BIOS: Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Rekayasa Komputer
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    54 research outputs found

    Automatic Water Level Control Tandon Air Berbasis Arduino Uno

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    Problems that arise when the level of water level in the water reservoir tandon is unknown because there can be a state of overflowing or empty Tandon due to a lack of control of the Tandon. In this study, an Arduino Uno-based water level control tool was made using ultrasonic sensors as a water level detector and equipped with a buzzer alarm that has a function to signal a sound when the water is full or empty, and the tools made in this study are equipped with LCD features to display indicators of the volume of water in the Tandon. After the design of the tool is completed, then the analysis test of the tool series is carried out which aims to see the success rate of the entire system after carrying out the tool design process. As well as testing tools are carried out to take data as a reference in the system analysis process. Of all the stages of designing and testing automatic water level prototypes

    Klasifikasi Kualitas Tembakau Layak Panen dengan Naïve Bayes Classifier

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    Tobacco quality has an important role in determining the quality of cigarette production. One of the stages in postharvest tobacco that needs attention is sorting, where this process is carried out by graders. Sometimes a grader is less accurate in determining the quality of tobacco, the human error factor is usually the main cause. In this research, a classification model using the Naïve Bayes method will be made to help determine the quality of tobacco. From the results of research that has been carried out the level of accuracy between the information requested by the user and the answer given by the system (Precision) is 86%, the success rate of the system in retrieving an information (recall) is 68% and the level of closeness between the predicted value and the actual value. reach (accuracy) 67%

    Perbandingan Kinerja Web Server Terhadap Performa Integrasi Multi Basis Data

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    The research is focused for the purpose of analyzing the performance of which web server is able to receive more requests with a short connection time to support the performance of the integration application and can simulate the user with the jmeter application to test the web server. The performance test process is carried out using the benchmark test method using the Jmeter application by adjusting the input scenario and then analyzing the results based on the TIPHON standard. The results obtained from several variations of test parameters are known that the server's ability to send responses with the largest bytes is the apache web server, while the lowest error rate is nginx, while in terms of server network infrastructure, the apache web server is better because it can send a faster response. good and stable compared to nginx.Based on the test results above, it can be concluded that the apache web server has more effective results in web service performance against multi-databas

    Perancangan Sistem Informasi Keuangan untuk Monitoring dan Evaluasi Koperasi

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    Cooperatives are business entities consisting of individuals or cooperative legal entities based on their activities based on cooperative principles as well as people's economic movements based on kinship. Based on data from the Department of Cooperatives and MSMEs, in 2020 there were around 32 cooperatives registered and scattered in several areas in Jember. The task of the Cooperative Service is to ensure the implementation of regional affairs tasks in the field of micro, small and medium enterprises cooperatives based on the principle of autonomy and assistance tasks. A Financial Information System is needed for the Jember Cooperative Office as an effort to improve better services by improving the monitoring and evaluation governance of each cooperative and business in Jember district.  in English with a distance between sentences of 1 space and the number of words between 150-250. The abstract should contain introductions, methods, results and discussions and conclusions (without citation). Avoid using citations in the abstract

    Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Pemilihan Vitamin-C di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Menggunakan Metode Weighted Product (WP)

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    Vitamin-C is a kind of water-soluble vitamins and can improve the body's resistance to disease. Vitamin-C can be found in various types of food such as vegetables and fruit. However, the body requires additional intake of vitamin-c aside from the food, that is a vitamin supplement as a complement to the nutritional needs of the body. In the pandemic Covid-19 is often associated with nutrition in the form of Vitamin-C to enhance the body's immune also to help protect body cells against free radicals, including some kind of virus. The number of forms and brands of Vitamin-C makes the community are often confused choosing a product Vitamin-C where to be consumed. To provide convenience to the public in choosing the product Vitamin-C, there is a solution to overcome these problems is the existence of a decision-making system for selecting products Vitamin-C using the Method of Weighted Products (WP). The method of Weighted Product method is a method of the determination in a decision by way of multiplication to be able to connect the value of the attribute. The results of the calculations in the study is ranking the highest value that can be recommended as the primary choice for people to choose products vitamin-c to be consumed in the pandemic covid-19. From the results of the calculation can be specified Brand of Vitamin-C You C 1000 to get the value of the highest 0,0253. Because You C 1000 vitamin supplements in liquid form that is easily taken, there are also Vitamin-C 1000 milligrams that can be consumed every day

    Analisis Faktor Content Iklan Online untuk Meningkatkan Profitabilitas Perusahaan Menggunakan Partial Least Square (Studi Kasus Pada OLX.CO.ID)

