Data-Driven Prior Distributions for A Bayesian Phase-2 COPD Dose-Finding Clinical Trial


<p>The prior distribution reflects knowledge and uncertainty of the modeled parameters. Determining the prior distribution for a dose-finding clinical trial can be influential in its design and analysis. Using the planning of a phase 2 trial for COPD with a dose-response curve as a case study, we illustrate the use of relevant historical data for the nonlinear curve mean-model parameters as well as consideration for terms to characterize between-trial and within-trial variability. Through a predictive inference exercise, a data-driven informative prior distribution is constructed for the future study. We share our strategies on how to obtain informative Bayesian priors for both design and analysis of dose-finding clinical trials using relevant historical data and deal with the associated issues.</p

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Last time updated on 04/05/2018

This paper was published in FigShare.

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