introduction to a type of Mackey functor that arises naturally in algebraic topology in connection with Morava KK-theory of classifying spaces of finite groups. The main aim is to identify key algebraic aspects of the Green functor structure obtained by applying a Morava KK-theory to such classifying spaces.Comment: Corrections, minor improvements in Appendix, additional reference