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    The development of the Internet in this day and age is happening rapidly, including the lifestyle of consumers in meeting their daily needs. So that the internet as an advertising medium is based on the aspects of convenience and more benefits offered by the internet, namely the ease of information dissemination, wide reach, and easy access from consumers to advertisements on the internet. The purpose of this study is to examine and analyze the effect of judgment of online advertisement on attitude towards online advertisement, feelings of online advertisement on attitude towards online advertisement, attitude towards online advertisement towards attitude towards brand, and attitude towards brand towards purchase intention. The research method uses a quantitative approach, with the type of causal research. The data used in this study is primary data. The analysis technique used is Partial Least Square (PLS)

    Penerapan Algoritma K-Means dalam Mengelompokkan Balita yang Mengalami Gizi Buruk Menurut Provinsi

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    The purpose of this study was to screen toddlers who were experiencing severe malnutrition according to province. Sources of research data used were obtained from the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia. The variables used are toddlers who experience malnutrition according to the Province. In this study using Data Mining Techniques using the K-means algorithm. It is expected that the results of this study can provide input to the central government to pay more attention to nutritional intake in infants, so as to increase the growth and development of toddlers in Indonesia. . And the data obtained by high clusters are 15 Provinsi yaitu (Aceh, Sumatera Utara, Nusa Tenggara Barat, Nusa Tenggara Timur, Kalimantan Barat, kalimantan Tengah, Kalimantan Selatan, Sulawesi Tengah, Sulawesi Selatan, Sulawesi Tenggara, Sulawesi Tenggara, Gorontalo, Sulawesi Barat, Papua Barat, Papua), dan cluster rendah ada 19 yaitu (Sumatera Barat, Riau, Jambi, Sumatera Selatan, Bengkulu, Lampung, Kep. Bangka Belitung, Kep. Riau, Dki Jakarta, Jawa Barat, Jawa Tengah, DI Yogyakarta, Jawa Timur, Banten, Bali, Kalimantan Timur, Kalimantan Utara, Sulawesi utara, Maluku Utara)

    Analisis Penilaian Kualitas Jenis Pelayanan Tebaik dengan Metode Analytic Network Process (ANP) di Kantor Dinas Kependudukan dan Pencatatan Sipil Kota Pematangsiantar

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    This study aims to determine the best service quality at the Pematangsiantar City Population and Civil Registration Office, which includes services for making Identity Cards (KTP), Family Cards (KK), birth certificates, marriage certificates and receipt making. The method used in this research is the Analytic Network Process (ANP) method. The data collection technique used is a questionnaire technique that is distributed directly to the people who come to take care of the needs of personal and family data files. The parameters used consist of the facilities provided, employee behavior, services, and provisions. Determining community satisfaction with a service can be seen from the quality of the type of service. The results of this study were obtained in rank-1 with a normal value of 0.49126400, rank-2 family cards with a value of 0.18988000, rank-3 birth certificates with a value of 0.16073800, marriage certificates rank-4 with a value of 0.09707200 and Finally, rank-5 receipt services with a value of 0.06104600 With this research it is hoped that it can help the Pematangsiantar City Population and Civil Registration Service to evaluate the services provided to the community in order to meet community expectations in terms of managing the needs of personal and family data files and knowing the types of best services

    Penerapan Algoritma Backpropagation dalam Memprediksi Hasil Panen Tanaman Sayuran

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    This study aims to see the development of the number of vegetable crop yields in the following year. With this prediction, it is hoped that it can help the government and the community to be more careful in increasing the supply of crop stocks in order to meet the food needs of the people of Simalungun Regency. The data source is obtained from the Central Bureau of Statistics. In this study, researchers used the Backpropagation Algorithm. The Backpropagation Algorithm is an algorithm that functions to reduce the error rate by adjusting the weight based on the desired output and target. The results of this study show that the best architectural model is the 2-1-1 model with an accuracy rate of 75.0% and an epoch of 1392 iterations in 00:07 seconds. This research is expected to be a reference material in other studies that have the same research object and as a consideration for the government in making an even more accurate evaluation syste

    Memanfaatkan Algoritma K-Means Dalam Memetakan Potensi Hasil Produksi Kelapa Sawit PTPN IV Marihat

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    Based on data on the results of oil palm production in PTPN IV Marihat displays several locations with fruit yields that vary in number. For this reason, grouping of potential fruit-producing locations is needed to know which locations produce large or small numbers of palm fruit. The production sharing is usually done based on the location or block of harvesting oil palm fruit. Therefore, a method is needed to facilitate the grouping of fruit producing locations. With the K-Means clustering approach, the division of location groups can be done based on harvested area (Ha), production realization (kg) and harvest year. In this research, clustering of potential fruit-producing areas was carried out using the K-Means algorithm. By using K-Means aims to facilitate the grouping of a block with a lot of fruit production, and low. The result of this research is that C1 (highest) is 14 Harvest Block data, and C2 (lowest) is 11 Harvest Block data


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