Improving estimation for beta regression models via EM-algorithm and related diagnostic tools


<p>In this paper we propose an alternative procedure for estimating the parameters of the beta regression model. This alternative estimation procedure is based on the EM-algorithm. For this, we took advantage of the stochastic representation of the beta random variable through ratio of independent gamma random variables. We present a complete approach based on the EM-algorithm. More specifically, this approach includes point and interval estimations and diagnostic tools for detecting outlying observations. As it will be illustrated in this paper, the EM-algorithm approach provides a better estimation of the precision parameter when compared to the direct maximum likelihood (ML) approach. We present the results of Monte Carlo simulations to compare EM-algorithm and direct ML. Finally, two empirical examples illustrate the full EM-algorithm approach for the beta regression model. This paper contains a Supplementary Material.</p

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Last time updated on 12/02/2018

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