BIOS: Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Rekayasa Komputer
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    49 research outputs found

    Penggunaan Metode Waterfall untuk Rancangan Bangun Aplikasi Penyewaan Lapangan Olahraga

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    Buaran sports field, is a multifunctional sports venue for volleyball, futsal, badminton and basketball fields, currently the field is always used every day there is never a vacancy. The sports field rental business is one of the business fields that is quite developed, knowing this the management must have new breakthroughs so that customers do not move to other places. Managers are faced with the challenge of how they can improve services and provide the information needed to customers. The purpose of this research is to find out how to improve services to users related to field rental information, namely by designing a web-based field rental information system with the Waterfall method where data collection will be carried out. observation and interviews as analytical tools. From the results of the study it was concluded that an integrated information system with customers can be accessed 24 hours and is also expected to assist officers in managing financial transactions and can reduce errors in the data collection process, and there will be no more misinformation and reporting will be easier because the data is already stored. in databas

    Perancangan Aplikasi Pengenalan Bahasa Jawa Untuk Anak Usia Dini

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    Indonesia is a country that has an area of ​​1.9 million km2 and has many differences, one of which is the difference in language in each region. It is this difference in language that makes a region unique, one of which is the Javanese language which comes from Central Java, East Java, Yogyakarta and its surroundings. The Javanese language itself is a unique language, which has ungguh as a differentiator from other regional languages, therefore efforts are needed to preserve the Javanese language with the main target being early childhood. In this research method using the MDLC (Multimedia Development Life Cycle) method developed by Luther. This method has several stages, including Concept, Design, Material Collecting, Assembly, Testing, and Distribution. Based on the application that the author succeeded in making, it can be concluded that this application is very effective in helping the process of teaching and learning activities in early childhood, and this application has several benefits, namely to preserve Javanese culture, especially in the use of Javanese, making young children use language that is more polite

    Implementasi Metode Naïve Bayes untuk Pemilihan Pengobatan Tumor Tulang

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    Decision support system is an interactive system that helps decision making through the use of data and decision models to solve problems that are semi-structured and unstructured. This study implements the Naive Bayes method because this method has advantages compared to other methods, and the Naive Bayes method is a decision-making to predict probability-based using the values entered, in the form of criteria needed. Bone Tumor is a primary malignancy in children and adolescents, which attacks in adolescents aged 10 to 20 years. Treatment of osteosarcoma can be done by radical amputation or limb salvage procedure, depending on the severity of the tumor. The purpose of this study was to obtain treatment information selected by bone tumor patients using medical record data with sample collection method. In the hope that this information can be a consideration for bone tumor patients who are still hesitant to complete treatment in order to be eager to complete treatment. The results obtained the number of cases of bone tumors is as many as 19 cases, and Limb Salvage is the most widely chosen treatment by bone tumor patients. This study also used rapidminer to see the results of validation. The classification results obtained are accuracy value 80%

    Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Kelayakan Nasabah Kredit Pada Koperasi Simpan Pinjam Menggunakan Metode Scoring System

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    The feasibility of applying for credit is one of the requirements that must be passed by a customer before being able to apply for credit. This is very important because to avoid bad credit. But efforts to minimize the risks that arise are still very small, lack of accuracy and inaccurate decision making, a customer often makes mistakes in analyzing. Processes that are too long also often make time ineffective and inefficient. The customer will be determined whether or not he is eligible to get credit at the Artha Putra Mandiri Jember Cooperative after fulfilling several conditions set by the cooperative with the BPKB (motorcycle / car) as collateral. The method to be used is the scoring system method. The results of this study are that the system can provide the right recommendations for a customer in making a decision whether a customer applying for credit has the eligibility to be approved or rejected for a credit application

    Automatic Water Level Control Tandon Air Berbasis Arduino Uno

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    Problems that arise when the level of water level in the water reservoir tandon is unknown because there can be a state of overflowing or empty Tandon due to a lack of control of the Tandon. In this study, an Arduino Uno-based water level control tool was made using ultrasonic sensors as a water level detector and equipped with a buzzer alarm that has a function to signal a sound when the water is full or empty, and the tools made in this study are equipped with LCD features to display indicators of the volume of water in the Tandon. After the design of the tool is completed, then the analysis test of the tool series is carried out which aims to see the success rate of the entire system after carrying out the tool design process. As well as testing tools are carried out to take data as a reference in the system analysis process. Of all the stages of designing and testing automatic water level prototypes

    Aplikasi Smart Health For Mini Hospital Al-Fath Berbasis Android

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    In today's digital era, hospitals need to continue to innovate so that health services are more accessible and accessible to patients wherever they are. Conditions like this also require hospital human resources to understand information technology, especially when they have to register online or when patients teleconsult via mobile. The phenomenon of digitalization in the medical world makes hospitals must be ready to turn into smart hospitals so that the flow of registration and consultation treatment for patients is more flexible. In the world of hospital business, in this digital era, hospitals or polyclinics are also required to immediately adjust to the development of the times so that they can continue to exist in providing health services to the community who continue to demand high satisfaction in the services provided by hospitals or polyclinics. One of the polycinics located in the border area of Surabaya Sidoarjo is the Al-Fath mini hospital polyclinic. As one of the business units that provide health services to the community, Al-Fath Polyclinic needs to implement a strategy of using Smart Health in the business imposed, because people nowadays use a lot of digital smartphone access for activities and seek information specifically on what is needed in the world of health. Therefore, the implementation of the Smart Health digital strategy is needed for the digital development of Mini Hospital Al-Fath

    Klasifikasi Kualitas Tembakau Layak Panen dengan Naïve Bayes Classifier

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    Tobacco quality has an important role in determining the quality of cigarette production. One of the stages in postharvest tobacco that needs attention is sorting, where this process is carried out by graders. Sometimes a grader is less accurate in determining the quality of tobacco, the human error factor is usually the main cause. In this research, a classification model using the Naïve Bayes method will be made to help determine the quality of tobacco. From the results of research that has been carried out the level of accuracy between the information requested by the user and the answer given by the system (Precision) is 86%, the success rate of the system in retrieving an information (recall) is 68% and the level of closeness between the predicted value and the actual value. reach (accuracy) 67%

    Perancangan Sistem Informasi Keuangan untuk Monitoring dan Evaluasi Koperasi

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    Cooperatives are business entities consisting of individuals or cooperative legal entities based on their activities based on cooperative principles as well as people's economic movements based on kinship. Based on data from the Department of Cooperatives and MSMEs, in 2020 there were around 32 cooperatives registered and scattered in several areas in Jember. The task of the Cooperative Service is to ensure the implementation of regional affairs tasks in the field of micro, small and medium enterprises cooperatives based on the principle of autonomy and assistance tasks. A Financial Information System is needed for the Jember Cooperative Office as an effort to improve better services by improving the monitoring and evaluation governance of each cooperative and business in Jember district.  in English with a distance between sentences of 1 space and the number of words between 150-250. The abstract should contain introductions, methods, results and discussions and conclusions (without citation). Avoid using citations in the abstract

    Perbandingan Kinerja Web Server Terhadap Performa Integrasi Multi Basis Data

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    The research is focused for the purpose of analyzing the performance of which web server is able to receive more requests with a short connection time to support the performance of the integration application and can simulate the user with the jmeter application to test the web server. The performance test process is carried out using the benchmark test method using the Jmeter application by adjusting the input scenario and then analyzing the results based on the TIPHON standard. The results obtained from several variations of test parameters are known that the server's ability to send responses with the largest bytes is the apache web server, while the lowest error rate is nginx, while in terms of server network infrastructure, the apache web server is better because it can send a faster response. good and stable compared to nginx.Based on the test results above, it can be concluded that the apache web server has more effective results in web service performance against multi-databas

    Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Pemilihan Vitamin-C di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Menggunakan Metode Weighted Product (WP)

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    Vitamin-C is a kind of water-soluble vitamins and can improve the body's resistance to disease. Vitamin-C can be found in various types of food such as vegetables and fruit. However, the body requires additional intake of vitamin-c aside from the food, that is a vitamin supplement as a complement to the nutritional needs of the body. In the pandemic Covid-19 is often associated with nutrition in the form of Vitamin-C to enhance the body's immune also to help protect body cells against free radicals, including some kind of virus. The number of forms and brands of Vitamin-C makes the community are often confused choosing a product Vitamin-C where to be consumed. To provide convenience to the public in choosing the product Vitamin-C, there is a solution to overcome these problems is the existence of a decision-making system for selecting products Vitamin-C using the Method of Weighted Products (WP). The method of Weighted Product method is a method of the determination in a decision by way of multiplication to be able to connect the value of the attribute. The results of the calculations in the study is ranking the highest value that can be recommended as the primary choice for people to choose products vitamin-c to be consumed in the pandemic covid-19. From the results of the calculation can be specified Brand of Vitamin-C You C 1000 to get the value of the highest 0,0253. Because You C 1000 vitamin supplements in liquid form that is easily taken, there are also Vitamin-C 1000 milligrams that can be consumed every day


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